Sweet Leaf Boogie Woogie 2.0


Well-Known Member
Did you know theres a " Yo Mama " grow thread in the bubbleponcis forum by Metal n Weed ?


Well-Known Member
listen ! :leaf:




Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Lmfao at sig Kona. Hahaha. Hey Tws if you need any help with dwc metal and weed is a good man to talk to. He's runnin same style buckets as you but he's runnin a hybrid style system similar to a gh watermark only he uses a water pump to circulate nutrients through a drip ring at the top as well instead of the Air pump but it's essentially the same thing. He loves em and his plants are beast man. Lol ;)
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Metal n Weed

Active Member
Rrrrrrrrrr, somebody be talking bout me, ehh?

Good looking grow, kinda loaded right now so not much useful for any other word at the moment.

Oh Damn, my bro just told me that Cheryl's wet pussy just got kicked out the damn house.
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Well-Known Member
LMFAO yay just what I needed to see to get going before I take Kaptains orders and get to work ;) You guys are the best !!!!!!!!