Just for context you are defending someone who ripped off a guy who has severe MS and can’t afford to be ripped off.But hey why not.I have done my share of time for Cannabis kept my pie hole completely closed and suffered in the can.Getting a PayPal acct shutdown so he can’t rip anyone else off isn’t the same as being a rat and cheesing people off ?But if that’s how you want to portray the issue then so be it.I’m done chatting with ya .Just hope others read this and don’t get scammed.I shouldn’t have called you a keyboard cowboy that was unprofessional and I shouldn’t have gone to insults just because you did.I sincerely hope the rest of your day is drama free.And that isn’t sarcasm.

I agree with you 100%. Apparently we are dealing with a different mindset. Where I'm from, you fuck someone over, you will pay. People usually don't because someone will get physically beaten for intentionally ripping someone off.

No one says expect to take a loss and keep your mouth shut when purchasing product, that's ridiculous.
All the Colorful Hype strains have a nice run then drop hard and the next fancy name that makes no sense takes over...meanwhile potency isnt even discussed or used as a gold standard for quality ... my buddy just harvest a 20+ units of Gushers.... looks nice...smokes like shit....meh meh flavor and 15 min head change....

Make getting High the numero uno standard .... white truffle lol that shit sounds like 1.5 month peak and crash
ive been hearing that apple fritter is good smoke for the price, theyres always gonna be new strains, everything is basically just getting recycled and some new hype comes along lol
I bought a real deal Mac1 cut from Legend Farm off Strainly. Was kept up with progress of cut, how well it was rooting, tracking info, and asked for updates after I had taken possession. Unbelievable customer service and a quality cut. When asked about cuts he didn't have, he recommended Pink Box.

Thank you for the accolade Osage and glad you were satisfied. I hope to be up and running again in a few weeks after a prolonged break. Will hopefully be able to offer some of my Lambsbread crosses in the future to the community.
All the Colorful Hype strains have a nice run then drop hard and the next fancy name that makes no sense takes over...meanwhile potency isnt even discussed or used as a gold standard for quality ... my buddy just harvest a 20+ units of Gushers.... looks nice...smokes like shit....meh meh flavor and 15 min head change....

Make getting High the numero uno standard .... white truffle lol that shit sounds like 1.5 month peak and crash
Must be a terrible grower. The couple gusher crosses I've grown has been great bag appeal with a serious stone. Gushers is bacio x TK so coming out with shit smoke should land square on the growers shoulders. Unless they got a fake pack and lord knows there are plenty of those around
Thank you for the accolade Osage and glad you were satisfied. I hope to be up and running again in a few weeks after a prolonged break. Will hopefully be able to offer some of my Lambsbread crosses in the future to the community.

Lambsbread, how I miss her.
Must be a terrible grower. The couple gusher crosses I've grown has been great bag appeal with a serious stone. Gushers is bacio x TK so coming out with shit smoke should land square on the growers shoulders. Unless they got a fake pack and lord knows there are plenty of those around
All the folks I know ran gushers said it had great flavor and hits hard.

Maybe dude got fake genetics or harvested early?
I will take the loss.I was just venting as I could have really used the money to get new batteries or cushions for my chair .I wouldn’t actually kill his PayPal cause karma is a bitch but if I wasn’t fucked up I would like to give him a slap.Life can be hard and sometimes you say things out of anger that you would never do.At least I do.Anyway I will move on.
Hate to bring up a sore topic but I realized this is the same guy I almost ordered from but didn't because he didn't reply to a question. So he recently changed names, doesn't communicate nor defend himself on the forum, has many desired cuts and cuts that aren't passing a smell test.

I've seen telemarketing operators behave like this.
So my gorilla glue taste test says it hits like glue but the taste is a faint comparison. I smells like the glue, stanky, it’s not translated to the hit though. Sadness, someone has offered to help me into a real cut, now I can just hope. For what it’s worth this fat ass jar of one off glue is still better than the dispo.

who did you source this cut from?
Hopefully this is gmo.. lot's of miscommunication ..

Def looks leggy enough to be her!

In other news, I had my Fatso cut quarantined for several months because people were saying she was dudding and wouldn't you know...she started displaying VERY weak, 3 leaved, and slow growth a little over a week ago. Glad I kept that away.

I got it from Hybrid Layne, who's a good dude. I'd blame the clonery he grabbed it from.

Some people haven't had any problems, though.
Def looks leggy enough to be her!

In other news, I had my Fatso cut quarantined for several months because people were saying she was dudding and wouldn't you know...she started displaying VERY weak, 3 leaved, and slow growth a little over a week ago. Glad I kept that away.

I got it from Hybrid Layne, who's a good dude. I'd blame the clonery he grabbed it from.

Some people haven't had any problems, though.
Do you still have it?