Yo my homies, doggies, ili niglets.YO! i got nothing bu tLUV 4 U.
well its been quite a wild rough ride for me since returning from ARizoNEah. growin at home here in WA for bouts 7 weeks...
I really fucked up everything.
im way behind schedule and wasted time and money in the process.
I pulled all 4 of my sLH from indoor to outdoor think them all male . WRONG..
2 ended up being female so I grew them outside for a month. THey got big and thought it a good idea to spray them with a weird garlic oil mixture..
then like a fuckin moron put them in my tent to flower. WEll they look like shit now , skinny and shriveled up with dying leave.
I can pretty much tell they are a totally waste of time.
and will amount to NOthin much but a waste of precious real estate...
My 2 OGCASEYS were def male FUCK!! they looked sooo fine.
and out of 2 C99s... the one that still might be female I butchered into a stupid mainline plant that I cant really clone very well....
But nothing all has been lost... what was gained was small but might be a fuckin gem of lifetime... I took a clone from one of the female SLH outdoors and its in the waterfarm fuckin EXPLODING , looking just incredible...
In retrospect of my stupid moves.. I did what I should have done to begin with ... pop a bunch of THE DOGS and move them along into a short veg and big time flower...
I will be looking for a female to clone from the Dog litter..
In the mean time I will take a clone from the SLH waterfarm and get her going.
In the horizon im waiting on an ARC from my homie...and other fire clones if the doggies who told me they would share the love are actually real or just another fuckin wacko I met online full of shit loser.
PEACE OWT to my real homies..