Symptoms of Root Bound


Well-Known Member
is yellowing and dying leaves symptoms of root bound??? or is it just a side effect of flowering? my plants are in very samll pots for thier size. 3 feet tall with pots a little under 2 gallons. MOST of the leaves are turining yellow and some then fall off. but everything near the buds looks healthy.


Well-Known Member
hmmm I'll have to keep up on this 1 I have had the same problem and currently have it agian. I am begining to think you are right.
The first pic was a week ago now I have lost the bottom 2-3 sets of fans. Same pots 2 gallon bout 3 feet tall. I used to grow small in 1 gallon pot with only 150 watt hps. now i added a 250 watt hps and have the 150 4 side light. i thought going to a 2 gallon would help but the extra light = extra growth, but also extra bud.

2nd pic is another that has lost those bottom fans in the last week.



Well-Known Member
the biggest problem with small pots is toxicity and dring out too fast. the yellowing happens when nitro levels drop. if your dropping all of your sun leaves you have a problem


Well-Known Member
ya I hear ya, theres always a few variables. a few crops ago I was using shultz bloom powder it was something like 10-54-10. very fine line between p toxicity and n defiecency, I guess using small pots was only compounding the problem. along with cutting out the ferts in the last week-week 1/2. Now I'm using floro nova from general hydro.
I expected these plants to be done a week or 2 ago so I could have used ferts a little longer.but they keep bulking up even with the yellowing. they are about 40-50% ready as far as the pistols tell me. Always learning I love it


Well-Known Member
ohh yeah! with the 2 gallon pots i'm watering about every 3-4 days using sunshine mix #4. and my sun leaves arent dropping per say, I don't remove leaves unless they fall off from a light tug, i figure if there still holding on they are probably still feeding the plant or moving the nutes to another area of the plant.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if this wud be caused by the same problem but my buds havn't rly been growing very fast either - is there any way 2 fix this?


Well-Known Member
i posted the same question last week about root bound symptoms,not a big responce,i hope you get some replies.would like to see the results.good luck.


Well-Known Member
see if the root are poking out of the bottom of your pot they might be root bound if they have no where to go but out. from my understanding root bound means they have taken up every bit of possible space in the pot


Active Member
I'm having pretty much the same problem; actually there are a couple of things you can try if you think there root bound. You could try leaf feeding and use only water for direct feed and make sure your waters not clorinated by leaving it out for 24 hrs before watering and see what happens. Myself I think youv'e got a watering problem (to much maybe to often) are you letting her dry out between waterings?


I am currently having a few issue's also. My plat i s VERY healthy but seems to be growing slow. lights are not the issue and the dirt around the sides of the pot has space between it and the bucket, no roots out the bottom. I have been super sropping it though.. Anybody...


Well-Known Member
I am having the same problem, all my leaves are mostly yellow and some green. My buds are just setting there doing nothing with the tips of leaves burnt to a point. leaves on the bottom are falling off as well. I have roots coming out the top of the pot.
dude this thread sucks hahaha... everyone has this problem and nobody can chime in with a solution? well.... this morning I looked at my whores, and one of my three biggens are droopy... but FIRST thing i thought about was shit... the roots ran out of room... so... i decided to transplant it immediately... well when i flipped it over to get the plant out i noticed the bottom of the pot had a bunch of roots bound at the i placed it in a bigger pot as well... ill actually need to put them in a bigger pot than this too, but try transplanting it... and take a clone or two in case something happens ;)

thats what i'd do/did