Storing seeds long term without a fridge?


Active Member
Hi, i've been collecting seeds over the past few months mainly from eskobar and dna and i'd like to store them for a few years but I can't put them in the fridge as I live with parents, they know I have seeds and growing equipment but I can't and also wouldn't really trust seeds in the fridge because they might get damaged or even stolen. So how could I store them without losing too much of a germination rate? I have lots of silicon gel baggie things I got from ebay so at the moment I have the seeds in plastic baggies with a silicon gel bag inside to keep the humidity down, will that work do you reckon?


Active Member
Hi, i've been collecting seeds over the past few months mainly from eskobar and dna and i'd like to store them for a few years but I can't put them in the fridge as I live with parents, they know I have seeds and growing equipment but I can't and also wouldn't really trust seeds in the fridge because they might get damaged or even stolen. So how could I store them without losing too much of a germination rate? I have lots of silicon gel baggie things I got from ebay so at the moment I have the seeds in plastic baggies with a silicon gel bag inside to keep the humidity down, will that work do you reckon?
I store mine in a 100% air tight container with silica gel in the bottom. This goes in a cool dark place.