supermajority of americans oppose 20+ week abortion ban

Of course, you're absolutely right on ND.

I was thinking the exact same thing about his bullshit. Just took him off ignore a couple days ago and I'm treated to this stupidity.

The point you're clearly making, that he's CLEARLY avoiding is that he has zero evidence that anyone but a SUPER MINORITY oppose a 20+ week abortion ban for pregnancies that aren't from incest, rape or pose a serious health risk to the mother. You know, somewhere around 95% (pulled from my ass, but accurate none the less) of all pregnancies. I've got a better title for this thread:

Supermajority of Americans oppose 20+ week abortion ban for the 5% of pregnancies that involve demonstrably rare circumstances.

Fixed it for ya.

many people are not aware of the complications that can arise during a pregnancy.

so when they are asked in the abstract, without considering these complications that do exist in the real world, if they support a 20+ week abortion ban, a simple majority might say "yes", they support a 20+ week abortion ban.

but as we can clearly see in the scientific polling done by hart research associates, a supermajority of people clearly oppose a 20+ week abortion ban when presented with the concrete reality of what could happen during a pregnancy.

and the radical dogmatic extremist conservatives you support show no interest in making exceptions for these things in their law. as we have seen in previous elections, the conservatives you favor so dearly have no qualms about forcing women to give birth to the child of a rapist.

that's a pretty extreme position, and it is rooted in religious dogma, and to some extent, a complete inability to understand how not only science works, but how women's bodies work.


"Can this same procedure then be done in a pregnancy? Swallowing a camera and helping the doctor determine what the situation is?"

many people are not aware of the complications that can arise during a pregnancy.

so when they are asked in the abstract, without considering these complications that do exist in the real world, if they support a 20+ week abortion ban, a simple majority might say "yes", they support a 20+ week abortion ban.

but as we can clearly see in the scientific polling done by hart research associates, a supermajority of people clearly oppose a 20+ week abortion ban when presented with the concrete reality of what could happen during a pregnancy.

and the radical dogmatic extremist conservatives you support show no interest in making exceptions for these things in their law. as we have seen in previous elections, the conservatives you favor so dearly have no qualms about forcing women to give birth to the child of a rapist.

that's a pretty extreme position, and it is rooted in religious dogma, and to some extent, a complete inability to understand how not only science works, but how women's bodies work.


"Can this same procedure then be done in a pregnancy? Swallowing a camera and helping the doctor determine what the situation is?"


There are extremists on both sides of the argument. There are religious zealots that fit your description to a T. On the other hand, there are individuals that support partial birth abortions done for no other reason than staving off the inconvenience of a child. I find both reprehensible.

I don't subscribe to a 20 week ban, nor do I have an aversion to it. If 20 weeks is the reasonable timeframe for a mother to terminate a pregnancy that doesn't exhibit one of the "special circumstances" we've discussed, so be it.
On a side note, I have a 10MB animated GIF i was itching to post and it didn't seem to work. Is there a limit to image size within a post?
There are extremists on both sides of the argument.

you realize that you are the extremist, right?

and that the supermajority of americans are against pretty much everything you believe in and hold dear, right?

you can try to play yourself off as moderate, but your rant against the findings of the poll that i posted tell everyone what they need to know.

your denial and hatred of science and women shines through clearly with all of your posts.

no one is going to be deluded into believing you are a moderate.

you have exposed yourself quite clearly as homicidal, angry, racist, misogynistic, bigoted, and dumb.

why you still think anyone here takes your posts seriously is beyond me.
you realize that you are the extremist, right?

and that the supermajority of americans are against pretty much everything you believe in and hold dear, right?

you can try to play yourself off as moderate, but your rant against the findings of the poll that i posted tell everyone what they need to know.

your denial and hatred of science and women shines through clearly with all of your posts.

no one is going to be deluded into believing you are a moderate.

you have exposed yourself quite clearly as homicidal, angry, racist, misogynistic, bigoted, and dumb.

why you still think anyone here takes your posts seriously is beyond me.

Boy, you sure told me. One of the most bigoted liberals whose inane ramblings I've had the displeasure of listening to, doesn't like my Conservative bent. What a surprise.

I'm not a moderate. I'm an Independent, always will be. I can guarantee I've voted for candidates outside the Republican Party more times than you've ever even considered voting outside the Democrat Party. You are a partisan hack and anyone could encapsulate your entire political dogma by watching MSNBC for 24 hours.

You're dishonest and boring. The last couple months with you on ignore was some of the best time I've spent on this forum. There is NO QUESTION it's a better place without you. So many, past and present, would agree with me, that it makes your last sentence laughable.

it's funny how eager you are to call me bigoted, but how you have never, ever, not even once condemned one of your fellow righties as bigoted or racist even after they make wildly racist, anti-semitic, homphobic, misogynistic, anti-immigrant, or otherwise bigoted statements.

you never even spoke up to condemn admitted neo-nazis when they were on this forum.

so please tell me, what makes me bigoted? care to quote some posts and support your assertion with some evidence for once?


I'm an Independent

no, you're a conservative.

you support people who espouse racist ideation, like rawn pawl, who you admitted voting for.

you went off in a hissy fit about the findings of this poll, calling it "bullshit" and "stupidity" and trying to diminish it. that kinda thing makes your dogmatic bible thumping beliefs pretty transparent, same as when you excuse mountains of right wing racism on this forum.

you are a radical extremist.

americans are overwhelmingly against evetything you stand for.

also, you share the same conspiracy theory about global warming that KKK grand wizard david duke does, and you diminished all of your credibility in 2012 when you went off on scientific polling as a liberal media conspiracy.

you are a joke and no one on this forum takes you seriously.

go away.[/QUOTE]
are you this bitter all the time, vanilla face?

maybe on the inside, flour bag.

ummmm, didn't some lady die because your religious nutbag country refused her an abortion that they knew would save her life?
dumb dumb dumb.

you should pound me in the ass to really teach me a lesson while we're getting physical.

a homophobe like you is most certainly harboring some latent desires for a nice penis, no doubt.
yell any racial slurs at mexicans lately, bigot?

texans are really fucking dumb. really, really fucking dumb.
1 in 3 of the people in your state believe that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
for fuck sake, how fucking stupid are you texans?

they're white, just like you. yet you're so fucking dumb.
thus, whiteness can't be the explanation.

anyhoo, you go on living in your bigoted southerner bubble of mental retardation, that same bubble where you work endless 112 hour weeks installing "greese" traps for your three tooth having, sister fucking daddy.

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.