Students say Obama immigration quote racist…when they think it’s from Trump

The point of this line of conversation is to get one set of the people quicker to call racist and the other to be more offended by being called a racist. Trump can come in whip up a racist fervor, trolls come in and play clean up behind him making it impossible to talk because someone will inevitably say something shitty while 'defending' Trump, and get pushed back on by a friend or family member and they will feel justified to troll right back on how it is not racist and libtards have infected you. And so nobody is able to talk.
The problem is, Trump called all of them rapist and murderers and drug dealers and that SOME of them MIGHT be decent people.

Obama stated that immigrants gave the United States "a tremendous advantage over other nations" and that it has "shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities".

He went on to say that "Families that enter our country legally and play by the rules watch others flout the rules" and that he wanted to enforce the laws that we have, make everyone play by the rules and more closely police immigration policy as a whole, especially when it comes to the criminal elements that threaten our safety.

If you can't see the difference between the two, then you're the racist.

Obama's full speech is attached.

Poor racist right wingers...have to take a short section completely out of context to make your racist, womanizing, child molesting, treasonous, combover asshat look good.


Cabot Phillips Media Director @cabot_phillips on Jul 18, 2019 at 8:36 AM EDT


  • Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips traveled to Georgetown University to ask students about a president's statements regarding illegal immigration and deportation.
  • The students assumed the statements were from President Donald Trump but they were actually from Obama.

President Donald Trump announced that he would use ICE to track down and deport illegal aliens who have been convicted of a crime.

The move prompted outrage from many on the Left who accused the practice of being anti-immigrant and unprecedented.

“I didn’t expect it to be Obama… it never occurred to me that it could be him.” Tweet This
Proponents of the move pointed out this week that President Barack Obama gave his support to the same policy when he was in office and bragged of deportations of criminals having increased 80 percent during his tenure.

In 2014, Obama gave an immigration address from the White House, in which he said:

We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable, especially those who may be dangerous. That’s why over the past six years deportations of criminals are up 80 percent, and that’s why we’re going to keep focusing on threats to our security.

Wanting to know what college students would think of this quote and whether Obama was "racist" for wanting to deport illegal aliens convicted of a crime, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to Georgetown University to find out.

After being told the quote came from “a president,” students offered near-universal condemnation for it, as well as the policy of deporting criminals.

“I think that policy comes from a place of white American nationalism,” one said, before another added, “Donald Trump has embraced this rhetoric of racism and xenophobia that’s not beneficial to our country at all.”

“I don’t think that quote stands true,” another stated.

“It’s just really awful."

After gathering their responses, Phillips played each student the video of Obama’s speech, showing them he was the president the quote belonged to.

“I thought it was the Trump administration that said something like that,” one bewildered student said, while another agreed, saying “I didn’t expect it to be Obama… it never occurred to me that it could be him.”

“It’s quite surprising. I thought that was from Trump,” another said.

“My understanding of Obama vs Trump is that Obama was more liberal as far as amnesty… I expected that quote to come from Trump.”

One student said it reminded him how hypocritical many politicians have become: “One person can say something five years ago and next thing you know it doesn’t apply to them anymore and they can now be the morality police for whoever is in office now.”

What did the others have to say?

Watch the full video to find out.

Whatever Trump lover, eat a dick.

What's your excuse for this one? "Oh wait, but they were tricked into thinking Trump said it" - Stupid, gullible, blind cunts.

Obama stated that immigrants gave the United States "a tremendous advantage over other nations" and that it has "shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities".
legal immigrants. We used to get immigrants from all over the world. Now we get immigrants from Mexico and latin/south American who are poor and uneducated and come for free government programs/handouts.
legal immigrants. We used to get immigrants from all over the world. Now we get immigrants from Mexico and latin/south American who are poor and uneducated and come for free government programs/handouts.

We still get immigrants from all over the world, you racist piece of shit.

In order of sheer numbers they are: Mexico, India, China, The Philippines, El Salvador, Vietnam.

We still get immigrants from all over the world, you racist piece of shit.

In order of sheer numbers they are: Mexico, India, China, The Philippines, El Salvador, Vietnam.

Every state currently the #1 immigration source is Mexico. How about some more diversity!

Diversity is our strength, right?

Finally getting to the point in Australia, where you can't rightly guess who's an Australian until they speak. It's fantastic!

FINALLY being an Australian isn't dependent on someone's skin colour!

Next step is removing the discrimination of a person's accent, and accepting Australian people have a variety of languages, cultures, beliefs and accents.

Are you for, or against multiculturalism?
If you're for it, then why the fuck do you care where immigrants are coming from?
If against multiculturalism, how are you not being a racist?