sunlight question


On cloudy days does sunlight get through and help the buds develop and grow. Obviously its not as good as full sun but does ultraviolet rays still penetrate the clouds?


Well-Known Member
gonna go with a yes... infact I have heard reports saying the clouds intensify the ultra violet... could have been a myth but.. based on knowing I have been burned worse in the cloudy weather I am guess it's got some merit to it..

but yes less direct light = smaller plants hence there are certain reasons certain geographical areas are not huge in the agg world.. like England...


Well-Known Member
I will also add.......... I was told many times get that damn umbrella away from your plants man...
(too much sun esp here in the 110+ degree valley will make em wilt like an old mans weiner)

and (it was ONLY as a heat barrier)
same exact plant......... (now has a garden screen as a heat barrier- less hot now too..) I stunted her growth?? hehehehe



Well-Known Member
Several people have told me 'yes' as well, when I asked due to my tree cover and overcast weather.
I would say tree cover and overcast days are not the same. Tree cover will stretch your plants. And it's not overcast for intire grow. So overcast days no. Tree cover over time yes.