Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
Almost gives it a 3-D look...

Thanks for looking, Kevin.

Take a look at the lines running through the patterns on your leaf blades. Are they deep and well defined, forming a clear pattern? Here's a shot of my Diablo leaves before I battered them. Note the fine, well defined ribs on the leaves. I've seen lesser strains that have "ugly" simpler rib patterns that aren't as well-defined or elegant. Just a sign of breeding.

Another good example is this seedling shot. Note the well defined lines on even these young leaves. This was a Goliath OG hybrid a friend of mine crossed.

The Mantis

Well-Known Member
Checking in again Jin w/ a couple few more pics of my tahoe og - 2.5 wks under 1000w - I moved them away from light and turned down fans today to curtail curling....Looking good on your flower. I'm prop a week or 2 away.

og 2.5 wks veg.jpgog1 2.5 wks veg.jpgog2 2.5 wks veg.jpgstem on #1 is right at 1/2" now and by far the thickest in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Checking in again Jin w/ a couple few more pics of my tahoe og - 2.5 wks under 1000w - I moved them away from light and turned down fans today to curtail curling....Looking good on your flower. I'm prop a week or 2 away.

View attachment 1867294View attachment 1867295View attachment 1867297stem on #1 is right at 1/2" now and by far the thickest in the garden.
Yeah, that stem looks crazy strong.

Man, heat stress at the very top of the canopy is a bitch... believe me, I can relate.

It's looking great.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what happens when you go looking for pic's? You find pics!!!!!

Yum yum hasj balletjes!

Anyone for a puff?


Chweesey Carpet Anyone?

Soz, I got carried away, lol.

Peace from DST's archives.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what happens when you go looking for pic's? You find pics!!!!!

Yum yum hasj balletjes!

Anyone for a puff?


Chweesey Carpet Anyone?

Soz, I got carried away, lol.

Peace from DST's archives.
Nice. Let the good times roll, eh?

An ocean apart, yet so much in common.


Well-Known Member
Thanks lad. The good times rolled, Jin, and fingers crossed, are still rolling.

I praise the fact that I get to do this, it amazes me everyday, sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad.

I was out at a smoking establishment the other day. It's great to see someone who has been in the business for a long while look at one of your buds, smell it and give it a big thumbs up with the words, "you can tell this bud was grown with love". What more can you ask for?


Well-Known Member
Thanks lad. The good times rolled, Jin, and fingers crossed, are still rolling.

I praise the fact that I get to do this, it amazes me everyday, sometimes in good ways, sometimes in bad.

I was out at a smoking establishment the other day. It's great to see someone who has been in the business for a long while look at one of your buds, smell it and give it a big thumbs up with the words, "you can tell this bud was grown with love". What more can you ask for?
Ah, see? That's where you guys still have California beat. No smoke bars here. But man, that would be cool.

I really gotta visit your neck of the woods one of these days.


Well-Known Member
HI LJ - The kittens are settling in and getting comfortable in their new home. I am researching LEDs for an indoor setup and I cam accross this setup:


There are some trippy rigs out there!


Well-Known Member
HI LJ - The kittens are settling in and getting comfortable in their new home. I am researching LEDs for an indoor setup and I cam accross this setup:

There are some trippy rigs out there!
I think I'm far more interested in your kittens than this funky grow rig. Much rather have a video of them getting used to their new home.

However, I think the rig and light are outta sight. It just pains me to see all that great hydro gear and potted stuff growing eveything BUT ganja. Lol.


Well-Known Member

These plants don't like anything more than 500ppm in my system. Taking them higher just makes 'em burn. I'm keeping the canopy super cool this time at 72f. I do believe this cooler grow environment (in addition to the good amount of N still in the mild nute solution) is helping to control stretch. For the first five days of hps 12/12, these girls have been very well behaved.

Dig the crazy purple pin striping on the main trunks.


Well-Known Member

Best money I ever spent. My plants drink it, I drink it, my cat drinks it. And dig this, I feed my cat RO and my roommate gives her cat crummy tap, and my cat's pee clumps cleaner in the litter. My cat also seems much happier.
I'm going to sound like an idiot, but what is that? lol The green screen is looking great as well. I wish I had an indoor setup so bad lol, I'll just have to wait til next spring. I can't wait for the upcoming weeks to watch these explode!


Well-Known Member
I'm going to sound like an idiot, but what is that? lol The green screen is looking great as well. I wish I had an indoor setup so bad lol, I'll just have to wait til next spring. I can't wait for the upcoming weeks to watch these explode!
Thanks, B. Not an idiot. Even among indoor hydro growers, not everyone chooses to use this. The debate continues whether it's a necessary component to your grow.

RO = Reverse osmosis. It's a pressure driven osmotic process that forces your tap water through a dense, rubber-like membrane and two filter elements: carbon filter and sediment filter. The cylinder on the right is the sediment filter that catches all the particle crud. It then runs through the carbon filter on the left that absorbs much of the really fine shit that made it through the sediment filter. Most of the water is rejected as waste through the black line, and the final finished water trickles out of the blue line.

If you've ever seen those public drinking water vending machines, it's basically this little thing (on a larger scale of course) housed in that giant empty vending machine. I saw a guy servicing it once, and it looked pretty much like a bigger version of this inside that box.

There's an idea raging about RIU that RO is useless. I don't agree. Is it useless to spit polish a beautiful automobile? No. That's what RO is. It's the spit polish to your grow. It makes your faucet water pure so that you can add anything you like and you're certain whatever is in the water, you put it there.

Example: Part of the argument on the pro-tap water side is that there are elements useful to the plants in your raw tap water that the RO removes in addition to removing the harmful ones. This is true -- most notably trace metals/minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, etc. But the problem is we don't really know in what quantities these trace elements are present in relation to whatever else might be in the tap water. RO takes the guess work out. Because even if you do get an analysis from your local city water board, it's still a guessing game in my opinion, and probably not water you want to be giving to your infant. Those water reports weren't intended as a reliable guide for hydroponics growing even if we could trust that they're completely accurate and up to date all the time. I say just wipe it all out and put back just those exact minerals and metals intended for plant absorption (calmag).

Remind me to change out the sediment and carbon elements. That thing looks vile and that photo was from my last grow yuck. It still produces under 10ppm water, tho.

And I must admit that I use it for the sheer coolness of it. Look at that thing. To know my water is being filtered through that mamma jamma, it just satisfies the tinkerer in me that loves cool gadgets. My entire grow system looks like a cool play thing. This just adds to it imo.

Edit 2:
But if you have good tap, by all means cut cost wherever you can. That's a big but, though. Don't just blindly trust that the water right out of your faucet is ideal or even fine. Anyone reading this can go ahead and ignore my bullshit and just use faucet water, but don't wonder why your plants aren't as sexy as mine.


Well-Known Member
Looking great LJ! Healthy looking beauties you have there. I know you have this in the bag but just wanted to say a couple things.
You can tie down the branches
or continue to weave them under the screen during the stretch which is what I do.
Then once they are done stretching then let em grow.
You may want to tuck or cut away the fan leaves to allow more light penetration to get to the lower growth.

People have varied opinions on cutting the fans but I cut the ones that need to be cut.


Well-Known Member
Looking great LJ! Healthy looking beauties you have there. I know you have this in the bag but just wanted to say a couple things.
You can tie down the branches
or continue to weave them under the screen during the stretch which is what I do.
Then once they are done stretching then let em grow.
You may want to tuck or cut away the fan leaves to allow more light penetration to get to the lower growth.

People have varied opinions on cutting the fans but I cut the ones that need to be cut.
Hey, what up, Blu?

Nice to see you again.

I hear you, bro. I've just been stoned and lazy. I'll tuck again tonight.

I've actually been looking for big leaves that are blocking small tops underneath, but haven't found much. I'm of the "don't prune beautiful green perfect leaves unless you absolutely have to" school.


Well-Known Member
It's cool I was just saying. To each their own. I've been out for a minute but I'm back for a winter harvest.
Keep up the good work brother!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
girls are starting to go for it jin! man how much does a big RO thing like that run? i was looking at a baby one and it was like £160 :( i'm blessed with what i get out the tap it's not too soft or hard. but it's deffo on the list of things to 'up my game'


Well-Known Member
It's cool I was just saying. To each their own. I've been out for a minute but I'm back for a winter harvest.
Keep up the good work brother!
Believe me, brother, I'm not shy with the scissors when it comes down to it. But based on my prior observations, I don't think it's essential just yet. I bet if you could see the girls in person you would agree not to cut. The photos are a bit deceiving I think.

But based on your mention, I'll do a tuck survey tonight.