Super Soil gone wrong? Day 39 in flower, having problems (pics inside) Help needed!


Well-Known Member

  • So, these plants are currently on day 39 of flowering and haven't looked great for about two weeks now, progressively getting worse. Some plants appear to be nutrient deficient, while others burnt. I cannot pinpoint the cause or causes. Some of the leaves that are yellow and brown are due to wind burn. These are grown in a 4x4 tent.

    I have 5 plants total, all in 7 gallon (#10) pots. I've been using Subcool's Super Soil method. I made no adjustments to his recipe, or method of application. After mixing the batch, it was composted in a garbage can for over 8 weeks. I went conservative on the amount of super soil I used in each pot, maybe 20% on the bottom with Roots Organic on top. All plants were top dressed with super soil on day 28. No other nutrients or fertilizers were used throughout the plants life cycle, only water! I did supplement liquid Cal/Mg as my tap water out of the faucet is 60 PPM. An additional 70 PPM of Cal/Mg was used for each watering.

    If you notice the first 3 pictures the leaves are canoeing/tacoing upwards. This started on only one plant, and now the others are doing it as well. Below are some facts about my grow:

    Strain- Afghan Skunk by Advanced seeds (next grow I will be using TGA). Hybrid, Indica dominant. Breeder's website says flowers mature in 50-65 days.

    Water- I've been using tap water that's been aerated with an air stone for 48 hours before watering. PPM is around 60. I add GO Cal/Mg+ raising the total ppm to around 130. pH going in is 6.5. Soil pH is around 6.2.

    Temp/Humidity- 73 degrees with lights on, 66 lights off. Humidity 40% lights on, 50% lights off

    Misc- 600w HPS light being used is no less than 8" from the canopy so I don't think this is heat stress, although I could be mistaken?

    Everything was going great but now that I'm in the home stretch, these girls don't look happy. I might only have 15 days until harvest, I hope they last that long. Does anybody have any input as to what is causing these issues? Perhaps it's too late for them to recover? Any and all comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!​


Medical Grade

Well-Known Member

    • I went conservative on the amount of super soil I used in each pot, maybe 20% on the bottom with Roots Organic on top.

If i had to guess it is that part right there - you are running out of gas, your strain needs more than 20%. Topdress with super soil and water them over the new soil. and next time use 30% or more in your pot.


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is my first time growing. I expected problems, and hope to learn from them. The plants seemed to be doing great until right after I top dressed with super soil around day 28. I just hope this run isn't ruined. If so, I'll keep trying until I get it right. I thought I'd post pictures of the issues wondering if anyone else had similar problems. Thanks.


Well-Known Member

    • I went conservative on the amount of super soil I used in each pot, maybe 20% on the bottom with Roots Organic on top.

If i had to guess it is that part right there - you are running out of gas, your strain needs more than 20%. Topdress with super soil and water them over the new soil. and next time use 30% or more in your pot.
I did top dress around day 28 of flowering. Do you think I should top dress again? I do have some room in the pots for more soil. Are indica dominant strains heavier feeders than sativa?

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I did top dress around day 28 of flowering. Do you think I should top dress again? I do have some room in the pots for more soil. Are indica dominant strains heavier feeders than sativa?
I would top dress again. and water them. - ever strain vary's and so do pheno's - some will like more than others. you have to learn the plant your working with and use everything you read and learn as a general guide line and then apply & adjust it to what your working with.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
also - cannoeing is a sign of underwattering and or heat stress. do they have a fan on them? They might need more wind moving and more water.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Topdress, raise your lights some, make sure all your cannoeing fan leafs jostle gently in the breeze, and water your pots well. and you should be looking good to finish them out.


Well-Known Member
also - cannoeing is a sign of underwattering and or heat stress. do they have a fan on them? They might need more wind moving and more water.
I do have a 12" fan in the tent. I might have to get a bigger fan in there to help with air movement. Thanks for the recommendations!


Active Member
I have the same issues going on right now man. They need more SS. I did all my plants with 30% and they sputtered out of gas. i swore it was a cal mag def. for the longest time. Turned out it needed more food.


Well-Known Member
I was afraid I overdid it with SS and burnt the hell out of them. Are you having problems with the leaves canoeing, or are the fan leaves turning yellow/brown? What stage of growth are you currently in? When did the problems first occur? Good luck with your grow!


Active Member
Yeah I had leaves canoeing, lower leaves getting yellow and crispy and falling off when you touched them. I ended up topdressing and it helped quite a bit. Try 50/50 next time and see where your at. Farmer John is running 100 percent SS when he transplants from his 2 gallon base to the final 7 gallon pots and his shit is kicking ass.


Well-Known Member
I would not top dress after week 4 of flower unless your strain goes like 11+ weeks. (That is subcool's recommendation too, if I recall correctly.)

I don't think you should be adding Cal Mag every watering. It should not be needed with Super Soil and both calcium and magnesium can cause lockouts of P/K when used excessively.

Your soil PH is a bit low. Next go round, you might want to use a bit more oyster shell or similar to buffer the PH. However, if your soil has plenty of organic material (like worm castings), don't worry too much about it unless your water is really bad.

Overall, you are doing great. My first grow did not look nearly that good.


Well-Known Member
would not add any thing i add ss to my last grow 2 3rd week all but on plant stayed dark green right up till harvest and i was flushing every watering with rain water 15 to 20 gallons after snopping around on this site and listing to the weed nerd 139 or 140 think my rain water had something to do with to much cal mag my plant looked great up till the day i harvested like sub said best tasting weed is the plant that fades to a yellow light green 023.jpg like this not like the green on below 153.jpg