Strange things found in Bags..


Well-Known Member
gross yo the only thing I find in my weed is an occasional hair or two... and thats on a half pound.

I used to have this hash dealer though, had the nicest hash ever... Used to buy it once a week easily... always a steady supply... always good... and then one day I bought a half... and I was smoking it... got down to the last 4 grams... and I went to cut a piece off and heard a *tink* I peeled away the hash and there was a marble inside pressed around a half ounce of hash.... I was pissed! I called my dealer and freaked.... even he was like... yo seriously??? so I showed it to him and he was like what the fuck.... and he made it right.... but yeah.... apparently his connect stuffed a marble in there somehow.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger and dealt with lots of bricked up mexican I have found leaves, other plants, pieces of plastic bags, lots of bugs, roaches (the insect kind and the end of a joint kind).


I found a chunk of wood in some reggie jackson I bought not too long ago. Didn't smoke it. In high school I remember some stuff going around with cigar tobacco to increase the weight (shady ass dealers).


Well-Known Member
One time I found a lego man head in the bag with my weed, Thought it was awesome. If i was a dealer I would totally put a unique lego guy peace in every bag (After weighing of course) It'd be the new pokemon. I'd buy from me every time then..

There was one other time I found something but by that point i was way to high to remember what is was within 5 minutes..


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, surprised nobody said this... Sometimes I find a little speck of perlite or two on a few buds every now and then.

someone else

Active Member
I remember back in the day buying some street weed, and getting back home with my friends to break it up, only to find a size-able stone within the buds.

One of my buddies tabbed it a 'hustle rock' in it was purposely put there to throw the weight off and 'hustle' us into believing the bag weighed correctly.

I've occasionally seen string or twine in bags throughout my smoking tenure over the years.


Active Member
Usually find weed in them. Some time I find liquid remains (Like orange/apple juice in the bottom of the bag.


Well-Known Member
Ive worked around the stuff for years and Use a face mask around it.
Says on the bag its a Deadly cancer causing substance.