Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
nice mate, scrogging is next on my hit list!! in a UC DWC with modular scrogs i think, its daunting thought tho all that trainin but the rewards seem plentyfull


Well-Known Member
The more i grow the more i appreciate a perfect green healthy plant. Excellent job Jin. Your a natural at scrogging!
Thanks, Dirk. I'm trying my best not to fuck this one up.

nice mate, scrogging is next on my hit list!! in a UC DWC with modular scrogs i think, its daunting thought tho all that trainin but the rewards seem plentyfull
Yeah, there were a couple of times I got a little scared... Like, "Fuck, do I know what I'm doing?" But when the plants just recover and spread out across the screen, it's a good feeling.


Well-Known Member
Alright Jin..
I'm going to add some more Veg fert to my week 1 girl.
Her leaves are just too lime green too soon.

I wish she would have been dark dark green.
Can't wait to move now.


Well-Known Member
Alright Jin..
I'm going to add some more Veg fert to my week 1 girl.
Her leaves are just too lime green too soon.

I wish she would have been dark dark green.
Can't wait to move now.
You should be fine. Remember there's TOO green, and my leaf looks dangerously close to it.


Well-Known Member
Come in 323Cheezy.
Dude, I lost my phone, so HOW you gonna come over to smoke some of the Louis XIV I picked up from my local club? If you guys can stop by tomorrow after five, you can see the girls and smoke some of this... which I highly recommend. Maybe just try to be at my place a certain time and I'll wait for you outside? It feels kinda good and primitive to try this without a phone. Maybe I should climb a hill and send smoke signals.

Dude, hey Cheeze. You gotta smoke this before I smoke it all, bro. I just took a second hit and I'm so bombed it's fucking crazy. I'll try to save some for you. But hurry! Lol.


Well-Known Member
Here they come...

If you're not high already, don't bother reading my journal.


Well-Known Member

Looks like the stretch has set in eh?
Look at all the junior colos' you got there!
Lush!! =P​
Thanks. Great compliment coming from you, bro-ham.

They're stretching so slowly, it's really beautiful. These darlings have really taken to the screen. It's eerie, it's like they know exactly what to do, and I'm just watching.

Per square inch, this is the most efficient use I've made of my space in all my grows. That's all due to the screen. Why didn't you tell me sooner? :D


Well-Known Member
I find I learn more & retain more when I seek things out rather than have them land in my lap.

God!... that club med looks danky panky! Yumm yumm.

It really is fantastic. I've been smoking my stale, fermented Diablo crumbs too long. It was a nice change of pace, I'll tell you that.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm far more interested in your kittens than this funky grow rig. Much rather have a video of them getting used to their new home.
You asked for it!

Zoos Poos:
zoos poos.png

Cat Apalu Malu:
cat apalu malu.jpg


P.S. - The smoke is very hashy. Clean "up" style high that lasts about one hour froom one hit. Very musical and creative (wait till you see my erector set grow cab!). My train of thought gets messed up though. Too many tangents!


Well-Known Member
You asked for it!

Zoos Poos:
View attachment 1871616

Cat Apalu Malu:
View attachment 1871621


P.S. - The smoke is very hashy. Clean "up" style high that lasts about one hour froom one hit. Very musical and creative (wait till you see my erector set grow cab!). My train of thought gets messed up though. Too many tangents!
Man, these are great. This is just a straight up, blatant cute kitty bump for my thread. Thanks.

Damn look at that little guy...

Just so adorable. I can imagine how they must rough house each other.

This guy has big bat ears like Anton.

Re: your smoke report. Musical and creative are two of the most interesting adjectives I've seen in a smoke report. Very nice.

I think I would describe OG as more physical than cerebral. I'm really into those shooting energy rushes and not being able to stop smiling.


Well-Known Member
Alright!... I have to get in on this too!
This is a pic of the best cat Eva'. Can you guess what year this photo was taken?

That's tuff. I'll just dive right in and say 1974.

That's just a great pic too. Ah, fond memories of innocence lost. Okay, so which one is you? I'm hoping it's the kid in the shorts holding the cat.


Well-Known Member
Here is the entire canopy in three segments:

I'm not trying to go all out on a limb for AN here, but could Kushie Kush have anything to do with the fact that they're not stretching like crazy? Hmmmm....


They're really starting to power up, but the forest is staying super short. My ambient room temperature is 68f right now. The ac is humming and the compression cycles are spaced nicely apart because of the cool room temp. I think I timed this grow pretty well. It never gets really cold in LA, so the coolest "winter" months are ideal for flowering. I'm starting to think more and more that temperatures play a big part in vertical stretch. The cooler air flow seems to be keeping them short. Of course since I'm an entirely artificial indoor grower, I could be doing this during the hotter months, but it would mean the ac would have to work harder and the power bill would be higher. I think it's all about influencing the indica characteristics to come out through temperature control. In addition to slow stretch, look how indica the leaves look. **Note, I have grown OG Kush varieties exclusively for a while now. So all the OG heads know what I mean by "influencing the indica." I'm actually just starting to gain a firm understanding of it now. And again, the Kushie Kush bloom additive might be helping, too.

A couple of macros.

Yo, Hobgoblit. My ph has been going like this: Rises first few days, drops in the next few days and then levels off and stabilizes, and then starts rising again. Never fails. Like clockwork. That's indicative of a wide range of feeding according to that explanation in your thread.


Well-Known Member
Hey jin looking good...
You seeemed to maintain the strech rather well...
Good job buddy ...

I think do to your scrog tech. and your extensive veg ... you seemed to have made so many nodes that the plant seems to have way more than adequate sites to feed ... hence the slower growth...

I dont let my ogs grow normally anymore ... i topp them a few times ... which , just like your scrog , pushes more energy to the newer growth , side bottom limbs, and eventually once this happens strech really diminishes ....

At this time i have alllot of bud ...slightly cured .... so ill be smokin you out most likely ... but u know i love the louie..
That lou looks more indica dom ...not the 13th the 18 you say ....???? interesting...

In the spirit of competitive nature im gona flip some vegger in a couple days .... So that gives you a ten day head start...
Soil 400hps vs a hydro 1000hps.... you game?


Well-Known Member
http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk89/lordjin_photos/tahoe flower/DSCN0001-10.jpg
These plants don't like anything more than 500ppm in my system. Taking them higher just makes 'em burn. I'm keeping the canopy super cool this time at 72f. I do believe this cooler grow environment (in addition to the good amount of N still in the mild nute solution) is helping to control stretch. For the first five days of hps 12/12, these girls have been very well behaved.

http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk89/lordjin_photos/tahoe flower/DSCN0003-2.jpg

Dig the crazy purple pin striping on the main trunks.
I love the racing stripes on these stems! It's cool the way they've evolved. They looked good when they were solid purple, now they look good with purple stripes.

When it starts to get dark under the screen, I'd trim off all those fan leaves under there. That's what scottyballs does with his little scrogs and it makes sense to me. Might be too early for your plants, but something to keep in mind. (I know that you've already been thinking about it.)