

Active Member
my two plants are obviously stretched they been growing 2 months and are not filling in right at all i was wondering if i could just flower them to get anything so my work wasnt for nothing

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
You might as well, right? They'll still produce something even if stretched...

And they're gonna stretch some more during flower--plants double, sometimes triple in size


Well-Known Member
you can flower em if you want, but if you want more bushiness add a few cfl's and put them really close, they should make them bush out more


Active Member
The bigger temperature difference you have from when lights are on to when they are off can cause some streching. If you can manage to keep temp at no more than a 10 degree change that should reduce streching in your plants.

If temps are Ok it could be you have your lights to high and plant is streching towards it.


Active Member
you can flower em if you want, but if you want more bushiness add a few cfl's and put them really close, they should make them bush out more
ya i think ill add a couple more on the sides and see if that helps if that dont work ill jus go ahead and flower them and see what i can get