To be honest Del, I had spare seeds, spare lights, spare system and I thought I would just experiment. My other grow is where Im making the
Just thought it would finish faster. I think it will and I don't think the yield will be affected too much. Cheaper leccy aswel. Its also another grow under my belt and lessons learned. From now on all my grows will be SCROG
No he's giving the experiment plants 7 hours of light and 12 hours of dark.
Its just Del, he trying to mess with my head. U should check his 12/12 from seed thread, he gets great results
just got caught up, lookin boss there billy. tell me so far with what your seeing now, do you think you can see about what your yield will be? do u think it will be worth it? experimenting for the sake of info, i love it. some more +rep for ya