Sugars and Rum


Active Member
I have some White Rhino Girls in dirt and pots out in the Greenhouse that are starting to flower and they are very pretty. The other day I was reading another board an entry from someone that was adding molasses at the rate of a tablespoon a gallon of water once a week and applying that to make the buds sticker.

As I was sitting in the greenhouse with that Creedance Song running through my head I said I wonder it that works? Then I was thinking what if I also added some Black Jamaican rum that I have first burnt the alcohol off of, will that flavor it?

Anybody got any ideas or knowledge on this?


Well-Known Member
I cannot comment on molasses but I really like sweet from Botanicare. I'm not sure that you get a flavor contribution in the end but it certainly makes a difference in the overall final product.

BTW, save your rum for drinking.