
Well-Known Member
my outdoor growing space has full sunlight all day long.
Is this 100% good? Or is it good to have some shade for some time over the day?

I dont know if too much sunlight is good for this plants... Maybe it can burn them?
It gets really hot in summer here. 30/35 C even 40 sometimes.
Temps here in Central California this summer ran above 100 for the better part of three months. My girls don’t get 100% direct sunlight all day, but I still covered them in 30% shade cloth because the Sun and heat were brutal this year. Are you growing heat tolerant strains? My plants did very well growing monster buds, but trichome development was poor and the buds weren’t very dense. I’m gonna try more heat tolerant strains next year.78C7A2B3-E24F-4423-B6C8-8DA940FF8CCF.jpegF92E75F8-DAB3-4D33-82A2-3F9C262A6262.jpeg
I do put in sun but you have to have some shade. Here it 105 summer so i have to worry about water in the direct sun all the time.But i Gorilla grow so i only see them a few times a year..I pick good morning sun till middle of the day.
If you got time and place.. I would sink a tire in the ground.Fill 3/4th way full Plant in tire will help you save on watering so much. Cover tire in ground in the
I had multiple ancestors fight. All for the confederacy. At least 14 were in mounted regiments from eastern Tennessee and Virginia. Not one Yankee. But I've had my ass kicked in person and I'm man enough to accept it. Took a better man to do it but he did it. Damned dummies from the south. Too many grit dinners starved brains.