Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Do you have any pics of your suoer lemon buds?
lool, \\ wow I was really bad grower in the beginning. kinda embarrassed to show you one of my SLH harvests.this was in 2011. i actually harvested this like this. i cant find anything else not a real good example of some better buds of SLH i grew sorry.
nice MOE!
aint seen no more spiderz on the SLH outdoors. They already smell amazing like LEMONS!!
Im shocked how huge they have gotten!!! they look amazing!!
SO I will cut them in half and up can to a 5 gallon smartpot this weekend.

My clones aint doing so great.. the plugs wont dry out.. one clone has ZERO roots.. I pulled it out of the plug and saw no new root growth... it was wilty..
The other one looked kinda perky , I gave a lil tug to pull it out and it seemed more anchored soo.. im going to try to get my waterfarm up and running and stick her in that before she dies...

I mainlined one C99 and one OGCASEY!!!!
I will be moving all of them out of the phototron this weekend.

I need to buy 2 new MH bulbs... Hope I can find a good deal.

mainlined and SLHoutdoors 001.JPG mainlined and SLHoutdoors 006.JPG
mo yo!

I went to the Seattle Hemp fest today! it was a beautiful sunny day but it was sooo hot!
The fest was its usually mellow crowd gathering zombie fest.. with not much going on.. lol.. just fun to gather together, but really wish it offered more

I found out from a vendor that the Seattle Cannabis Cup will be held in my HOME TOWN this year! I cant believe it! The Wailers are going to be there. Im so excited that I moved back here at the perfect time. I can actually walk to the CUP from my house if I want. If you go please let me know!!!!
Thank Mo!
I got some of that copper tape and cut the trees in half.
This is a HOBO spider. My entire house is surrounded with these. Its pretty scary.
One was crawing on my head and I wisked it off into the sink.
Thank gAWD it didn't bite me. There bite can be as wicked as a black recluse.
super lemon hazes outdoor 011.JPG
super lemon hazes outdoor 009.JPG
i'm not sure if you're having all the luck or no luck. that spider looks hench. hometown bup sounds bitchin. you should enter.

lemony scented fun for all
im getting the Western Cedar Trees that are hanging over the roof cut back in a couple weeks and then a pest spray, that should help.
It really stoked my lame ass redneck town will get a kick in its ass and start to step it up and hopefully get some better scene downtown. visitors im sure will presently be disappointed,lol. the county projects to make 3.2 million off the event. why seattle (king) county gave this up,? well its all politics folks, and it looks like Snohomish county got some pull BIG TIME somehow.

I don't have my stuff at the level I would like to enter the cup. I will be working on it this next year. Booths are expensive so I really want to KILL it when I enter.
Im working on this now..The ARC Spaceship 001.JPG
The ARC Spaceship 003.JPG
@DST yo
got ur Dog biOches in doggie tron
yeah mon, dat one vetty vetty sshpecial Dog s1 and 5 other doggies.
I going fuckin rock this Dog Pound mate and rock the PNW with some real killer Dog Dank!

DOG aug2014 002.JPG DOG aug2014 003.JPG
thanks @Mohican !! The candy was toetally ahhhshumm mon. got a real sugar rush that, im flying higher then high.:blsmoke:

I m going to spray a garlic/oil/liquid soap detergent bug/ mold/ mildew spray on my outdoor SuperLemonHazes before I move them inside. (the garlic and oil is refergirating for 2 daysS)Summers over now here and i really don't see these girls fattening up out in the PNW doom and gloom. a big time Canadian farmer at THC hooked me up with this recipe and link...

I got some nice items at the hydro store today.:bigjoint:
  • Bush Doctor COCOLOCO
  • All Natural Organic NEPTUNES HARVEST crab shell
  • Roots organic Uprising bloom
Theses items i will mix together for the soil for the DOGS.all of which are doing fantastic.!:fire:

i also bought SONIC BLOOM Flowering Booster. Humboldt Countys Own. with Vitamin B1.
all systems are on.. VEG TENT, FLOWER TENT and PHOTOTRON> I should have plenty of medication by the end of the going perpetual.bongsmilie
awe thanks mr. moe joe RISIN...! I moved the SLH outdoors indoors under scrog screen 600 watts hps for faster flower power. real bummed both my C99 and other only OGCASEy really lookin male now that I put them in there flowering as well. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! but some good news.. im getting another ALIEN ROCK CANDY CLONE... WHOO HOOOOO FUCK YEAH!!!!! superLemonhaze out to indoors scrog 003.JPG
Yo my homies, doggies, ili niglets.YO! i got nothing bu tLUV 4 U.

well its been quite a wild rough ride for me since returning from ARizoNEah. growin at home here in WA for bouts 7 weeks...

I really fucked up everything.
im way behind schedule and wasted time and money in the process.

I pulled all 4 of my sLH from indoor to outdoor think them all male . WRONG..
2 ended up being female so I grew them outside for a month. THey got big and thought it a good idea to spray them with a weird garlic oil mixture..
then like a fuckin moron put them in my tent to flower. WEll they look like shit now , skinny and shriveled up with dying leave.

I can pretty much tell they are a totally waste of time.
and will amount to NOthin much but a waste of precious real estate...

My 2 OGCASEYS were def male FUCK!! they looked sooo fine.
and out of 2 C99s... the one that still might be female I butchered into a stupid mainline plant that I cant really clone very well....

But nothing all has been lost... what was gained was small but might be a fuckin gem of lifetime... I took a clone from one of the female SLH outdoors and its in the waterfarm fuckin EXPLODING , looking just incredible...

In retrospect of my stupid moves.. I did what I should have done to begin with ... pop a bunch of THE DOGS and move them along into a short veg and big time flower...

I will be looking for a female to clone from the Dog litter..
In the mean time I will take a clone from the SLH waterfarm and get her going.

In the horizon im waiting on an ARC from my homie...and other fire clones if the doggies who told me they would share the love are actually real or just another fuckin wacko I met online full of shit loser.

PEACE OWT to my real homies..
Hey DAT,
Life is a journey. Just keep learning. Subcool has been growing for 30 years, and he is still learning new tricks :) You will find a special magic cut (at the cup) and then you will grow it to perfection and be world famous!
