Very muddy waters on both sides of the equation. Many scammers, many mislabeled cuts, and many growers that don't know how to grow. It's hard to properly ID a plant that is locked out @ day 20. People labeling strains "defining features" as a deficiency. Not all awful-looking plants can be blamed on HpLVd, which is also transmissible through seeds. I would hate to be a seller or a buyer in this market.
Very muddy waters on both sides of the equation. Many scammers, many mislabeled cuts, and many growers that don't know how to grow. It's hard to properly ID a plant that is locked out @ day 20. People labeling strains "defining features" as a deficiency. Not all awful-looking plants can be blamed on HpLVd, which is also transmissible through seeds. I would hate to be a seller or a buyer in this market.
I'm convinced opportunists bought random ass clones, reversed them and started slanging sick seeds. I agree with your sentiment. I miss the days when connections were REQUIRED to be a "breeder"
OK I registered on Strainly as Pheno Phactory, no listings yet. I hope they increase their web advertising, as I had never heard of them until a fellow grower here told me.
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I saw that a “Canna Clones“ joined and selling clones without any feedback. You can do that now? anyone know of they are the legit Canna Clone? They only list their IG ( _Canna_Clones_) but thats the one social media I don’t do
I just told a friend about Strainly. He's more plugged into the scene than me and had never heard of it either. I know I'm being redundant, but do they advertise at all?
I saw that a “Canna Clones“ joined and selling clones without any feedback. You can do that now? anyone know of they are the legit Canna Clone? They only list their IG ( _Canna_Clones_) but thats the one social media I don’t do
I contacted admins the other day and they still require 3 feedback ratings to be verified, just as you had said. So I don't know what's up with that Canna Clones listing. A lot of people just put the clone menu on their profile page info instead of listing them in ads.
I just told a friend about Strainly. He's more plugged into the scene than me and had never heard of it either. I know I'm being redundant, but do they advertise at all?

I contacted admins the other day and they still require 3 feedback ratings to be verified, just as you had said. So I don't know what's up with that Canna Clones listing. A lot of people just put the clone menu on their profile page info instead of listing them in ads.

Harder to get feedback when the sellers don’t list everything plus wouldnt they get more sales if they listed all their strains? I know PWN does that with PinkBox and SharkBite Genetics (They have White Truffle and Sprinklez not listed) I guess we shall see.
Harder to get feedback when the sellers don’t list everything plus wouldnt they get more sales if they listed all their strains? I know PWN does that with PinkBox and SharkBite Genetics (They have White Truffle and Sprinklez not listed) I guess we shall see.
I thought maybe people do that because they don't have a license, but I've seen clones listed without a license like you said. Maybe they just don't want to create a listing for every strain they've got.

If people don't know the names of your strains, they'll never find them in a search. So unless it says gelato or cookies, etc... you'd better put up some listings if you want to sell anything.
You are dealing with an already shady business if you are not ready to eat the loss I strongly suggest not playing. And that there I do not condone on any circumstances. But then again I was raised in a totally different era.
That cuts both ways. You fuck expect to be fucked back....I personally wouldn’t do it, but I absolutely wouldn’t hold it against someone who exacts revenge for being screwed over. No cops are going after this guy...but he is going to lose his cash.
The site seems unneccesarily difficult to navigate and search unless you already have a link to the seller. I haven't read through the whole thread. Is there a list of verified legit clone sellers? Does anyone know anything about Deeply Rooted? They have some really cheap cuts on there, at least compared to the other sellers I've seen.
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