Strawberry Dream grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I have a second round going now. I detail out my indoor grow box on the first post there with pics if interested. It is small but works fine for the amount I smoke, actually produces considerably more than I need but getting rid of excess has never been a problem.

You can check it out here if you like:

Strawberry Dream Round II (Veg)


Active Member
My preflowers showed there pretty little hairs today mr bum =P cant wait to see how she turns out ill post pics in a few days when they reallly start to show and GL in round 2! ding ding


Had to take a few yellow leaves off today, I hope its not bud rot. I put a considerable amount of worm casting dirt in the soil I used probably should have held off on how much I put in. I also found slugs making homes in the holes I drilled out of the bottom so fuck that shit. Im just going to keep bringing her in every night now since it got down to 39F last night. On the bright side of things the buds are really getting stanky and frosty. Still thumb sized but only week 4 of flower anyways. I am hoping to harvest just after Halloween sometime maybe later.


IMG_0822[1].jpg So here is how she stands today. This picture makes me feel like discounting the first couple weeks since seeing prefowers...I'd rather say she is around 2 weeks into flowering or 3. Idk what do say else but I'm getting kind of disappointed lately at this plant now with the yellowing leaves and all. I mean that's the main "cola" (psh) and I know its my first plant and a blessing that it was female but I still am feeling like what should I do about this. Sorry maybe im just cranky from splitting wood all day =/.


Well-Known Member
Drying going well. Dry box is holding steady at 64% (as good as I can get) and 72F.

So Sticky, I reached in to raise the fan up (it is blowing straight into the wall) and my arm way coated in sticky,stinky goodness. I also made a bit of a mistake on moving the drying outside of my cabinet. I overlooked the "smell" factor. I have it in a box inside my shed which is full insulated, still my yard is really starting to stink. I am hoping the drying is done by this weekend so I can move into jars with Boveda packs.


Well-Known Member
Picture 117.jpgPicture 120.jpgPicture 011.jpgi like the box i finaly broke down & bought one of those drying racks that are colapsable & hang from the ceiling i usualy harvest 6-9 plants i used to hang them all over the house [much to my wifes dismay] but as far as controled drying goes i think your method might be better especialy if you live in an area thats low in humidity i dry mine in the rack then trim then in plastic sealablefood containers burped 1-2 times daily for about a week then into the jars for the final cure humidity here can get high at times so this method works for me


Well-Known Member
lol@ low humidity. It was over 90% RH here 2 days ago. With the cardboard box I am able to get it to stay in the mid 60s and thats about it. I really should have just kept it in the grow cab with the lights off for a few days but that space is at a premium. I only do a single plant so its not too bad, but hoping to get 4 zips from it.

That would be the setup I would want if I had a bunch to dry.

Thanks Mr Vega, so glad I got the clones to take from this one, seems much stronger than the Jedi OG Kush I grew last round.


Sup bum. Looks like my girls getting a little bit of a swell now. Marijuana definitely grows in spurts from what im seeing. Still size of my thumb but I can see them getting puffier.


Here are some recent pics. Just frostier and some more yellow bottom leaves nothing really too special. I think bringing her inside at night is helping a lot, she's never droopy.IMG_0842[1].jpgIMG_0843[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
I will get full pics up later but dries weight is exactly 140g with 55g of popcorn bud for dry ice hash.


Well-Known Member
Took a bit, but I did get some photos to go with the dry weight report. Good news is that it was a bit over what I expected, with 2 more plants just about to go into flowering. No baf news really:

Empty crop:

IMG_20130920_164115_693_zps5663d1b6.jpg IMG_20130920_163203_463_zpsb220334c.jpg IMG_20130920_152844_463_zps3003fe25.jpg



Well-Known Member
congratulations you know people who dont grow think we just sit on our asses & this stuff just happens for us but in reality by the time its all said & done youve earned every bit of it im really glad this exceeded your expectations GOOD JOB!!!!


Active Member
Very Nice :cool:

I read this start to fin, in just a few days. I hope to be sharing my first grow journal with you guys real soon.
6 - 8 months research, I hope I learned enough to start ! Gotta get your feet wet sometime ...