Super Newbie CFL Grower.........PLS HELP!!!


New Member
Hi, i am new to growing, just cpl outdoor crops in past and super new to indoor growing. I Was looking up info on my outdoors when i stumbled across some cfl growing info. I then thought it could be good to have my seedling under lights overnight to help with growing, especially since its still winter weather here. So i purchased a 28w 5000k cfl (cfl globes arent as easily accessible in Australia) and made a small grow area. I only had a small seedling and presumed the smaller the space, the brighter it would be? So i started with an empty beer box, lined it with aluminium foil and stuck the cfl through the top. I hung the globe approx 1-2 inches above the plant when the sun went down. The next morning in a rush to get ready for work, I decided to leave the lights on and see how it went. I came back after 24hrs of light and the growth was incredible. It had grown more in that 24hrs than it had for its first cpl wks of life!! So then i decided to leave lights on permanently and who knows, maybe i can even harvest before their ready to go back outside? I also had 5 other seedlings which i was awaiting to sprout so after the 1st night, I made another setup the same and put the seedlings in. Another 24hrs passed and the seedlings sprouted! Also, the plant was growing new leaves each day, so I asked for some advice about lighting. Someone told me that 75w of cfl is needed for vegetation and 100w of cfl for flowering? After much searching, and another 72hrs, i finally found somewhere to buy a 48w 5000k globe so I purchased 2 and put 1 each in both setups. Not much time has passed since adding the lights so not much to report. Today i am looking at picking up a wardrobe, 1800mm high x 1400mm wide x 500mm deep to transfer 2 plants into. I will purchase another 48w 5000k and have all 3 hanging staright down from the top. Also, i'll buy another 28w 5000k and have 2 running in from each side and 1 running in from back of wardrobe so all sides should be covered. And of course, switching all globes to 3000k for flowering. However, when using the 28w, the globe wasnt getting hot to touch for at least a min or 2? The new 48w globes though are signifcantly hotter. I do not know what temps they are running as i have never done this before. (I hope to get out today and buy some of the things i am coming to realise i will need) And considering i have never grown indoors and know nothing about it brings me to :

Question 1 - Will this be sufficient lighting for 2 plants in that sized wardrobe or will it be too much?
Question 2 - With the extra heat from the 48w globe, should i increase the distance between the globe and the plant? Or should i be looking into ventilation?
Question 3 - How do i record the temp? I am guessing just an outdoor thermometer placed by the plant? And what temp is good and what is bad?
Question 4 - Is ventilation a must? Plants need air to breathe, right? Will no air-flow kill my babies? What ventilation? Intake? Exhaust?
Question 5 - If it is getting too hot, is ventilation the answer or will turning the globes off for 6hrs a day allow things to cool?
Question 6 - As i know nothing about hydroponics, they are growing in soil. How can i go about a watering system? And how much water is enough and too much?
Question 7 - What is the indoor schedule? I thought it was 2 months veg and 1 month flower? However, i've also read somewhere that someone else does 1 month 24/0, 2 month 18/6, 1 month 12/12? Is there a standard or is it just depending on what you want out of your plants? Or is it simply just waiting til the plant is ready to develop?
Question 8 - Someone has told me to line my cupboard with emergency blankets and i've also heard that aluminum foil is no good? Aren't they the same? And does a bright white paint job or white melamine do the same job? Which one is a better option??
Question 9 - Smell, will the smell always be there when its getting close or does smell only come from an exhaust system? How do i minimise this odour? Being it in the cupboard or exhaust system?

Well, i think that should keep me informed enough to last me a few more days? Lol. Keep coming back as I am positive i will have many more questions to come about the whole indoor world. And i sincerely thankyou for the time you've spent listening to my story and questions and greatly appreciate all the advice and tips that i receive. Thankyou. Also, i'll use this as a journal for my grow. Post pics of plants and setup so far as soon as i get back on my phone.


New Member
Sounds like you are on the right track to growing a plant. I have done pretty much the same journey as you, started off with no knowledge and some seedlings under a 20w bulb, then went up to 50w, then 100+, slowly learning along the way, and now I am at 300w of light after six weeks of growing in a wardrobe, and my plants are not the healthiest plants you will ever see - but they look good still considering the not so brilliant start in life they had. I can already see what looks like a couple of gram of produce, and I'm only three weeks into flowering (out of a total of nine weeks) so I'm hoping to see a lot more growth.

To try answer some of your questions:
1 - That should be a good amount of light!
2 - Ventilation is worth considering, just a hole near the bottom and a hole near the top of your wardrobe should help a bit.
3 - The ideal temp is around 72-76F from what I have read. Also my room temperature is around 72F, and when I switch my 300w of cfl on the temp in my wardrobe slowly rises by about 10F to around the 80s, which I don't think is a bad temperature considering I have no ventilation yet, so I guess if you find a rough room temp and add another 10F - that will be close to what the temp in your wardrobe is.
4 - From what I have read, plants prefer a nice cycle of fresh air regularly, so ventilation would be worth considering. An intake fan low to the floor to bring in cool air, and an exhaust fan high up to push out the hot air that rises.
5 - Turning off your lights is also another way you could help to keep temps down and save electricity. I like my plant to have some rest time too, it always looks happier in the mornings!
6 - I'm not much help here sorry, I'm using the standard spray bottle method! I water mine roughly every two days and it seems to be ok, one thing I have read is stick your finger in the soil two inches deep and if its slightly moist then you're ok. It's good to go through a cycle of watering your plants so the soil is nice and wet, and then letting the soil dry out so the roots can get air before you water them again.
7 - From what I can tell, you normally allow about four weeks for veg growth, and then nine weeks for flowering. You can change the amount of veg time depending on how you want your plants to grow, the less you veg your plants the less they grow, keeping them short so the light penetrates them better, but I assume you will have less bud sites due to the less growth. I stick to 18 hours of light for veg and 12 hours of light for flowering as this is probably close to a plants natural life cycle. I'm pretty sure you will definately need more then one month of 12/12 light to grow a plant that produces well, 12/12 is what tells the plant it needs to grow flowers before the end of summer is over and the cold winter hits (I think)!
8 - Not sure what is better sorry, I use emergency blankets as I hear they are better then alu foil.
9 - I have no problems with smell yet, but I think a carbon filter eliminates the smell.

Another low cost tip would be to look for some molasses (unsulphered), they usually sell it in health stores, it's a form of sugar cane and is apparently good for soil, which in turn helps the plants to grow. I hope this helps a bit, I also hope your plants are looking fine today!


New Member
Hey man, cheers heaps. That was absolutely amazingly helpful! U've pretty much nailed every question i threw out, and its good to know its coming from a man in my shoes. ;-) Pretty much exactly what i wanted to hear too! In fact, u did so well im gonna throw a few more at u - Do u know anything about hydroponics? I know absolutely nothing but want to teach myself to clone as i am only starting with seedlings, sex unknown? So, I'd like to be able to find a female or 2 and just clone the fuck out of it until I think Im ready to produce some nice strains. (Once again, in Australia it isn't that easy to get good feminized seeds shipped over) And clones can not be done in soil, right? And i dont even particularly want to go in2 a hydro shop to stay discreet and avoid publcly associating myself with hydroponics. I will prob have to eventually, but I'll pick 1 as far away from where my room is as i can! And then also nutrients, I again, know nothing. Im limited to the premium potting mix and dynamic lifter as I was planning on putting them in2 the ground. What do u feed yours, also, Im not sure if the same stuff is accessible to me without spending a lot of time in hydro stores. Anyway, my wardrobe fell through today, or still waiting anyway? Hopefully 2moro can sort something out for me as my current setups are losing a bit of light. :-( On a lighter note, here are some pics for you and for my feedback. I dont have a before pic, my first pic was taken at 24hrs of light. And each 1 after is again, another 24hrs. But (Im gonna be optimistic, and say) she was about 2wks old outdoor seedling when i started. And the last pic will be 24hrs after adding a 48w to the equation.
View attachment 2779866View attachment 2779867Setup
Day 1View attachment 2779868
Day 2View attachment 2779870
Day 3View attachment 2779871
Day 4View attachment 2779872Day 5View attachment 2779874
Day 6View attachment 2779875(24Hrs after adding 48w)

Also, what are emergency blankets used for really and where do i find them? We don't have Walmart, is it Luke a camping store or chemist or just general store? Which section do i find them in? And also carbon filters?


Well-Known Member
That light should do. Ventilation is a must, you need to move some of the stagnant air around to help plants respirate. For veg 24/0 or 18/6 are fine. 12/12 os standard for flower. One plant wont stink to bad just put some dryer sheets over a fan and it should cover it up, but dont worry about that until flower. Also aluminum foil has an uneven reflectivity that can burn plants mylar or white paint is much better, water until you get some runoff.


New Member
ahh your pictures didn't seem to work, not for me anyway, maybe you need to try a different format like a simple jpeg!
I don't know much about hydro or cloning either too, sorry. That is something I one day plan to look at but you're ahead of me on this one!
Here is something I did find:

By the sounds of it, you don't need to grow it fully hydro, you just need to let the stem sit in water for a period of time, and maybe use rooting powder to encourage the roots to grow, then I guess it is safe to put them in soil if that is what you want to do. Just do a few google searches and look at a couple of methods so you get the general idea.

I use the ionic range of nutrients so far, ionic grow for veg, ionic bloom for flowering, ionic boost for late flowering, just because my friend had some left which he let me use. It's not easy to find such a wide range of feeds here too so I guess its whatever is available in your country. I don't really know a great deal of feeds and which is best, but ionic is one, and fox farm is another brand I believe. Usually if you put them into ebay etc, it comes up with a few more varieties.

Yeah you would probably go to a camping store/section to find an emergency blanket, It is basically just a thin sheet of plastic kinda foil like material that reflects light, and I guess heat. There really low cost and used for quick and simple emergency shelter In bad weather. Not to sure about the filters sorry, I just ebay everything like that (:


New Member
i, I'm really new, first indoor. I dropped a 48w 5000k cfl globe on my plant for a good few seconds which burnt it a bit. Next cpl days, it really didn't grow much? It was on its 5th node so i cut of the burnt top. 2 days have passed and it is successfully growing 2 tops, however at the bottom of these tops, looks like its growing balls? Is this possible since it is still receiving 24/0? Is it male our hermaphrodite? And if so, if i clone it, will it produce another hermaphrodite? Thankyou. Id upload pics buy they don't seem 2 work from my phone?


Good luck to you! I don't think it's possible to show sings of sex at 24/0 - correct me if I'm wrong, elders. As for the carbon filter, there is a cheap and easy diy out there.
Hopefully you can get some pics up soon. All the best.

Edit: Also, most grow shops I've been in carry odour neutralizing gel.. ona gel. comes in chunky and smooth from what I've used. Doesn't completely take care of smell alone, but it will make your room smell like a doctor's office.