Strange things found in Bags..


Well-Known Member
Try living in EL Cajon or Chula Vista Cali, the illegals are everywhere, but all the landscaping around here looks nice.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kizphilly
i found a lil bit of rice in a qp one time i told my boi he said was eating when he was bagging up
lol I found rice to.And weave hair,Both in a lb of sour d

lol i guess its better then what some other ppl find


Undercover Mod
I had a buddy buy bud one time that when he broke it up it was infested with fungus flys. He smoked it anyways. lol

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
One time a bought a bow and a half of some real decent flame, filled up two gallon bags completely. But it had some random ass leaves, a bud that was a funny tan color, wood chips, and some pebbles. I dont know if the shit was in their too add weight or if it was just a real sloppy job or what.


Active Member
So my buddy and i used to smoke a doobie at lunch every day. A guy he used to hang out with quit a month or so back when he got busted for warrants during a lunch pull over by the cops.
My buddy says they were in a meijer parking lot and smoked a doobie. when they were leavin, his bud made an illegal turn on red coming out of meijer. They get pulled over. The guy has a warrant and is placed in the back of the cop car, my buddy leaves and walks to work.
That night the guy is bailed out of jail. The next day the guys goto the meijer parking lot to smoke. The guy rolls up and they blaze. My buddy takes a hit and it tastes strange. Hes not sure so he takes another hit.........IT TASTES LIKE STRAIGHT UP SHIT! he says and he says so out loud."Yeah" the guy says "i had to stick the bag up my ass while i was in the back of the cop car, I dont think it tastes that bad!"

I laughed my ass off! I would never tell a soul that story!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
in hash allsorts from lego bricks to lottory tickets, plastic bags. you name it. my boss once found half a dead wasp. only half mind


Well-Known Member
So my buddy and i used to smoke a doobie at lunch every day. A guy he used to hang out with quit a month or so back when he got busted for warrants during a lunch pull over by the cops.
My buddy says they were in a meijer parking lot and smoked a doobie. when they were leavin, his bud made an illegal turn on red coming out of meijer. They get pulled over. The guy has a warrant and is placed in the back of the cop car, my buddy leaves and walks to work.
That night the guy is bailed out of jail. The next day the guys goto the meijer parking lot to smoke. The guy rolls up and they blaze. My buddy takes a hit and it tastes strange. Hes not sure so he takes another hit.........IT TASTES LIKE STRAIGHT UP SHIT! he says and he says so out loud."Yeah" the guy says "i had to stick the bag up my ass while i was in the back of the cop car, I dont think it tastes that bad!"

I laughed my ass off! I would never tell a soul that story!
THat sux

On TPB they had to ditch all thier weed to later dig joints out the dash, with bees all stuck to them..

This mornin i smoke a roach that got rained on, probably acid rain...


Well-Known Member
a little metal matchbox car in a brick oz once. i forget how much it weighed and it was in a really dry time. mostly had my best friend as a hookup for years so i didnt have to worry.


This dealer around where i live [i dont buy off of him] puts carrots in his bags sometimes for some fuckin reason.

Then this other dealer, i always use to find cat hairs in the bags:neutral:

but now i dont get shit in my bags, just that kushh.:joint::joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
ha back in hs i sold a half to this jerk off kid and a buddy of his. I happened to be on a horse property at the time of the sale so before he got there i added a quarter of green horse shit to a quarter of weed. best part was....... he came back 30 minutes later with a half smoked joint yellin about how it was horse shit.....ha...little did he and his friend know there were about 10 guys in the house who had my back on it...but they soon found out and left quietly....ha ha ha...only fucked bag i have ever sold but everytime someone says "thats horse shit" i smile


Active Member
One time some huge black dude sold my friend a sac of weed, that turned out to be trim, that had corn chips, a pube, and hair in it, No joke, I saw it for myself