My thoughts EXACTLY. And yes, I have to stay away from the politics thread. Hell, I don't even post that much.
We need a stronger third party, even a fourth party. Things have become way too black and white in politics. I'm as liberal as a naked hippie in woodstock, but have very strong conservative economic beliefs. Which is why I voted for Obama. I do not believe in higher taxes, but even I know they have to go up.
Obviously, you haven't been looking at our debt counters lately. He has raised the most debt out of the last four presidents. This is an ignorant post as far as voting for obama goes.
I like Obama for the most part and I don't think we've had a better choice in a long time, but his administration's stances on the DEA and MJ in particular are lame. The real power lies in congress and the senate who are controlled by whoever has the most money to throw around and people working for them. =P
Rep, Dem, makes no difference, two sides of the same coin.It's controlled by the Rep now as of November.
president obamas next term will be Afghanistan, no Iraq, maybe close gitmo....
ROFLMAO!!! Did you see his new poll numbers? At the rate he is going he might lose the Democratic primary.
Better than what exactly?president obamas next term will be Afghanistan, no Iraq, maybe close gitmo....
How do you figure?It's controlled by the Rep now as of November.
Gays can now serve openly in the military. I think that's a step forward for the country and it also re-energizes Obama's base.
Feingold 2012.
Kucinich 2012.
Although she denies it, she always denies it. Until a 'listening tour' changes her mind...
Hillary 2012.
I would estimate it's even money that he won't even run for a second term at this point.
I thought that was suspended?
And honestly, who the fuck wants to have to take showers with a bunch of fags? I don't want to no penis licking dude checking out my shlong while I'm showering.