Super tight node spacing, HELP

So my short, fat, bushy plants growth appears to be taking off (Day 11) I have 4 sets of leaves now working on its 5th node and want to top and begin LST training but the nodes are so tight I cant figure out how to properly tie a shoestring between them... anyone have advice or pics of LSTing on a super tight noded plant?


Active Member
Let it go for a day or two and it should open up, or get a roll of twist tie for plants, its in the gardening isle at any hawdware store, the stuff is green. Its pretty good too.. U can cut it to any length and its reusable.... You wont ever need to buy tiedown material again


Well-Known Member
I dont tie em I use a hook shaped wire to pull over the indended branch.
Then push the wire threw the hole in the side of planter an fold it over.

Theres no way to tie em on to em in my jungle..

Tight nodes are great, you want to grow leafs an roots in veg, not stems.