Taking it Outside

I really like those soaker hoses too...I think I'm going to switch out some of the old drip lines in the flower beds in favor of them as well. I already laid them in the beds with the tomatoes and peppers, and I'm probably going to use them on the guerilla grow.


Found them at Wal mart... 2 pack of 50 footers for 20 bucks!
The knock on soaker hoses is that as you go downline, you lose pressure and so you don't get the even watering you get from drip systems.
All this growing seems to work out a whole lot better outside rather than inside, makes me think that age old debate of growing whether it's marijuana or otherwise is just silly, seems no contest with the way some of the things I see growing on this thread turned out. Figure it's a whole lot more maintenance, though!
The knock on soaker hoses is that as you go downline, you lose pressure and so you don't get the even watering you get from drip systems.

Too true. I have found that if you keep the hose connection raised a few feet, gravity helps to keep more uniform pressure down the line. The size of the boxes help too.

All this growing seems to work out a whole lot better outside rather than inside, makes me think that age old debate of growing whether it's marijuana or otherwise is just silly, seems no contest with the way some of the things I see growing on this thread turned out. Figure it's a whole lot more maintenance, though!

Mother Nature, is a much more experienced grower than I am. I have been trying to figure out a way to work with her, instead of in spite of her. Easier said than done though. I think the appeal of indoor is having complete control of all aspects of the grow from start to finish, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your level of skill. Regardless of how good you are though, Mother Nature is better.