Sucks to be a middle aged white guy!!!


Well-Known Member
A few days ago I was telling my friends how glad I am that im white. Its the getting old part that sucks. If don't like being white you could always move to harlem and paint yourself black and see how life treats you. They had a reality tv show where they did that. It was funny because the people just looked so fake, no one was falling asleep for it.

match box

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what middle age is. I'm 61 and I've never been better. Ya I have all the problems that come with age but I seam better able to handle the change up life can throw at us. Look for the good in life it's there.


Well-Known Member
I just smoked 5 bong hits and then exercised like crazy for an hour.

I plan on living to 112.


Well-Known Member
re: trousers
112? why in the world
would you want that?
The enjoyment of people changing you diapers?
You can live to a really old age and still be physically fit. Not all old people are in diapers and on life support or miserable.


Well-Known Member

it must be very tough to be a white male in america nowadays.

if you need a shoulder to cry on, i am here for you. as a fellow white male, i know how tough it is.




Sector 5 Moderator
I'm 60+ and don't take one drug or medicine (other than a few tokes of pot each night). I don't even take vitamins (yeah, I know I should). I work a full time very physical job, not like hanging drywall or riding bulls, but still... So considering all the alternatives to getting old, I'm good with it.