Super Cropping


Active Member
Thank you genfranco. I know you think im a newb grower. i have grown a female under 400w hps with 4 ounce yield using lst and was looking for a newer way to grow. thanks for the help



Well-Known Member
Thank you genfranco. I know you think im a newb grower. i have grown a female under 400w hps with 4 ounce yield using lst and was looking for a newer way to grow. thanks for the help

Sweet man... no worries about a noob or not... I dont care about those things...

Umm so "new" way... well i wouldnt call it that...hehee.. But..

so im guessing because of space issues your limited to 1 plant right?

I have tried i believe all of the main ways to grow... lst,sog,scrog,supercrop,and natural (leave it alone) i have topped and fimmed my heart out....

after all that... i have learned a few things... the main are the following

1. growing indoors is very different than outdoors becuase of the wonderfull sun. The sun has that stregnth to penatrate... indoor lighting just dont... So watch out for how many tops/shoots/branches you make or youll end up with a shit load of very nice thick buds in the first 6-12 inches... and then very airy shitty buds on the lower of the plant. (carefull when you supercrop dont let those side shoots grow to much)

All that 18 inches or so of plant under the canopy doesnt get shit for light if you do it too thick... LIke i said. 4 to 6 main shoot design is the best

2. donot top a toped branch unless youve waited enough for that branch to grow at least 3 branch sites. if you top a topped branch and you donot allow those 2 new branches to establish them selves right (about 3 nodes) youll end up with small side branches instead of thick main one looking ones. (wow... lkinda like a riddle...LOL)

3. in soil you need fertilize wisely. ( I still seem to like to give them too hot of dosses and it really stunts the growth)

Main rule... 50% of whats advertized on bottle (in most even less than that)

I beleave that a 1 to 2 topped plant ... grown for 4 w
eeks..(or as tall as you can bend over..meaning how much room you got on the sides?).... then bent over for a supercrop for 1 week and put into flower would do the best as far as yield. Make sure the bend is pretty low ont he plant so you get the most "tops" see my pictures where people mentioned i hit them with a truck...LOL

There are tons more but im getting tired..LOL

good luck.


Well-Known Member
so ive bent mine and the branch has a fold in it wont this cut off the internal water pipe just like if you bend a hose

you would think so right?
My theory is that when you make the bend 2 things happen.

1. all of the side shoots above the bend withing minutes they start making there way towards the light. Of course you cant really tell anything till the next time the lights come on... but its happening.

2. Where the hose pinch is at...LOL ... its start building up the walls of the plant and is able to send up nutrients no problem... (some guy explained on the thread about how the plant recieves nutrients from the roots on the outer layers of the branch...and that the "inner tube" is more like the way they move nutrients around the plant for other branches.... or its waste channels not sure... ) i think it was something like that Honestly man im no scientist... Im just baseing my knowledge on what i read and observe while i grow my plants...

It just grows like that!


Ps.. try not to pinch to hard in the begining.... pinch softly till you feel it caved in a little. then slowly and effortlessly start bending form the tip of the branch... it doesnt move? pinch a little more... (or make another pinch above it...that works reallly good too...kinda like a Soft supercrop you bend a little ..then bend a little above that... then a little above that.. on and on till you dont need to to bend the plant over. Most of the times it only needs 2 )..

basically try and be gentler with it... but like a said man... they do fine with the kink too...


Well-Known Member
i did add some nutes, but not much, i made sure my water was 6.5 ph and only added nutes at a ppm of about 250. I put some root tone, ff big bloom and some AN Voodoo Juice in the ph'd water. i transplanted it tonight and the roots were pretty big. hope i'm not hijacking if i show you a couple of pics. thanks.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
i did add some nutes, but not much, i made sure my water was 6.5 ph and only added nutes at a ppm of about 250. I put some root tone, ff big bloom and some AN Voodoo Juice in the ph'd water. i transplanted it tonight and the roots were pretty big. hope i'm not hijacking if i show you a couple of pics. thanks.:leaf:

dont really mind it in this thread at all lady... especially since youll try supercropping a branch for me....LOL...

those roots look real healthy.... so now that you tranplanted your soil is good for about 2 weeks... (depending on strain and brand of soil up to 4 weeks)..but after 2 weeks you can start giving her low ppm dosage you did .. 250 300.... and dont ever go over 500 no matter what people tell you... i have and it burns your leavs... bottom line. ...people confuse that with it needs more....when they are burnin...LOL

OK... bye bye..


Well-Known Member
kick ass your plants look like some1 has belly flopped them. my first attempt aat supercropping is a succsess the plant didnt even slow down growth wise. im gonna batter the bitch till she gives me what i want. supercrop all the way genfranco baby yeah you the don


Well-Known Member
Can you do this into flower? Could it work on this plant? I topped it, would I benefit from Super Cropping it? Could I bend the top 2? I'm confused? I don't want to hurt my only purps :(


Well-Known Member
kick ass your plants look like some1 has belly flopped them. my first attempt aat supercropping is a succsess the plant didnt even slow down growth wise. im gonna batter the bitch till she gives me what i want. supercrop all the way genfranco baby yeah you the don
(in raspy voice) Thank you for your kind words.

Can you do this into flower? Could it work on this plant? I topped it, would I benefit from Super Cropping it? Could I bend the top 2? I'm confused? I don't want to hurt my only purps :(
Well looks like you just put it in flower. IN which case i say yes. youll love the results... plus it will bring the canpy lower.. lower the light and get the botto of the plant bette rlight = more buds!

So hell yeah and good luck.

Better on sativas or indicas? Or does it matt:?er?
Doesnt matter my friend. I would consider that with sativas there is a bigger stretch... so do it and then throw them into flower.



Well-Known Member
hey there.. great thread... i super croped mine bout a week ago and was wonderin how long to recoop and veg b4 flowering and came across this thread lookin for answers... every question and answer needed is in here.. thx!!! i didnt read it all, its like 40 pgs, but got sum answers i was lookin for... except 1.... if i bend it down and then cut the original top will that promote the nodes to grow faster/stronger or shuld i jus leave it??? sure i know they will grow on there own but jus wondering if it would help... i was also wondering what u harvested off those 6 plants??? im sure its in here but i dont wanna search for it...

what do u think is more effective?? a 3-4 week vegged, supercrop perpetual grow with say 36 plants, 9 every 2 weeks??? or a no veg sog with bout 80-100, 20-25 every 2 weeks??? no veg sogs r alota work... cloning, veging, watering, transplanting and such to all them plants, how much of a diff do u think the yeild will be??? if the sog is higher, by how much and how long do u think they the supercropped plants shuld be vegged b4 flowering to be round the same yeild or how many 3-4 week vegged plants supercroped wuld it take to get the same yeild as the no veg??? im lazy but want lotsa dope!!! :)


Well-Known Member
hey there.. great thread... i super croped mine bout a week ago and was wonderin how long to recoop and veg b4 flowering and came across this thread lookin for answers... every question and answer needed is in here.. thx!!! i didnt read it all, its like 40 pgs, but got sum answers i was lookin for... except 1.... if i bend it down and then cut the original top will that promote the nodes to grow faster/stronger or shuld i jus leave it??? sure i know they will grow on there own but jus wondering if it would help... i was also wondering what u harvested off those 6 plants??? im sure its in here but i dont wanna search for it...

what do u think is more effective?? a 3-4 week vegged, supercrop perpetual grow with say 36 plants, 9 every 2 weeks??? or a no veg sog with bout 80-100, 20-25 every 2 weeks??? no veg sogs r alota work... cloning, veging, watering, transplanting and such to all them plants, how much of a diff do u think the yeild will be??? if the sog is higher, by how much and how long do u think they the supercropped plants shuld be vegged b4 flowering to be round the same yeild or how many 3-4 week vegged plants supercroped wuld it take to get the same yeild as the no veg??? im lazy but want lotsa dope!!! :)

hey bro i already answered via PM.. but i wanted to add to your question on what would be better.

As you say there is allot of work in an 100 plant sog system... Supercropping is great for getting the canopy covered with less plants.

I filled a 4x4 section with 6 plants and i mean there was no room when you look from the top... no light got to the bottom AND it was done with a 400 and not a 600... I know that the 600 has better penetration, but still it was just too thick.

Again the great thing about the small shit in the bottom... Which i got a LOT of.. was that i quit smoking cigs by smoking that stuff for 3 weeks....

whats best?.. well what you doin? is this a comercial grow? or personal?

personal = less work the better for me...

commercial = more work more toys.

At least thats how i would go about it.

As far as anything to assist growth .... i wouldnt say faster.. but pinching stems have always done a great job for thickness and strenght. I pinch all the time im in there during veg.... I Dont like messing with the ladies when they are blooming.


Well-Known Member
thanx bro.. ya its comercial.. either way it seems like less work then a sog!!! altho lighting may be a bit more pricey this way for ill need to veg under a higher MH then if it was jus my mums. ima go ur way tho.. thnx agn!!!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering where you'd been. Hadn't seen many post from you lately.....

I know right... Dont know if its the purps... or the 8 miles high... heehe...

thanx bro.. ya its comercial.. either way it seems like less work then a sog!!! altho lighting may be a bit more pricey this way for ill need to veg under a higher MH then if it was jus my mums. ima go ur way tho.. thnx agn!!!
No problem... what kind of space you working with? lights?.. I do have comercial dreams...LOL.


Well-Known Member
I know right... Dont know if its the purps... or the 8 miles high... heehe...

No problem... what kind of space you working with? lights?.. I do have comercial dreams...LOL.
oh ya??? perhaps u could give ideas... im in a 8x4 tent thats 5.5 high so vertical space is a bit of an issue... a 400mh and 1000hps... hempy except my mums.. i wanna keep the mums in dirt... its not a super comercial but its way more then i can smoke seeing as i dont that puff all that much anymore(enuff to keep my sanity)haha... im aimin for a lb a mnth min...


Well-Known Member
oh ya??? perhaps u could give ideas... im in a 8x4 tent thats 5.5 high so vertical space is a bit of an issue... a 400mh and 1000hps... hempy except my mums.. i wanna keep the mums in dirt... its not a super comercial but its way more then i can smoke seeing as i dont that puff all that much anymore(enuff to keep my sanity)haha... im aimin for a lb a mnth min...

ill hit you up in a minute on the pM..