Switching to LED from HPS

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
Wind is air that is moving....It is 100% natural......

LED's can in fact yield more with the same watts. That's been shown on here time and time again and makes perfect sense. You have less wasted Wats as you not heating a gas, therefore you can have more lights which increases canopy size. That's not rocket science.
You're arguing with an anti-led troll who has no idea what he's talking about. It's pretty much a comedy routine at this point.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
I found the data to be the opposite and hps to have far wider spectrum with less gaps.

I was suprised too...
So you have personal experience running COBs? What type of COBs? What were you running them at? Were you replacing a specific size grow lamp as your experiment? Do you have anything to back what you're claiming?


Well-Known Member
funniest post in this whole thread and only 2 likes??

The best joke in the world that has the LED FAN BOYS ROTFL would not get a like from them.
They'd be afraid of their status dropping if they ever had the balls to give a like to an anti LED joke.
So two likes is a score.
It would be nice if you would give it a like.

All joking aside. LED Fan Boys are insecure do to tiny buds and tiny balls. ;)



Well-Known Member
yea, I know...Its like watching a car crash unfold, you just have to keep watching.

Im still amazed that wind is unnatural.
So plants die in stagnant wind? They certainly get wind burn from too much? Does that say plants need wind? Can you tell me the exact speeds for photosynthesis? Maybe explain how wind induces forced cooling and fucks the leafs energy budget?

Didnt think so but you jump on someone who can.... hmmm i think im close to calling you a noob if you want to discount all the science that has been done whilst you been scratching your ass saying the word wind with zero definition.


Well-Known Member
So you have personal experience running COBs? What type of COBs? What were you running them at? Were you replacing a specific size grow lamp as your experiment? Do you have anything to back what you're claiming?
More experience with cobs/leds/cfls/hps/mh/coc/rockwool/perlite/soil/hydro/chems/organics/calmag/benies etc etc than a lot of you i just dont want to come out and call you all noobs but rather discuss why leds dont produce the photosynthetic extra yeild that they are suppose to but clearly dont.

Most lights of lesser or greater ability show yeild and growth differences with ease but led/cobs are a mystery, wheres all this extra yield bro?
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Well-Known Member
To all reading you can clearly see that led cob growers have zero answers to the obvious science, cannot prove their third to half extra yeilds with simple pics like all other lights do and basically argue back so they dont have to google some easy science.

How hard does it have to be here i ask, hps growers have cut these fools new assholes in showing them how to control climate, before that they thought their lights did that for them.

Its a joke and an exspensive one, if you cant give clear answers then its all snake oil and the most exspensive ive seen weed growers hand over money for lolol


Well-Known Member
Are you impaired in some fashion?????
Go fuck your self you little fag, i gave clear science and asked clear questions but your too up your own ass..

Then i see you have been here for like five seconds and think your some kind of pro or authority here?!


Well-Known Member
I never said 1/3 extra yield, I said EQUAL yield with 40% less power consumed....
Take a given space, and with SOME types of the LED tech available, equal yield and quality can be achieved, with 40% less electricity....

To take a page from your book, this fact is being proved by others, who are FAR more experienced undoubtedly, smarter growers than I, so Ill once again defer to this:

I like greengrassgrower1 thread but he was only hitting 1-1.5lbs under each DE 1k hps which is on the low side yield wise for a 1k hps let alone a DE. So in his 4k DE 8x8 he was only hitting 5lbs give or take some which is low compared to guys hitting 2lbs under 1k SE hps. Quantums were a good choice for him but he's not a great example to use I don't feel. How's this for example, 2k hps SE room hitting 4lbs per run at .6cents per kilowatt, is it really worth switching at that rate?

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
More experience with cobs/leds/cfls/hps/mh/coc/rockwool/perlite/soil/hydro/chems/organics/calmag/benies etc etc than a lot of you i just dont want to come out and call you all noobs but rather discuss why leds dont produce the photosynthetic extra yeild that they are suppose to but clearly dont.

Most lights of lesser or greater ability show yeild and growth differences with ease but led/cobs are a mystery, wheres all this extra yield bro?
You're ridiculous.

"I'm more better than you noobs" - Seriously? What grade are you in?

I was able to reduce one of my flowering rooms by 400 watts and get the same results in terms of weight by ditching my 600s. I built a 450 watt strip based light for a friend to swap with his 600. He's still nailing the exact same 1.25 lbs that he was getting before.

But go ahead and babble on with more of your nonsense. It's entertaining.


Well-Known Member
More experience with cobs/leds/cfls/hps/mh/coc/rockwool/perlite/soil/hydro/chems/organics/calmag/benies etc etc than a lot of you i just dont want to come out and call you all noobs but rather discuss why leds dont produce the photosynthetic extra yeild that they are suppose to but clearly dont.

Most lights of lesser or greater ability show yeild and growth differences with ease but led/cobs are a mystery, wheres all this extra yield bro?
What kind of cobs?