Super Cropping


Well-Known Member
genfranco, you got me thinking about trying it this year. Well this morning I bent over several. Oops I even broke one, guess that one was a little too severe. I'll post some pics of them after they set. Knowledge is power, thanks. slabhead
my mate waits till he is about to flower then he count 14 up the main steem then cuts it off then ties all of it down is this super cropping he get good yeild doing this!


Well-Known Member
What does the pinching do? I have some huge outdoor girls in soil I'm about to bring inside and lay them down on their side before flowering. How is this different?


Well-Known Member
What does the pinching do? I have some huge outdoor girls in soil I'm about to bring inside and lay them down on their side before flowering. How is this different?
its not different really as long as you leave the plant on its side throughout the whole flowering period... but i say bending a 6 foot tall plant and fitting it into say a 4' x 4' room with a short cieling is easier than trying to lay it down sideways. in your case being outdoors you have all the room you need.

its just a way to maximize yield if say you have limitations on space or the number of plant u can grow... but beware if you dont do it right it can slow down the entire grow process completely


Well-Known Member
nice plants guys, here is my contribution, it's my last grow

and this one is then next one in rotation


Well-Known Member
So you guys actually cause the stem to kink so it folds over? And the plant continues to grow despite the kink? I always thought you had to splint such an injury.


Well-Known Member
i pinched a top cola before so it was just hanging upside down for like the last month of flowering and it was fine i did it on purpose lol
so do you get more yeild with super cropping? or would you get the same amount of yeild if you didnt and just let it grow normal, or what about if you just have 4 colas, help me out guys.


Well-Known Member
nice plants guys, here is my contribution, it's my last grow

and this one is then next one in rotation

fuckin A :hump:


Last grow? nosey so ill ask why?... selling or donating your shit? let me know man... Its time to expand over at my house....LOL


Well-Known Member
fuckin A :hump:


Last grow? nosey so ill ask why?... selling or donating your shit? let me know man... Its time to expand over at my house....LOL
hahaha, that plant was all personal use, i got and 24.6 g off that one plant alone. I will never grow any other way then super croping, i don't usually pinch tho but it does help. I just tie the bitches down and keep pulling them outward. :) i'm running out of space to fit plants because they are hella spidered out. *drool* can't wait for harvest. altho i have found i need to get a 1000w and a Co2 system. My buds where a little fluffy


Well-Known Member
Do you also top them? Also, you didn't answer my question about your bending tecnique. Do you actually bend the stem until it kinks?


Well-Known Member
Do you also top them? Also, you didn't answer my question about your bending tecnique. Do you actually bend the stem until it kinks?
srry bout that, i do top them a few times just to get alot of tops, but i don't really kink them, i bend them to a 45 degree angle and tie them down. here are my girls as of just now.



Well-Known Member

k so this is the only way i can fig how to post pics... theres a branch in there.. a few pics of an avg size plant in the room... the side view pic, leaves look a lil droopy but it was first thing in the morn.. they was still yawnin!!! then a few pics of the 7 plants in the room ( or what i could fit on the camera...) ceilings 5ft so couldnt fit it all in but u get the idea... this is 10 days after suppercropping.. i gave them 14days to recoup and they have now been in flower for 6 days and r much fuller... im still doin a bitta bendin but quite posiably did my last today, but we will see... i think now im jus gonna leave them, strip the bottom and pinch each top with no bend for the meat!!! so what about the original tops b4 i bent them?? sum sit lower then the canopy and r around the sides... they gonna be good still or what??? other branches get in the way and i dont wanna spread the pots too much cuz ill have to lift my light.. ill take pics in week 2, 4, 6, and 8 to show progress.. cheers!