Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Young plants can have very pillowy leaves as they grow faster than the structure can handle. This will go away as they mature. You are doing great.

If you saw how my current group of plants look you would throw up! They will all be killer eventually.
@AllenHaze, thanks for the sound advise. I tried to find your sLh grow diary but was unable to locate it. do you have one? if not feel free to post pictures here for me to drule over.thanks again for stopping in to help me out im such a NOOB!
@OGEvilgenius ok I think I will hold off for now. I really don't have many plants right now
anyway.thank you for the good advice. I let the cups go dryer and then just gave one good soaking to see how much they ate, then when the cup is less heavy , feed them again!
@Mohican thanks for the support and advice Mo, always appreciated . wonderful to have such master growers like yourself and DST to have my back. I love you guys!
@DST Thanks so much! man u have been with me and support me through all my triumphs and disappointments. much respect and love to you my friend.

I found this super cool used gear hydro store in seattle today. very cool guys and they have like anything and everything a grower needs for cheap. They will buy back any of my used gear, even nutes! lol....So I picked up what appears to be a brand new adjust a wing reflector.. except it has NO labels or logos.. its just completely generic but EVERYTHING about it looks exactly the same as the Avenger... BUT for half the price. Even the plastic covering was the same.. so I grabbed it! The owner said that there is a place in China or somewhere over there like that where an entire town is just Hydroponics factory's.. all our ballasts, lights , reflectors tents ect.. are made.. then they are labeled and logo placed but products are exactly the same adjust a wing 001.JPG
FUCK! I took the light out to compare it to the real Avenger and its NOT exactly the same!!!lol
its bigger and when I looked really really really close the patterning was not the same. Im talking miniscule differences but now I realize that they tried to copy it as closely as possible but missed some important details... like buying what appears to be a Gucci bag but is not the real Gucci bag. never again!! im bringing it back. I have a terrible track record for buying stuff that I end up returning. total character flaw.
Cheaper goods have a time and a place I think. If you were running an industrial set up with 100's of lights etc, then that extra 1-2% you get from lighting that is 2 or 3x dearer than the rest is probably worth it, but on indoor set up I doubt there would be much difference. Plus we are all constantly changing our set ups just to tweak things here and there and try out new tech's, so not many people run the same lamp and shade etc for like 10 years:) I don't know, maybe I am just a tight arse:)
:cool:@Mohican , no laughing gas for you eh? I know the fuckers charge an extra 75 bucks for it..oh but what a rush...hee hee heee:twisted: knuk knuk knuk :shock:
@Don Gin and Ton :cool: its cool mate, returned it no problemos at all. going to transplant the lil babys right now into one gallon cocos and move them into the 4 by4 tent under MH. as soon as I can tell sex I need to take a clone. Do I have to flip to 12/12 before I can tell sex I don't remember?
@DST:eyesmoke: yeah I know what you mean mate. dO I have have to flip to 12/12 before I can tell sex I don't remember. I wanna take a clone. I never did that before.
Have a nice weekend everyone!:peace:
Back in 78 I bought a new fangled V shaped bong from the head shop (which were in malls back then). My friends and I proceeded to smoke a ton of hash all night. The only problem was that the bong sucked water up one leg of the V tube and when you stopped pulling, the waterer rushed back down the tube and ejected the chunk of hash!

Tried to return it the next day and the guy was shocked. He had never seen a rig get so oiled out so quickly. He gave me an inflatable bouncy ball, a metal gizmo and a box of nitrous cartridges in exchange.

Place the inflatable bouncy ball opening over the metal gizmo, put a cartridge in the gizmo. Tighten the lid to puncture the cartridge and fill the ball. Remove the gizmo and inhale the warmed up nitrous gas. We sat in the mall parking lot taking turns hitting the gas. It was an amazing headrush :) I still hit the gas on the whipped cream can when the cream is all gone. Always get one good hit :)
HA HA, :lol:yeah moe, I used to do those exact same whip its ALL THE TIME back in Jersey with my girlfriends my last year in HS. My Texan GF was a heavy metal party ANIMAL. her daddy bought her a new IROCK sportscar and we drove that bad ass car to Philly and NYC every weekend partying going to concerts getting high doing whipits... Best whip it experience for me was doing one right before entering the Holland tunnel , all fucked up in the tunnel, I felt like I was bLasting through space on a rocket ship.
WORD about hittin the gas in the can. I didn't know you could wait till the end. I thought you had to hit it when full and my whip cream always goes flat...:dunce:

I transplanted the kiddos and the tent is holding steady at 85 degress 8)with no fresh intake air, no AC, and the light on 400 watts 12 inches above them. PNW is a great place to grow indoors in the summer!
Here they are 10 days old.:hump:2 are growing faster for some reason?:shock:SLH 10 days old 002.JPG
you can tell before flower but you gotta wait a while....looking healthy. There's always folk dotting around Amsterdam at festivals with black bin liners full of laughing gas balloons for sale....well there use to be when I done things like go outside.
huh, why don't u go outside anymore///////////////////////?
I am germin 4 more s33dz.. 2 cindy 99s and 2 OG x casey
I skipped the paper towel method this time. Something has suddenly sickened me about the paper towel method. It kinda reminds me of being on the rag. so I aint doing it no more.
im working on finishing a painting full of pink cancer ribbons and pot leafs instead.TOOL!
i topped one of the bigger ones yesterday. thinkin bout mainlining the larger one.. but its a sativa so not sure good idea. plus mr. trichomes thinks mainlined plants are butt ugly. I might just fUckimissed it if I can find my scissors... The painting is coming along well. Healing Awareness its woman, cancer, ganga.... a way of life.HeaLing Awareness Painting 009.JPG HeaLing Awareness Painting 010.JPG
hey DAT you can take a snip and just put it in a shot glass and put it into 12/12 you'll see sex pretty quick :wink:

good to see your ladies up in the hizzouse!
That's really neat , I didn't know that , I will try it , thank you DGT!
You can also set the phototron to 12/12 and after they show you can put it back in veg.
WOW, I didn't know that, that's really great news. Do I have more of a chance at hermi since its confusing the plants a bit? Thanks Moe!
the faster growing ones are prolly males if same strain
that's really good info I didn't realize this... It makes sense . I will remember this as I flip and see if that is the case.
certain small people in my life kind of restrict my outdoor activities now:) but probably for the good of me:)
I bet he is so cute!

I finished the Painting! THe OGCaseys are just growing like mad. Those seeds were super healthy. The Cindy 99s were super super slow to crack, finally they did and I just helped take off the shell from there first lil leaves.. SO the straight to soil worked terrific. I had to do a bit of operating with the tweezers but it was no problem.. all 4 germed and look great!
and my new Secret Jardin DR 120 tent arrived today! YEAH!!Healing Awareness 001.JPG

Thanks everyone for the help, much appreciated, have a wonderful weekend!!