Switching to Jacks 3-2-1. What about kelp, silica, and fulvic?

I run jacks 321in coco with 3gal -5gal fabric pots adjusted to what strain needs and how much they need. I run a kelp tea with tribus microbes and fulvic inbetween feeds about once a week. In veg they really only get kelp teas. and flush with kelp and fulvic. BioAg Fulpower is ok if yer just starting out. The problem i have with it is its dilution rate of like .07% so for me i get 1lbs fulvic powder and mix to a more function rate of 10-12% and i can make a gallon for like under $0.50.
So I used jack321and the jacks finish for the first time and I didn't like the results.. first the bud taste harsh and its leaving a burning feeling on my .. flushed and no sprays.. Is this normal? Any ideas on where I fucked up? Ran coco and used tribia for root growth