Alabama just banned abortions.


Well-Known Member
Because pregnancy occurs in our bodies it is realistically more 'our' problem. Vasectomy and tubal ligation are refractive to reversal without a high overhead. Although they are the definitive end solutions their finality is sobering.

Nothing is foolproof, but in medicine it's a game of statistics and IUDs are better than condoms. The devil is always in the details which means for your particular situation one is better than the other, vive la difference, do what works for you best no matter what evidence based medicine says.
My sample size is one and IUD failed. Hard for me to trust an IUD again. No disrespect, doc. However, statistics are just a way of lumping a bunch of understandable events together without trying to learn what they are. I realize that's the state of the art in medicine but it's not really acceptable to the people who experience the rare event.

In my industry, we don't just write off a failure as random chance. There is always a cause. Not knowing why the failure happened and simply telling people it's ok because "rare event" so just put another IUD in doesn't sit very well with me. I experienced first hand the effect it had on my woman and our relationship. Urethane condoms are pretty good considering what an IUD put me/us through.


Well-Known Member
It's way more complicated though. There are mentally challenged women, Women with mental illness, women who've been taken advantage of, girls forced into sexual slavery, kids who are too young making mistakes. Dad's who are abusive pieces of shit. That's why there should be freedom of choice. Is there supposed to be some judge and jury examining women's sex lives and the predicament?
It's just the far right wing lovers of Trump crawling out of the woodwork with his approval trying to drag America back to when it was truly great. It has been losing it's greatness since the end of WW II and decided to be the worlds champion while continuing it's colonial pursuits in it's own favour regardless of the consequences.

Dropping bombs on brown people was/is very profitable.

It's all coming apart now. China will be our new bosses soon in truth and not fiction. The pundits still call 'Merica the #1 economy but China holds trillions of US debt and already has an economy twice the US. If they called in their loans right now the Dirty 30s would look like the good old days.

If the US was called upon to gear up for a war like WW I or WWII it would take 10 years to produce half the ordinance in a year that they put out monthly in those conflicts. Came in late for both wars but still claim the most credit for the results. Pussies compared to the Canadians that sacrificed before they ever showed up.

Guts and glory my Aunt Fanny!



Well-Known Member
Women that have been raped and impregnated against their will, imho, should be allowed to abort. I also believe that if she is facing a life threatening ordeal, she should also be allowed to abort. The bill allows for the second scenario but not the first. Hmmmm.
I think we agree but I'd say it simpler.

Her body, her choice.

no reason to go any farther than that.


Well-Known Member
I think we agree but I'd say it simpler.

Her body, her choice.

no reason to go any farther than that.
I see a lot of your posts I would never agree with but I'm 100% with you on that one!

You can take all the talk about god this, god that and shove it where the sun will never shine. Stop measuring heart beats and think about awareness. A fetus has no awareness until it is born. I defy anyone to describe their first ride down the waterslide.

I could have been an abortion but it was the 50s so my mom got sent off to a hospital in the big city and was forced to put me up for adoption. I know that because my mom told me that my birth mom was reluctant to sign the adoption permit so I was almost two before it was official. I have all the documentation here and had contact with my half-siblings a few years ago. A few emails with a half-sister then nada. Another sister and 3 brothers I'll never meet I guess. A fourth brother died at 19 in a car crash.

My b-mom died 6 months before I made contact after 10 years of sliding into dementia that was diagnosed when she was 65. I'll be 65 this October, Hmmmm . . .

Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain, said it best, I suffered no ills before I was born and expect the same once I die. Or words to that effect.

I figure I'll experience the same. T'was dark whence I came, then light for a time, then blessed darkness again forever.

We all got one shot. Heaven and hell are here on earth. It's up to each of us to decide what side of the line we care to tread. I've trod both sides and for the last 40 years or so have done my best to take the path of the Heaven line. No preachy stuff but try to do more good than bad.

I'm not looking for accolades but would like to be remembered favourably. Unlike Uncle Bart who ... you know ... we don't mention.

Live your life like it's the last one you got and do anything you want as long as it doesn't hurt another!

Pretty sure that will get you thru the Pearly Gates just in case I got it wrong! ;) Don't think so tho.



Well-Known Member
My wife used one for a while. Fucked her up pretty good. It took her 3 years to get over it.
Every method has it's risks and sorry to hear your wife was one to suffer. Like vaccines it helps most but some get the shitty end of the stick.

My wife got the change about 6 years ago and our healthy sex life dried right up. Hoping for a bj on my 65th in Oct.

Not holding my breath tho. ;)



Well-Known Member
I took it down because notications are a pain in the ass. Id hate to be super popular on that shit

seriously though, if you were a high school chick that was banging already getting ready to go to college, i would think auburn and alabama would be off the list.