Swollen calyxes or seeds?


New Member
Hi everybody,

I'm on week 5 now.

4 days ago I realized that i had left on a small 20w cfl supplemental bulb that was not connected to the timer and caused the light cycle to continue for 3 days(!).

Was afraid that due to light stress, it'll go hermie on me.

3 days later I spotted miniature bananas (wasn't sure so i carefully took it off and saw what I think was the pollens).
After taking out 3 similar growths (they were very tiny so I can't be sure they were actually bananas) plant looks fine.
Regardless to say i'm checking it daily.

No seen pollen sac other than that.

However, in the last few days the buds, or in specific the calyxes swell real big.
Thought they were seeds due to white stripes, but opened one up and there was nothing inside but clear liquid.

Your thoughts? Seeds or just swollen calyxes?
Has she hermied on me :-( ??




Well-Known Member
no seed, no problem - probably
keep watching, waiting - if there are seeds they should make their presence known
the calyx you refer to, was that at a junction of a branch?


New Member
Took one of those calyxes out and opened it.
Nothing but clear liquid and a tiny green thingy.

If it did hermie, should I keep it and try to snip the pollen sacs or maybe harvest now? Yikes.


Well-Known Member
Dude.... I am sorry.... those are the weirdest looking shemale buds I have ever seen....
Those are not nanners...
Those are not balls....
They are too hi to be calyxes....
You caused them to your plant by leaving on the CFL...
Fukk, looks bmeatesk...


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody,

I'm on week 5 now.

4 days ago I realized that i had left on a small 20w cfl supplemental bulb that was not connected to the timer and caused the light cycle to continue for 3 days(!).

Was afraid that due to light stress, it'll go hermie on me.

3 days later I spotted miniature bananas (wasn't sure so i carefully took it off and saw what I think was the pollens).
After taking out 3 similar growths (they were very tiny so I can't be sure they were actually bananas) plant looks fine.
Regardless to say i'm checking it daily.

No seen pollen sac other than that.

However, in the last few days the buds, or in specific the calyxes swell real big.
Thought they were seeds due to white stripes, but opened one up and there was nothing inside but clear liquid.

Your thoughts? Seeds or just swollen calyxes?
Has she hermied on me :-( ??

those are seeds for sure. bummer man, same shit happen to me last grow with motherfucking grrenhouse seeds tangerine dream, all 10 hermied


Well-Known Member
Took one of those calyxes out and opened it.
Nothing but clear liquid and a tiny green thingy.

If it did hermie, should I keep it and try to snip the pollen sacs or maybe harvest now? Yikes.
you will go to harvest and quickly realize it is all pure shit. you cant even get much hash if any. im sorry man, i would cry with you. just happen to me 3 months ago. lost so much in power bill.


Well-Known Member
I agree...seeds playa. Burn that image in your head...as I'm sure you won't wanna forget what it looks like. You've been duped by a chick with a dick!


Well-Known Member
sad thread. Hermies are the fucking devil. you never know until last 2-3weeks or even 1-2weeks. Greenhouse seed co can fuck off a cliff for all I care


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel any better here's a purple widow from seed that i've been running indoors for 2 months that just balled up 2 days ago.


Well-Known Member
If it makes you feel any better here's a purple widow from seed that i've been running indoors for 2 months that just balled up 2 days ago.

ohhhh the horror! this should be the tragedy thread. There should be viewer discretion advisory for this thread. not for the faint of heart!


New Member
Was my only one. Started as an experiment.
Wasted 4 weeks on lsting it an' all :-(

Guess i'll start fresh.

For f--k sake.


Well-Known Member
Keep the faith bro. Start a new one and hope for the best. I just spent 2 months catering to 2 males. Shit happens! Grow on you'll get there. Lot's of good folks on here that will help walk you through it. Good luck to ya' on the next run. In the meantime chop and dry that baby and you should get some bud out of it.


Active Member
Just to clarify something all calyx's have a tiny little green embryo in the middle that 99% of people would interpret as an immature seed. Even the most experienced growers don't realize that each calyx will actually have what some refer to as a "false seed pod". I thought for sure I had seeds one grow when I witnessed this but it turned out they never actually turn into seeds and there really isn't much info on this mysterious tiny little false green seed.

What you have does appear to be seeds though based on how swollen those calyx's are.


Well-Known Member
if you split the calyx open as the seed is growing it will look like a little light green pod with some liquid in there
before it is mature enough to turn brown/spotted etc when it is mature
the immature seed as it is growing will easy split when you squash it, as it has no shell yet at all


Well-Known Member
That sucks!!! I recently bought a 5 pack of femenised seeds through the tude they where from GHS and 2 didn't germ and the other three male!!! way to go fucktards for that cannabis cup winning liars!!! THey can take there fine genetics and stick them up there amateur asses!!!


New Member
I hear you man.
But you ought to have more certainty.
I'm going for femmed just to reduce chances for male plants.

Also, I'm suggesting you buy from a known bank.

Cheers ya'll.