Swimmin in a sea of codiene


Active Member
my dealer wanted to buy some lortabs from me but i just wanna trade the lortabs for some good ol' dank. How much dank should i get for 15 Lortabs?

(sry this is a reply to a thread but i dont know how to start a completely new thread haha):confused:
u.s. dollars...


Well-Known Member
we're all goin the same place just taking different routes..of course i don't do that shit, only pill i fuck with is ex..some reason shit like o.c's and the opiates/downers always scared me
im the opposite. I rather take a drug made by a licensed scientist rather than a 15 year old kid and his dad trying to make some easy cash from some commet and house chems.


Well-Known Member
Dude X cannot be made at home, unless you a PHD in chemistry, its waaaay different then meth.

There was a kickass news story about a European chemist who was trying to find a new formula for soap but accidently made a BATHTUB full of extcasy. He called the police and reported and got in no trouble. Lucky dumbass bastard:mrgreen:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
ah your in tx thats why they are so cheap i eat like 10+ at a time and they cost between 5-7 bucks each and 8 each for the compound 15s