Students say Obama immigration quote racist…when they think it’s from Trump


Well-Known Member
This is what you support with "open borders" policy

Do you really think this kind of kooky crap convinces anybody to change an opinion?

I don't. I think that propaganda crap just reinforces the beliefs of a minority who are hooked on right wing conspiracy bullshit.

Tell us more about the Illuminati.


Well-Known Member
This is what you support with "open borders" policy

Wow, rat-child. You sure are fierce. Nobody would know it in person because of your stooped posture, insipid appearance and sallow completion. But hey, that's what assault rifles are for! Amirite?

Let's meet up for some beer and jalapeno poppers, unless that's too ethnic. Then we can have potato skins.
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Well-Known Member
I say, "You have a beautiful daughter"
Epstein says, "You have a beautiful daughter"

Oh my god, same words. Stupid thread.


Well-Known Member
Letting anyone who wants to come in do so. Or do the Democrats only want open borders with Mexico and poor countries? Please enlighten me
I live close the border with Canada, do you define the Canadian border as open, and would that have to change under your 'closed border'.


Well-Known Member
You mean other than Brown people bad, white people up north good? If I go to Canada, they check my i.d. ask be what I am aboot to do and let me on my way. Is that an open border to you or a closed border?
are you actually this stupid? Or trying to make some dumb point?

Thats not immigration, its called "visiting Canada" lol