Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

Abysmal Darkenin I read your original post and then went and googled sungazing and sun charged water. It sounded interesting to me, so I read all I could find. Although I'm a bit lazy to commit to sun gazing. I believe it could work. Suncharged water is much easier. Set it and forget it until the evening.

Anyways, I put some water in the sun to charge. I started drinking it that same evening, while still warm. That night I could not go to sleep until 2am. I usually go at 10-11pm. Next morning I was up a 6 am. Thats only 4 hours sleep. I continued drinking more and I was charged and more active than I had been in years. I wasn't tired that day for lack of sleep. I'm usually napping at some point though the day. Well not this day.

I definately believe in suncharged water now. I give to to my pets now also. I'm hoping for it to help them with some health issues. We will see. Thanks for posting the info. I have used it and believe in it.
Just like having too much energy drink :) right ? :) Do you know that animals do sungazing too but their eyes do not get fullspectrum :) so they cannot feed only from sun like experienced sungazers,
Abysmal Darkenin I read your original post and then went and googled sungazing and sun charged water. It sounded interesting to me, so I read all I could find. Although I'm a bit lazy to commit to sun gazing. I believe it could work. Suncharged water is much easier. Set it and forget it until the evening.

Anyways, I put some water in the sun to charge. I started drinking it that same evening, while still warm. That night I could not go to sleep until 2am. I usually go at 10-11pm. Next morning I was up a 6 am. Thats only 4 hours sleep. I continued drinking more and I was charged and more active than I had been in years. I wasn't tired that day for lack of sleep. I'm usually napping at some point though the day. Well not this day.

I definately believe in suncharged water now. I give to to my pets now also. I'm hoping for it to help them with some health issues. We will see. Thanks for posting the info. I have used it and believe in it.
haha some people are so ignorant to the way things work, im with you on this Abysmal Darknin.. ur crazy if u think this trick wont work, what happens to water that sits in darkness? it goes bad, so i wonder whatt happens wen it sits in light?

Generally speaking, I believe it develops algae. Not exactly an expert, but that's what happens to my pool when not taken care of with the proper chems. ;)
i use rain water, is this the same?

Rainwater is great for plants bro. I started a thread about Rainwater VS. Tap water... everyone seemed to agree that Rainwater would be best. Because in a plants natural environment.. this is what they receive, rainwater.

Can't go wrong there.. but I would check the PH of the water before using it. Just as a precaution.

hope that helped answer your question..

Rainwater is great for plants bro. I started a thread about Rainwater VS. Tap water... everyone seemed to agree that Rainwater would be best. Because in a plants natural environment.. this is what they receive, rainwater.

Can't go wrong there.. but I would check the PH of the water before using it. Just as a precaution.

hope that helped answer your question..

what if all the rain you get is acid rain?
theres no way this could work, you body needs proteins and sugars to survive and run. there is no way light photons can supply that. you should really learn how your body works.
theres no way this could work, you body needs proteins and sugars to survive and run. there is no way light photons can supply that. you should really learn how your body works.
protiens are just chains of molocules made up of compounds mostly nitrogen. sugars are made from carbon hydrogen and oxygen. you should do some research yourself about how your body works because clearly it isnt something you fully understand either.
protiens are just chains of molocules made up of compounds mostly nitrogen. sugars are made from carbon hydrogen and oxygen. you should do some research yourself about how your body works because clearly it isnt something you fully understand either.
i know what they are, but all light is, is either waves or photons, and neither of those has the ability to create anything. there is no organelle in you body designed to pick up photons and transfer/create them into amino acids/sugars, like you need in order to survive.
light is energy isn't it? do you know what is needed to rearrange molocules? light is splitting apart parts of your body constantly there is also these things called mitochondria that pick up all the pieces broken off and carry them where they need to go. all that is needed to make sugars is the energy to break the compounds down and the enzymes to rearrange them.
Wow. This reminds me of the "Breatharians", the too believed you could get all your nutrional needs from breath and sun. Funny thing was, when they went to interview this lady, her cupboards were full of food!
So, what happens to a plant left in the sun? does it not get the same 'nutes'?

Anyhoo, glad ya found a way to keep the grocery bill down, and good luck. I will stick with my program for now, but when the world ends, I'll keep your methods in mind.
I believe the sun helps anything it touches. Im not to sure I could just give up eating and stare at the sun twice a day for my energy intake. I would much rather enjoy a nice meal. I am not a religious person at all, I think 99.9% of religion is fake. There is some truth out there. I personally look to the sun as my god, for without it, I wouldn't be here, nothing would.

The Father - Earth - Solid
The Sun - The Sun - Comparable to a GAS
The Holy Spirit - Water - Liquid
mitochondria dont pick up the pieces, mitochondria make ATP and the energy our body needs to work its muscles. if we could actually live off of sunlight dont you guys think that evolution would of found out by now, considering that animals and us spend most of our time in the sun. think about this for a second, plants spend their whole life to get to a mediocre few feet and the animals we eat come around and eat the plants within in seconds but they need to be doing this all day in order to get sufficient energy. and plants unlike us are designed to feed off the suns energy. Comin this is a website about growing, we overload our plants with hours of sunlight and nutrients every day and it still takes months to get a few feet. how could we an animal who isnt even designed to take energy from the sun who needs 100000x more energy than a plant requires, acquire what we need in 45 minutes of looking at the sun, when we use more energy in one day than a plant does in a lifetime. and dont forget plants get nutrients and water as well. im sorry but this just doesnt add up if you think of it logically.
All humans make mistakes of logic, memory and perception. The scientific method was designed to help humans avoid logical mistakes. When people are not aware of these fallacies they get confused, and may embrace fringe beliefs.

It helped my life tremendously to be able to see through lies and bullshit; To understand why large amounts of people believe in things like ghosts and God. I started by learning the most common logical fallacies from a website called the skeptics guide to the universe. You can also load the skeptics encyclopedia and look up sun-eaters. This had been around for a long time and thoroughly debunked.

There is no shame in being fooled into believing something that isn't valid. Even the best and brightest minds get fooled. The shame comes from defending your beliefs with ignorance. Never claim something is proven scientifically unless you provide references.

And one of my pet peaves, although it is used correctly in most of these posts, the word energy ALWAYS means only one thing; the ability to do work. Energy is not something that floats around in a glowing ball. Energy is not something that is influenced by positive and negative feelings. Whenever you hear a statement about energy and you cant replace the word energy with the phrase "ability to do work", then it is a misuse of the word.

Correct statement - We can harness energy from the sun. (we can harness ability to do work from the sun)

Incorrect statement - This old scary house has a lot of negative energy. ( this old house has a lot of negative ability to do work)

One last thing. Atheism is not a religion, atheism is the dismissal of religious concepts.

Common logical fallacies -
Logical criticism of fringe beliefs -
dude, energy can and always will be used as more of a general term. u know there can be multiple definitions for a word right?
Some interesting things about the person who made sun-eating popular...

From James Randi
[FONT=arial, helvetica]However, we have to look at what happened in 1999 when Jasmuheen agreed to undergo a challenge issued by the "60 Minutes" TV show in Australia. They confined her in a hotel room under a doctor's care, but after only two days of this, she began showing symptoms of high blood pressure, dehydration, and stress. Asked why she had these problems, she said it was because of "air pollution," so the show moved her off to a mountain location where the air was probably much better. Two days later, she was ill again. Her speech had slowed, her pupils were dilated, her pulse was almost double the normal rate. The doctor in charge said that her kidneys were in danger of being damaged, so the experiment was immediately terminated. [/FONT]

In other words, after 2 days of eating the sun and nothing else, she appeared to be stressed as would someone who hasn't eaten for two days.

[FONT=arial, helvetica]You should know that to date, three of her followers have starved to death by following her instructions. If she has the wisdom to command them to die, she should have the smarts to know when she's going down that slope, as well. Jasmuheen said of one of those dupes who died, that he was "not coming from a place of integrity and did not have the right motivation."[/FONT]

So eating the sun requires integrity and proper motivation to work, I'm sure glad gravity doesn't require these things.

[FONT=arial, helvetica]Jasmuheen claims that her own DNA has changed shape from 2 strands to 12, "in order to absorb more hydrogen." She's already been asked by the Australian Skeptics if she'd allow her DNA to be unraveled, and they offered her A$30,000 — which she said she'd think about.[/FONT]
dude, energy can and always will be used as more of a general term. u know there can be multiple definitions for a word right?

When your using it in a scientific context the scientific definition would seem prudent.
alright, but im saying most people arent chemists and dont think about what they are righting as long as it sounds right and makes sense, which every single person on this forum has made sense with it. I mean you got what they were trying to say.