Well-Known Member
Just for context you are defending someone who ripped off a guy who has severe MS and can’t afford to be ripped off.But hey why not.I have done my share of time for Cannabis kept my pie hole completely closed and suffered in the can.Getting a PayPal acct shutdown so he can’t rip anyone else off isn’t the same as being a rat and cheesing people off ?But if that’s how you want to portray the issue then so be it.I’m done chatting with ya .Just hope others read this and don’t get scammed.I shouldn’t have called you a keyboard cowboy that was unprofessional and I shouldn’t have gone to insults just because you did.I sincerely hope the rest of your day is drama free.And that isn’t sarcasm.
I agree with you 100%. Apparently we are dealing with a different mindset. Where I'm from, you fuck someone over, you will pay. People usually don't because someone will get physically beaten for intentionally ripping someone off.
No one says expect to take a loss and keep your mouth shut when purchasing product, that's ridiculous.