Sub and Matt Rize


Active Member
I been out of the loop for a few months, but i thought sub called out matt/disowned him but i watched TWN 176 and he referenced matt. Same guy or did i get something wrong.


Well-Known Member
basically matt rize had subcools grow ripped after he took him in after losing his home.. total piece of shit
Hold on a sec. I watch Sub's show and he has never mentioned having his garden ripped nor having Matt Rize live with him. He has in fact mentioned Matt a few times and said that just because he was working with other hash makers he still likes matt. In the last episode he was at Matt's house for a turkey dinner. So, given all that, are you sure you have that story right?


Active Member
What happened was Mat Rize wouldn't make subs hash anymore because sub had someone else make some hash for him and mat didn't like this and stopped making subs hash

What I got from the new episode was sub kinda of bashing Frenchy, when there talking about the hash and they make the comment its white cause there NO WATER in it then you here them kind of giggle

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Ouh La La! you are getting all pump up again for nothing. Sub has ALWAYS say that he likes matt IWE the best and if I understand well Matt has been making up for mistakes made , and not only with Sub, which shows a lot of balls. I do not watch the Weed Nerd to tell you the truth but I do not see how they would be "bashing" my Hashish since I advertise leaving humidity before press to get a waxy texture. On the other hand I do not believe that water oxidize trichomes otherwise it would be apparent as soon as they come in contact with water. This is another story that I will argue big time with Sub and possibly Matt.
I have never been Sub official hash maker, we are just friend and time to time I do some hashish tasting so good that color is not relative anymore. He did enter the Cheese Quake at the Emerald Cup, would he enter anything less than perfect or as close to it as possible?


Active Member
you didn't hear them laugh when sub say its white cause theres no water in it or something along those lines maybe I'm just taking it different then most oh well

I just watched it again and maybe bashing is the wrong word


Well-Known Member
people are always looking for ways to create drama.

i've heard enough of subs rants to know that if he doesn't like somebody or something he will come and and say it in a very clear and concise way, usually with a colourful choice of language. i never heard him talk bad about frenchy or matt, so i can only deduce from this that he hasn't got a problem with either.

you people should stop watching so many soap operas.


Active Member
he doesn't come out and say anything bad he just makes comments about mats hash not being black cause there no water in it and makes another comment about it not having water(you hear them laugh) witch I took as them saying if your hash is black you've done something wrong thats all, its like they're indirectly making fun of non white hash
And for the record I don't watch soaps or tv at that my time is spent growing and processing the dank


Well-Known Member
if you are so busy why are you reading in to little details so much then?

you are creating a drama where there shouldn't be one. i'm done on this subject.


Active Member
I'm not trying to create drama I was just commenting on what I heard and no one asked you to comment so if you don't like what I have to say well i'm sure you can figure it out

I should also say I was only trying to see if anyone else heard what I heard and took it the way I did thats it, do come and accuse me of trying to start drama and saying I should stop watching soap you don't even know me


Well-Known Member
I look at like this, there's no solid data to say one way or the other is the "right or wrong way" it's a preference thing IMO. Personally I like the pressing way it just works better for me. It's also one of those things if the quality is there I don't think it matter if frenchy or Matt makes it, as it will be good from both. Plus they pressed the hash in the end anyways. It's just different meathods I don't think you could say one is better than the other

as far as water and pressing is concerned I could care less about the color of my hash, if the quality is there I feel my job is complete.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its like fights over BHO being oil or shatter or wax or sap or budder. theyre all similar enough that people shouldnt be fighting over them but do.

Id smoke any of their hash and probably would like them both equally.

Remember when Gypsy Nirvana got arrested??? He was very vocal about how much he hated him haha.


Well-Known Member
Another sub hate thread probably not meant by the author but haters will hate. Matt makes kick ass hash as does Frenchy. Matt wants to work with Frenchy and sub respects them both so where's the problem. Maybe a lil less pot stirring and a lil more working on your own gardens and you can have haters too.

stay dank