Well-Known Member
Of course, you're absolutely right on ND.
I was thinking the exact same thing about his bullshit. Just took him off ignore a couple days ago and I'm treated to this stupidity.
The point you're clearly making, that he's CLEARLY avoiding is that he has zero evidence that anyone but a SUPER MINORITY oppose a 20+ week abortion ban for pregnancies that aren't from incest, rape or pose a serious health risk to the mother. You know, somewhere around 95% (pulled from my ass, but accurate none the less) of all pregnancies. I've got a better title for this thread:
Supermajority of Americans oppose 20+ week abortion ban for the 5% of pregnancies that involve demonstrably rare circumstances.
Fixed it for ya.
many people are not aware of the complications that can arise during a pregnancy.
so when they are asked in the abstract, without considering these complications that do exist in the real world, if they support a 20+ week abortion ban, a simple majority might say "yes", they support a 20+ week abortion ban.
but as we can clearly see in the scientific polling done by hart research associates, a supermajority of people clearly oppose a 20+ week abortion ban when presented with the concrete reality of what could happen during a pregnancy.
and the radical dogmatic extremist conservatives you support show no interest in making exceptions for these things in their law. as we have seen in previous elections, the conservatives you favor so dearly have no qualms about forcing women to give birth to the child of a rapist.
that's a pretty extreme position, and it is rooted in religious dogma, and to some extent, a complete inability to understand how not only science works, but how women's bodies work.

"Can this same procedure then be done in a pregnancy? Swallowing a camera and helping the doctor determine what the situation is?"