Supchaka's 1600 watts of LOVE!

Heres the peacock looking like a beauty. I'm still determined to cross this with something ala Chaka OG!



Heres an 18 day headband

I think this is a YP

I had some other pics of the GSC and LA Con and I can't tell them apart so much anymore.
I had the pleasure of having Jig over yesterday. It was his first time seeing my new grow room. He said the scale of my grow is much larger than it appears in photos/video. Everytime I take pics or video I'm like dammit, it all looks bigger in person! Funny mention though is his apparent OCD with removing dead leaves. He turned into rain man a little bit. Ohh dead leaf on the plant, dead leaf, can't have dead leaf. Let me pull this leaf... here, ok dead leaf is gone, where do we put the dead leaf? :) LOL My back corner plant has a BUNCH of dead leaves I can't even think of getting to remove without possibly damaging some other shit so remain they shall!

You know I gotta admit this coco grow was an accident but I must say I'm liking it. (other than the watering hassles) I've not had a single bug, except a random housefly. I've seen it all and the overall cleaner aspect of hydro is just nice. I've had whiteflies, gnats, spider mites and other random pests and none of that this grow, but I also have a pretty sealed room with even an AC filter over my intake now. It was first meant to keep dust out from working on the stairs but I think I'm just going to keep one permanently.

My wife got some school money yesterday and she told me to go buy myself something since she was out blowing money too. I walked around best buy for about an hour unable to find anything I just "had to have" I was gonna get an iPad mini just cuz I don't have one. I already have an iPhone, macbook and iPad 2 so it would have been a serious boredom buy. Decided against it. I did pick up the apple tv. which is pretty fuckin cool if you have other apple stuff. I bought one 6 months ago and returned it out of sheer spite that it didn't come with an HDMI cable. We currently use our DVD player for shit like netflix and hulu etc on the downstairs TV and its slow as fuck so the apple tv really zips through menus in comparison. You've also got airplay which allows you to connect any apple device to the tv wirelessly and mirror the display. Thats a pretty neat feature. The main purpose of buying the thing was to be able to stream movies to the TV from the laptop without having to copy them to a hard drive then play them through the xbox or ps3.

ANYWAYS, I decided I'd go to the hydro store and buy stuff for my next grow. I needed a little flower nutes to finish this grow no matter what. Its like once I walked in the door I couldn't decide if I wanna do soil or hydro next round. I walked around for like an hour pondering, the dude probably thought I was gonna rob him. I couldn't fucking make up my mind! So I ended up buying a small $10 bottle of CNS Ripe. I'm still on the fence about what to do. I really want to run a table with rock wool, been 100 years since I done something like that. I really enjoyed the coco too once I got shit figured out. I really like soil too... I got a month to figure it out, at least I won't be behind with no plants this time!

Ok I really started rambling there. 3 cups of coffee and a diet pill woot!
Thats hilarious, I spent about 30 min today vacuuming up dead leafs from the back corners of my cabs, had to use the long extensions sliding them under the hazy susans. Im also slightly obsessed with picking dead leafs off, for the first time this entire grow Iv been layering the tops of my containers with them... The soil eats them in the matter of a few weeks adding nutrients to the soil while also helping hold moisture in. Another benefit is it releases some co2 from decomposition. I would like to add there is a risk of creating habitats for unwanted bugs, just today I found some tiny flies on the surface when I watered. I hit them with some pepper spray I had in stock and it knocked them down on contact! Still though thats a sign they have larva in the soil, good Im nearing the end for this grow,,, when I re-amend after harves I'll take measures to eliminate the unwanted buggers!

When I lived in denver and frequented grow shops often Id wonder around forever like you, eventually they knew I was just doing my thing and left me alone unless I asked something. Always like to go prepared with my list but sometimes the cogs get rolling the instant I walk in lol.
They ones that had their pitches all ready for me learned quickly I was not interested in their BS. Id kinda dickish-ly ask them complicated questions they couldnt answer then Id be like "hmm ok then, well I'll just have to figure this out on my own, thanks for trying" lol My regular shop was cool though, they liked me and all the money I spent there,,, I also got all kinds of free stuff from them though.

ANYWAYS 99% of any extra money I have is spent on growing in one way or anther,,, I cant help it! Im an addict!!!!!! Please dont help me kick my addiction!!!!
It's a good thing you're not still in Louisiana!
Them bugs get hit with pepper spray and then laugh and say: "Laissez les bons temps rouler! Pass the cayenne: it's getting cold in here!"
I could have spent an hour in there pulling leaves. It really soothes my soul. The clones look really good in their new home, got out of their soil yesterday and spent the night getting water splashed on their roots. Everything looks good this morning. I'm going to need to figure out a way to keep the rez water cool now that there isn't a big fan blowing cold air onto it.

Funny about you and the hydro shop, that's always my move too, go in and walk around for about an hour. I think it's a common thing at those places. I think there are 3 types of customers (with overlap) the guy who needs one thing and got really high before going shopping and spends an hour walking around aimlessly looking at everything, there is the guy who comes in with a list and bangs out a big order, and there is the person who knows little to nothing who walks in and says "what should I buy".

Also had to smile at your hosting manners. I got offered coffee... said no. I guess that was my only shot at a drink. lol The kid helped me out in the end. Fucking cute kid you got chaka.

EDIT: Forgot to mention... it's true... chaka's room looks miniscule from the pictures. It's a crazy jungle in there with huge plants and giant buds. Peole think my closet is bigger from the pics... that room is definitely way smaller from the pics. Odd how pictures are so misleading sometimes.
Your problem is making a decision and sticking with it! Do you want to run coco, hydro, soil! Start there first then once you make a final decision then go about spending your money! But what ever you do stick with the decision you make cause when you flip flop you end up spending more money than planned! What the heck ever happened to the ChakaTron Grow Idea????

I could have spent an hour in there pulling leaves. It really soothes my soul. The clones look really good in their new home, got out of their soil yesterday and spent the night getting water splashed on their roots. Everything looks good this morning. I'm going to need to figure out a way to keep the rez water cool now that there isn't a big fan blowing cold air onto it.

Also had to smile at your hosting manners. I got offered coffee... said no. I guess that was my only shot at a drink. lol The kid helped me out in the end. Fucking cute kid you got chaka.
Hour... come on now! It isn't that bad. You're giving visions of the trees in sleepy hollow! I did actually make an effort last night to remove some leaves and it only took a few minutes! Still couldn't hit that back corner one as well as I wanted to.

And the beverages LOL, it was like 9am, wtf does anyone else drink that damn early?! You derailed me trying to get you anything to drink at all though when you said you don't drink caffeine. Thats where the conversation turned! I'm like, Jig survives on the same thing as his soil plants... nothing :) I'll remember next time though and you can have all the water you like!

Your problem is making a decision and sticking with it! Do you want to run coco, hydro, soil! Start there first then once you make a final decision then go about spending your money! But what ever you do stick with the decision you make cause when you flip flop you end up spending more money than planned! What the heck ever happened to the ChakaTron Grow Idea????


It's not a problem its just part of the growing addiction! I'm always wanting to do something different. Typically at the expense of time and yields but its what I gotta do! My cousin has been growing for years, he does rock wool, and thats it, ever. His shit is dialed in and he hits over 2lbs every time with 1200 watts on a tight schedule. He grows from clone, not his own, but still is efficient about everything he does. I've grown the same way as him before and I think its about the best way to do it honestly. Not speaking about organics here of course but just as far as ohh commercial viability. Its scalable, easy to manage large scale grows, growth is great etc... BUT I'm afraid I'd be bored soon. The difference I think between now and when I grew 10+ years ago is that I'm much more into the growing itself now. I'm fascinated with my plants, every plant I grow. I love to watch them change and knowing they're mine. Its like I'm a little god and they're my creations. I hold their fates in my hands! Ok thats pushing it, coffee and diet pills! Don't do it kids!

Im still dying to know what the chakatron is about!
Ahh I haven't thought about her lately. I need you guys to periodically put her in my head again! I think part of whats kept me from jumping into it is that its so off the wall theres a good chance it won't work at all or be reliable. It will also have some additional operating costs which need to be weighed against the gains. Plus its not something I can just "throw together" it will take some time and effort and a little $. At the same time though I could very well revolutionize the growing world :) It is hydro though, I don't know if I mentioned that before. It could be either really but I think hydro will make more sense.
Hour... come on now! It isn't that bad. You're giving visions of the trees in sleepy hollow! I did actually make an effort last night to remove some leaves and it only took a few minutes! Still couldn't hit that back corner one as well as I wanted to.

And the beverages LOL, it was like 9am, wtf does anyone else drink that damn early?! You derailed me trying to get you anything to drink at all though when you said you don't drink caffeine. Thats where the conversation turned! I'm like, Jig survives on the same thing as his soil plants... nothing :) I'll remember next time though and you can have all the water you like!

It's not a problem its just part of the growing addiction! I'm always wanting to do something different. Typically at the expense of time and yields but its what I gotta do! My cousin has been growing for years, he does rock wool, and thats it, ever. His shit is dialed in and he hits over 2lbs every time with 1200 watts on a tight schedule. He grows from clone, not his own, but still is efficient about everything he does. I've grown the same way as him before and I think its about the best way to do it honestly. Not speaking about organics here of course but just as far as ohh commercial viability. Its scalable, easy to manage large scale grows, growth is great etc... BUT I'm afraid I'd be bored soon. The difference I think between now and when I grew 10+ years ago is that I'm much more into the growing itself now. I'm fascinated with my plants, every plant I grow. I love to watch them change and knowing they're mine. Its like I'm a little god and they're my creations. I hold their fates in my hands! Ok thats pushing it, coffee and diet pills! Don't do it kids!

Ahh I haven't thought about her lately. I need you guys to periodically put her in my head again! I think part of whats kept me from jumping into it is that its so off the wall theres a good chance it won't work at all or be reliable. It will also have some additional operating costs which need to be weighed against the gains. Plus its not something I can just "throw together" it will take some time and effort and a little $. At the same time though I could very well revolutionize the growing world :) It is hydro though, I don't know if I mentioned that before. It could be either really but I think hydro will make more sense.
You been talking Chakatron for about a year now, how much time you need! We want the Chakatron!!!!
Looks like I got a little sizzle going on. And only on the headband! This mix supposedly had nutes in it, I have no idea how much or how long it would last but it said you could go all the way to harvest with just water but the best growing are using additives with it too! So whatever that meant. I was giving it pretty much full strength stuff for the whole grow so I reckon its a burn before a deficiency, pretty much always. I'm only on day 24 of 12/12 so its a tad soon to start losing leaves. I think I'm gonna just run water for a week if I can contain myself. You don't gotta keep them alive long, but long enough!

Heres a peacock, would be nice if this filled in all the way through!

This is the LA con on top, curling a bit. Its pretty close to the 600 so I'm blaming that since the rest of the plant don't got it.

LA Con a little further down

Heres some of the headband. I got a little bleaching going on too, the lights are closer than I would typically have them with a shorter canopy.


Look at all the leaves on them left side plants. Fuck trimming plants like that. Those are the worst. I think thats a peacock or YP or neither... hard to say!

Headband again


Peacock or whatever the fuck


The GSC is hard to get photos of. Notice her nice knee there!

hey did you buy the thousand brand new with a new bulb? or was it a hand me down kinda thing? i only ask becuz i had bad juju with bulbs in my 1000s becuz they were old. couldnt tell from just seeing it but the final product suffered. i now change my bulbs every 3 grows 4 max. found out the light diminishes drastically after the second grow. the third grow is about the same intensity as a 600 the 4th was about a 400. my yields went from 11 oz off of 16 cuts straight into 12/12 with a new bulb to about 6 oz with the same plant numbers with a used old one. i only noticed becuz they started stretching more and the node spacing kept increasing with every grow. dont pay the 1000 watt price in power while only getting 600 or 400 watts of light i guess is what im saying. shit sucks that bulb life is so fucking important.

side note. the girls do look good tho. really nice job dude.
CoCo tend to get salt buildups more often then other mediums. They probably need to be flushed!

What is that leafy plant, thats not one of the clones I gave you is it????
CoCo tend to get salt buildups more often then other mediums. They probably need to be flushed!

What is that leafy plant, thats not one of the clones I gave you is it????
They've been flushed a few times. But after every flush I still hit them with full strength nutes. So I just wanted to run the water a bit. The leafy plant is from seed. Either mine or yours. If it's a peacock it's not growing like soil did.
Oh the light was used/new supposedly not even a month. The guy setup a grow in an apt garage and he got told to shut it down by the landlord getting complaints of just the sound of his fans. I know him semi well but it doesn't mean it was the truth!
Great stuff Chaka.

For the record, one can survive on only coffee and air conditioning. I know. :0)

BTW: I got the same (f'ing expensive) saucers that you found. I am going to
try them out with my hempy buckets.

I need to find a small hand pump to drain these without removing the plant.

Take care,
