Switch from 18h to 24h of light


Hello. In the beginning, I started with 18 hours of light to save electricity, and also because I thought that there would be no difference between 18h and 24h. I read that plants grow faster using a 24h schedule. Is it too late to switch to 24 hours of light? Will it effect the plants? Thanks.


The earlier you switch the better, are you sure about the 24 hour stuff by the way? I'm a fan of nature, I think giving them a little down time is good, but everyone has there own method, best of lucK!


Well-Known Member
guy if u are growing photo ............do not change to the 24/0 u want to keep it at the 18/6
if u are growing autos....................i do a 20/4 with good results

by the way if u are going to go to 24/0 u should invest into a Co2 system or bag or something u will see better results
when the lights are on the plants love Co2........when the lights are off they love Oxygen


Well-Known Member
You can veg photo under 24/0 with no negative results. I have tried 18/6,20/4,22/2 and the 24/0 seems to keep the nodes a little tighter while the 18/6 shot up more. Like justugh said, autos ran best under 20/4 and seemed to stress under 24/0.