Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

I chopped the Headband and LA Con, talk about a domino cluster fuck! My shit all started to fall over(again). One of the peacocks bent at the base and snapped before I could get back to it. It was a split kinda break so I threw 2 zip ties around it and staked it up some more along with the other plants. I got a good chuckle out of everything falling to shit on me, I was actually LOL'n while I was scrambling to try and hold up branches while I reached for stakes with a shoed foot. I managed to at least knock the pile over in my direction. At any rate they got cut into more manageable sizes, a 3 minute trim and hung up on the wire to dry.

This is what the LA Con looked like once I got it through the door.

Here is the headband on the wire

Some upper closer Headband

More Bando de Head

Both plants on the wire. I was already fizzling out from the first plant so the second one only got cut into a few pieces instead :) I'm THAT lazy!

I'll upload more in a bit, gotta help the old lady with some shit.
Bando de Head. :)

I wish there was surveillance video of you trying to hold everything up while securing things. I sorta imagine it like a cartoon.

Good luck trimming all that stuff.

And is that the new camera. Don't mean to sound like a dick but that batch of pictures didn't look anything like the previous batch. Or was that your phone or something?
Those were phone pics again. I was gonna use the other camera then everything went to shit. And yeah it was like a cartoon or some other show with bad acting like Open House.
You didn't like DJ and... haha, I don't know that show. I didn't like it much either. I think the Cosby show was the only 'family' type show I watched like that. The other stuff was teenager stuff like 90210, My so called life, and Parker Lewis
I forgot I did start taking pics with the better camera last night, before I saw everything falling apart. So I didnt get very many. I figured oh I'll just get some good pics on the next trim. I gotta admit too these plants had more bud than I thought they would. There was a lot of branches intermingling throughout the others. So that was a welcome surprise. If I ran tomato cages I can get another 1 or 2 in there I'm sure and save a lot of headache, so yeah tomato cages next.

Some better yet not the greatest photos still... First and last pic are Headband, middle 2 are LA Con. They went 51 days in flower and only got a 4 day flush.



Oh and some more cell phone pics that weren't too bad. Think these are headband.


And the room with a little rearrangement. I would have turned off the 600 if I felt I could stuff the remainders under the 1k, but figured whats another week or so.
You inventing shows? Was that on Nick?
This made me think of that movie, Happy Texas I think it was. This one guy says something about "we" and the other dude is all what's this we stuff? Did you go and grow another face?!

You know... Growing faces and inventing shows is very similar!
Heres my Peacock that tried to take a concrete nap. She's zipped and staked up now though, holding on! She split down the middle where the 2 ties are. You can tell I was in a hurry because theres a dead leaf under the zip tie!
This is the LA Con I tinks. 24 hours hanging

And this is the headband.

If they're dry enough after 48 hours I'll give them the majority trim tonight. Weeeee huh not.
For whatever silly reason Ive tested the LA Con and not the Headband which is odd considering my entire next round is Headband. Anyways, the LA Con was a winner, I was high over 2 hours which is a long time for my 2 hitters.
You are rocking your thread Chaka!

I loved the taste and buzz of LA Con....not typical, either of them.

Great work, and a fast finish.

Fuuuuuug the trimming... I'm still working on the first plant. This is the LA Con 100g (48hrs dry) in the ziplock and still gotta do the rest on the bench. Maybe I'll start plant #2 tomorrow! Maybe I'll finish plant #1 tomorrow! See Bassman this is why I don't yank em all in the same day! I'd be left with a cripsy mess by the time I finished!

So I have some trimming to do, and some more weight will be lost but its at 12.6oz for the 2 plants right now.
I'm the same way chaka, thats part of why I like my perpetual grow. I don't love trimming....and having a bunch of bushes to trim all at once would be alot. Those are some lovely bushes though, and the reward sure looks very nice!!
4 days dry and trimmed. I'm still going through my drying method to the end before I pop into the jar with the boveda packs. Tis my thought that to get the bud as close to cured first anyways is going to increase the longevity of the pack since it won't have as much "work" to do. I would imagine that you could go to the glass early and let the pack do some of the work if you don't mind using them up. I'd also like to see what one can do with some overly dry bud. I might do a test on that.

So 4 days, and as trimmed as they're gonna get from me. The LA Con weighs in at 7.3oz and the Headband at 3.4oz. Trim 3oz. The headband shriveled up a lot on me and I would have let it go a little longer if the dying leaves hadn't started working their way into the bud. 4 more plants to harvest still, 2 this weekend and 2 sometime after.

Everything else is at 55 days flower. Heres Girl Scout Cookies. Sorry the frosty doesn't show up with a cell phone taking pics through a pair of sunglasses with no flash!

Peacock? YP? I don't even know anymore... it doesn't resemble either really. These buds are really fat but I can tell they're also pretty hollow when I squeeze them.





Group shot

Oh yeah I almost killed some clones! Forgot to water them and hadn't even looked at them in a day or two, 2 of them were kissing carpet, or trying to.