Stress leading to Hermaphrodite plants


Can light cycle "fuckery" early on in veg stage lead to hermaphrodites. I have some small but established clones going 16 hours of light under t5's. There is light seepage during lights out. I am planning to put them in a sealed grow tent in approx 2 weeks, where they will stay in veg for another 3+ weeks after. Am I increasing the chance of hermies when I eventually flip the switch to 12 and 12?


Well-Known Member
Nope your fine, not guranteed to gets herms from stress, natures a bitch like that :-)

Has LGBT changed mother nature to some all encompasing gender yet or am i allright to still assume she is still femal and a bitch?


Well-Known Member
A herm is a herm, nothing to do with stress. I thought I had learned my lesson and flowered a plant out for a close friend. His plant/tranny cost me $20,000 Never ever again. In the early years when Cannabis was discovered it was a hermaphrodite genus. Wasn't until 7000bc that the first true female was found. A mummy of a Buddist Monk was found with seedless bud in a leather pouch He was dated @ 6000 bc they found him in a tomb. So eradicating hermies is impossible. I used to and still hate the bastards but they will always be.


Well-Known Member
If some living organism is susceptible to producing something, then its simply a genetic trait, nothing more, nothing less. Which also means that the possibility of a female plant reproducing hermies could be easily eliminated if the breeder doesn't use a female plant in their breeding program that sadly carries that trait!
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Well-Known Member
If some living organism is susceptible to producing something, then its simply a genetic trait, nothing more, nothing less. Which also means that the possibility of a female plant reproducing hermies could be easily eliminated if the breeder doesn't use a female plant in their breeding program that sadly carries that trait!
Genetics is vastly more complex than your suggesting :-)