Sweet Leaf Boogie Woogie 2.0


Well-Known Member
did u use any benefecial bacterias?

The buckets were not cut out but the drain holes were enlarged and the roots grew out of them into the native soil. No Beenies > Mircle grow for vegg > floraNova Bloom and Molasses in flower. Sour diesels 3 , Hindu kush 1 , Tripple berry 1 , Unkown Sativa strain 1 .


Well-Known Member
Recalibrated my PH pin and figured out our city water dropped 1 ponit all is good and back on track. My DWC buckets got the brown root stuff so with the help of the Kapt and Heinz's sticky on beenies we've taking care of it.

The Vegg tent and my DWC's . The culture herd has been introduced ! Kick some but my little buddies !

The good Stuff !

Indica XXL

Super Sour Og, Chop chop this weekend !

White berries and close ups .



Well-Known Member
Thank you mister Hodge. Never seen a Female that wasn't to pretty to do. LOL Got a hold of some of Nuggs GDP. Very nice!

Heres a unsexed Medi in a DWC bucket.



Well-Known Member
Yes sir looking super sweet!!! Oh and while we are talking about medi's I think one of mine might have balls :( lol along with the Funky Munkie and one of the bags seeds Hawaiians !!!


Well-Known Member
Guarantee you'll love the medi. she's so toasty with tricolms and a very sweet tasting herb. Not to mention her TBD's are around 5%

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Make sure that male medis worthy Tws you don't want to back cross in any unwanted traits from a bad medi pheno, rub those stems and leaves also check how stocky it is compared to the keeper female etc. if I remember it looked pretty good.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted my Querkels two days ago into five gallon buckkets. I put 1 gallon of my phucked up super soil in the bottom of the bucket. They had a 1 gallon buffer of regular soil between the root ball and super soil. Last night I caught the meltdown starting to happen. At 6 pm last night I dumped them all out and replanted in regular soil. Close call and damage was minimal as of last night. I have some Vegg plants in 5 gallon buckets with my super soil in it and they seem to be doing fine.

My DWC buckets seem to be a on going struggle with Brown root slime. Thursday night was their first inoculation with bennies. Saturday morning they were all brown again. Saturday night the Kapt and I scrupped out all the buckets and figured out what I might of done wrong. The first time I added beenies I added Nutes with them. The directions from Heinz was Beenies only for the first 12 hours. So thats what we did. Added Nutes yesterday after 12 hours and when I checked this morning the 3 gallon bucket is doing great. The 2 five gallon water jugs don't look so great. New growth is white but the root mass is brown again. :-(

The spirtual Punk the Kapt and I chopped because it hermied because my lights went down for 5 days when I was out of town and the kid put them under 24 hrs in the kitchen for 5 days cured out great. It is very stoney and sweet tasting for being a bit immature. It's good smoke. I'll get a picture of a Nugg. Looks great!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Hell ya man just keep at it with those other two buckets man they will pull out of it like I said you may need to remove some of the root mass that's affected


Well-Known Member
Good job TWS !!!!! Oh I bet that Spirtitual Punk is good hahahahaha, one kind of punk we will like hehehehehee ;) It won't let me rep ya it says I gotta spread it around lol !!


Active Member
it looks great, good luck. i think you should try and take the temps a bit down in your grow room,
since the tips of the leaves are down in most of the pics.


Well-Known Member
In the flower room temps are 68 - 72:leaf: in the winter, below 80 in the summer with AC. Outside of some minor deffeciancies They went into flower heavly nitroed with slight claw. The newest pics might because thet are heavly jucied to finish. The Vegg room don't get above 80. I have yet to master a perfect grow with no Deff of some sort but it is all starting to come together If I don't do lame stuff.:leaf: lol. Almost killed the Querkels the other day and they were in perfect shape. There all right cause I caught the meltdown just starting to happen.just not perfect anymore. lol

I think I'm doing better with this new soil I'm using mixing it with EWC :leaf: and I'm gonna start adding bennies. The new soil with added EWC is keeping them nice and green without nutes and no beenies. Gonna add some beenies and try to cut back on the synthetics.

They Bennies in the DWC buckets look to be working but not totally white yet. Most of the brown seems to be closer to the net pot.

Thanks for your comments, don't know why the leafs are down, never caught my attention.:leaf:

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Might be time of day u took the pics or maybe just fed right before u took em. Blast that super soil u made that was too hot wih those bennies man don't get it too wet but bake it again in a trash an or bucket covered outside slightly moistened with that Bennie tea man it will make it break down he extra shit quicker ;) bennies for everything lol seedlings get a light feed of molasses and ph water. speaking of which I forgot to tell you molasses all the time all day long when your blasting with Bennie's it feeds em and makes em grow faster ;) yay for nature and molasses organics make me smile


Well-Known Member
I just sprinkled some ZHO in the super soil the yesterday and watered it and covered it back up with the plastic. Contrary to everything you just said. LOL

Will just ZHO start them ?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Whatcha mean contrary lol it's basically the same but all your doom did is just covering I the reason I bucket and lid it is bugs