Suspended Planter 600w Cool Tube + DS300 LED


Well-Known Member
Those girls looks great man, the roots look amazing! I love the look of the roots in a good DWC setup. The plants look like they are gonna be massive. I'd keep training until you see flowers start honestly, then once you get that, they bud sites will all just go straight up to the light. I'm guessing they won't get nearly as stretched as last time man. Both from the better light, and the more efficient training you've got them nicely spread around the screen it looks like.

I set a screen up next to my flood trays 2 days ago now. I wove my Deisel plant, and one of my 100% sativa powerskunks into it. The deisel had bushed out more then I wanted for my usual grow, and I didn't want to just cut it all back so I thought the screen was a nice alternate option. It will also use a bunch of extra wash light to grow in. The sativa I scroged just cus I didn't know how much it will stretch. Its already almost 20 inchs, and it isn't even acting like its gonna start flowering yet. (it isn't very "mature" yet)


Well-Known Member
Nice grow Roomie! Subbed, screen looks alot better than the last one. 21 days of stretch sounds pretty close to right. I think your going to end up a little outside of the screen but who cares. It looks awsome. I knew i was subbin up on page one when i saw your alien spaceship grow room, outstanding. I think your first grow had some average genetics therefore produceing average yields. If you find some superstar genetics and keep up what your doing you will get where you want to be. NW all the way.


Well-Known Member
So jealous of your roots!! Everytime you post a picture of them I go in my grow room with my computer and talk shit to mine while showing them your roots lol.. Looking good and like ninja said you will probably wind up outside the screen but that just means more buds:)


Well-Known Member
Aww, you guys care. :)

Flower - Day 9

The stems are stiff, the smell is potent, and the plants are growing consistently by the day. I immediately noticed the canopy growing more evenly under HPS compared to the DS300. I no longer have lone rangers nor am I witnessing an obscene amount of stretching. This pleases me. Still, I have no idea how long to train the branches.

Fun with HPS

The Roots

I'm feeding 8, 12, 15 ml/gal of Micro, Grow and Bloom respectively, with 5 ml/gal of Liquid Blue and 6 ml/gal of Early Bloomer. That's a grand total of 1400 ppm.

I am having issues with low temps during lights-off. It's been in the 50's for the last two weeks. :shock: I'm going to wire a thermostat and small space heater, stat. The plants seem perfectly healthy, but that doesn't mean growth isn't effected. Speaking of climate, I'm also having problems keeping the RH above 30%. It sits at 25% during lights-on, and 40% during lights-off. I added a new warm mist humidifier and it has had absolutely no effect. I'm assuming my exhaust fan is the culprit.
Looking great man. You should be fine with that rh, and your figuring out that night time temp... Keep it up! Oh btw, keep an eye on your ppm, if they start to rise and your PH starts to drop your nutrient solution is too strong,,, dont push those ladies too hard.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow Roomie! Subbed, screen looks alot better than the last one. 21 days of stretch sounds pretty close to right. I think your going to end up a little outside of the screen but who cares. It looks awsome. I knew i was subbin up on page one when i saw your alien spaceship grow room, outstanding. I think your first grow had some average genetics therefore produceing average yields. If you find some superstar genetics and keep up what your doing you will get where you want to be. NW all the way.
I am filled with a renewed sense of patriotism, regionalism and my faith in humanity is now restored. Hehe. Thank you for the comments and for reading the thread, Ninja! This is so much easier with the help of expert advice and some down-home folks.

All of you are right about the plants outgrowing the screen, but I'm way too anal to let anything green grow around the edges. Even though it's solely out of vanity, I'll probably hit the local hardware store tomorrow and extend the screen. From what I've gathered by your comments, I should continue training through next week? Done.


Well-Known Member
Looking great man. You should be fine with that rh, and your figuring out that night time temp... Keep it up! Oh btw, keep an eye on your ppm, if they start to rise and your PH starts to drop your nutrient solution is too strong,,, dont push those ladies too hard.
You must know what you're talking about. I just topped off the res with a gallon of water before reading your comment. The pH dropped a little today.


Well-Known Member
I am filled with a renewed sense of patriotism, regionalism and my faith in humanity is now restored. Hehe. Thank you for the comments and for reading the thread, Ninja! This is so much easier with the help of expert advice and some down-home folks.

All of you are right about the plants outgrowing the screen, but I'm way too anal to let anything green grow around the edges. Even though it's solely out of vanity, I'll probably hit the local hardware store tomorrow and extend the screen. From what I've gathered by your comments, I should continue training through next week? Done.
Im not expert advice, im a first timer but ive read alot and helped out where i can. I like gardening in general and managed to keepem alive this long :)


Well-Known Member
More screen yay! I like that.
"I" would continue training them :-)
Ya buddy! I love a good construction project. I think you have an amazing gift of OCD going on there. I would justs say good enough and let er rip but i m sure you got this. Youve got to be happy with how much better that screens llookin this time around. You make it any better looking and you might as well make a how to scrog book :)


Well-Known Member
Adding on sounds like a nice simple way to get a bit more space you've got plenty of light for sure. I would likely keep training for about another week. It will depend on how fast your plants start to show flower. I think we both switched our lights about the same time, my girls are just starting to "clump" up the nodes and push out the first pistols. I noticed it Friday and it looked better yesterday. So Monday will be beginning of week one for my plants. Once I start to see the pistols extending and flowers forming a bit more 3-5 days is when I will stop training the diesel I put into the screen. Mine wasn't vegged into the screen like yours, its more for control now, but same idea.


Well-Known Member
The SCROG extension is up and running, and I didn't even kill anything! The extent of overcrowding was immediately apparent after adding the extra real estate. There's more breathing room all around. :clap: It is a little awkward having two 1/2" pipes running the length of the screen, but I thought it was less hokey than wiring three separate sections of screen together. Thanks again for everyone's help, I should have done this weeks ago.



Well-Known Member
The SCROG extension is up and running, and I didn't even kill anything! The extent of overcrowding was immediately apparent after adding the extra real estate. There's more breathing room all around. :clap: It is a little awkward to have two 1/2" pipes running the length of the screen, but I thought it was less hokey than wiring three separate sections of screen together. Thanks again for everyone's help, I should have done this weeks ago.

aww hell ya, theres gonna be some amazing scrogin goin on now. This is going to be awsome! :):):)


Well-Known Member
aww hell ya, theres gonna be some amazing scrogin goin on now. This is going to be awsome! :):):)
I sure hope so, Ninja! The pressure is mounting. I get a little more nervous each day of 12/12 until about two weeks before harvest. That's a long time to be stressed out. lol

The 600w is just blowing my plants up. The stalks have grown wider than the holes in my white plastic netpot covers. I had to cut all four covers out with knife to free the main stems. That didn't come close to happening last grow. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope so, Ninja! The pressure is mounting. I get a little more nervous each day of 12/12 until about two weeks before harvest. That's a long time to be stressed out. lol

The 600w is just blowing my plants up. The stalks have grown wider than the holes in my white plastic netpot covers. I had to cut all four covers out with knife to free the main stems. That didn't come close to happening last grow. Fingers crossed.
Well what ever your doing its working, this happened to mine, it got to heavy and fell right through. Crappy set up but its working pretty damn good for now. Even with grampy old string hanging her to the roof lol



Well-Known Member
Scrog extension looks great man! Cool thing with pcv is being able to play with it like legos. Not that its nessecary, but it would be real easy in the future to use some 45 degree connectors, and make the side wings parabolic and extend upwards as well. Ew or just turn end up 90 degrees and you could utilize 10 inchs of wall space completly vertical. I'm sure I'm completely overthinking an already beautiful scrog and simple design. I just find that kinda stuff fun, like whodats 360 scrog!


Well-Known Member
Scrog extension looks great man! Cool thing with pcv is being able to play with it like legos. Not that its nessecary, but it would be real easy in the future to use some 45 degree connectors, and make the side wings parabolic and extend upwards as well. Ew or just turn end up 90 degrees and you could utilize 10 inchs of wall space completly vertical. I'm sure I'm completely overthinking an already beautiful scrog and simple design. I just find that kinda stuff fun, like whodats 360 scrog!
I'm right there with you. This frame is begging for 45 degree edges, but I figured I should prepare for the extra surface area during veg, not two weeks into stretch. (?) Maybe I made the wrong call... It's definitely on next grow.

I think it's quite funky with the extra pipes. Nice done :D
Can't stop the funk, Bluez. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
excellent set-up roomie for fucks sakes why cant everyone who posts for the first time be even close to this guys? Yeah i know a good thing when i see it so yeah subbed! Ya, know i have a similar kooltube and my local hydro dealer is always trying to put me on to a led (im a t-5 man ) maybe i will buy one and use it in conjunction with the kooltube throughout flowering too? Couldnt hurt throwing those spectrums at the ladies during flower, yes yes ill find ways to rationalize the energy consumption! lol! awesome thread my man!