Swimmin in a sea of codiene


Well-Known Member
opiates are realllllllll fun,they release x amount of dopamine in ur brain,just b careful,u will build up a tolerance after one use and u can get addicted to them.just be careful when taking them.


Active Member
have fun wasting your life bro.
How exactly am i wasting my life Mr.Buzzkill?

opiates are realllllllll fun,they release x amount of dopamine in ur brain,just b careful,u will build up a tolerance after one use and u can get addicted to them.just be careful when taking them.
Ive been taking these things longer than i can remember. Not addicted though. Its been a few months since ive had some last.


Well-Known Member
there great,its when ppl let them consume there lives is when they come into probs.its all in moderation,one stride at a time.


Active Member
Lortab/Lorcet is the brand name for the drug combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen.
Basically, codeine and Advil.
kinda like drank, but in pill form.


Well-Known Member
hell 3 "cets" lfor 10 bucks sounds like a great deal unless they are 5s then its a lil high so you know though lorcets are hydrocodone and tylenol if you crush them up into a glass of hot water than set in freezer until all the shit is in the bottom and they water is cold then drink the water you can take out the tylenol and be drinking hydrocodone water its a good way to take a bunch and not cause liver damage/naseua

where im at 3 10s would run from 18-24 bucks its really gay oc's are cheaper but harder to find

i apparently cant handle my opiates though but you have fun ;)


Active Member
hell 3 "cets" lfor 10 bucks sounds like a great deal unless they are 5s then its a lil high so you know though lorcets are hydrocodone and tylenol if you crush them up into a glass of hot water than set in freezer until all the shit is in the bottom and they water is cold then drink the water you can take out the tylenol and be drinking hydrocodone water its a good way to take a bunch and not cause liver damage/naseua
They are 10/325. and 3 for 10$ is expensive for me seeing as how they used to be 3 for 5$.
That is GENIUS. People pay 40 an ounce of Prometh w/ Codeine.
But ill just make me some codeine water. i've come up with a billiant idea now. thanks


Well-Known Member
you guys are fucking your selfs over. you just wont see it untill your sober off them forever like me
we're all goin the same place just taking different routes..of course i don't do that shit, only pill i fuck with is ex..some reason shit like o.c's and the opiates/downers always scared me


Active Member
i think that there is nothing better than the good ol' piff. when nothing in your life is there for you, weed always is. no matter WHAT! it will never hurt you, no matter how much you take. it's just an uncoditional love between the green and the smoker. point finale