Stoner Jobs

Apples and oranges sir. I mean what I say or I stay mute. Taking the law into your hands is only unlawful if you get caught. I don't believe in calling the law or turning the other cheek. That's just my opinion and every man does what he needs to do I guess. He wasn't telling me to rot in jail because I don't steal. I was just curious how another guy did it with a digital meter. Doesn't mean I want to do it, just like learning new things. Still legal in these parts. Peace.
Well said Bagger ;) Honestly, nothing irks me more than somebody who doesn't stick to their guns. If you believe something, made a promise/vow, commit a crime, etc then follow through on it, and be willing to deal with the consequences. Sure we all fuck up from time to time, but I'm talking about being superficial.

And no need to apologize either, I'm a pretty scattered guy, so I feel that it's complimentary for my thread to go from one subject to another! I also think that arguing/debate is good. It let's us see what the people around us are really like. Plus I don't blame you for the current atmosphere, I'd say it started when SmokaToka started getting defensive about us questioning his claims.
mr. super everything that comes out of your mouth says "knack"...your just some clown talkin out the side of his neck, straight dork, herb,lame,weenie,liar,fag,coward,wannabe,fibber,queer.... im pretty sure that covers all the different slang terms for a guy like you in ALL the different cities you have your minions and underlings pushing your fema trailers of weed. your a bitch homie, straight up. confirmed liar, you sit here and act hard and you were put on blast 110% because someone found a thread of you FROM LAST MONTH where you ask for advice for growing weed "the first time on your own"...people like you are such followers. i cant bel;ieve you actaully said ur boat,house,truck and GFs spending habit speak for themselves...truly unbelievable...fuckin aint shit, your momma aint shit, your chubby GF aint shit. your a nobody, a liar. your beneath a first time newbie growing with an incandescent 60 watter in miracle grow with grow spike nutrients in the soil. i hate liars. be a man, bitch

You forgot the most relevant name: douchebag.
so now that thats squared away. I work in a factory 12 hour shifts. it sucks but I make good money for where im at. no drugs tests except for when you first interview and stuff. everyone there says they haven't had a.random drug test in 20 years. half of the people there are either ex convicts or fresh out of high school. I've been there 4 years and have moved up to top operator. guess cause I always stay mediated and they know I'm a hard worker. I always tell them do it right or do it twice.
Cops have hidden agenda's. To protect and serve my ass. i would never suggest taking the law into your own hands though fine sir. There is no way IMO to steal electricity and not get caught, because eventually someone will look at the meter, and see it has been tampered with. WHEN not if but WHEN that happens, you blow your whole operation regardless of how big or small, the electric company now has grounds to notify police and thats when things get hazy. Being a defense attorney i can tell you the police break the law every day to gain access to homes and bust operations. A supreme court ruled 5-4 it was unconstitional to use infrared to find marijuana grow operations stating that, using the infrared in the first place without probable cause was essentially a search in itself, an illegal search for that matter due to lack of probable cause. i dont know how many times the police have had "probable cause" to search a residence with infrared due to an electric company tipping them off. Dont give them this pleasure. Also the lines are very shady because the ruling was so close. which means if they have ANY reason to even THINK your growing, they will use the infrared. Dont do it. BUT IN THE EVENT YOU DO. and GET CAUGHT. DONT ADMIT TO ANYTHING.

You have given me lots to consider for my guerrilla grow coming up in the fall.... thank you sir!

P.S. if you ain't there when the plants they find, you don't have to do the time.
Hmm... Well, with all the cutbacks they are trying to make now, I'm sure they wouldn't mind spending a bit of money on drug tests. I'm sure it's cheaper than the annual salary of the employees that it gets rid of.
they test for harder drugs than pot speed, coke, H, but not pot and heard that with all the cutbacks they're still hiring casuals.
ive been thinking about trying to work at the local post office. wonder what the requirements are.. i live only a few blocks away wouldnt even have to drive to work lol
post is great, try for other postal companies. FedEX e-mails me with new job postings all the time. The pay is usually around $18 an hour
Yeah, I have a buddy who works at UPS, he doesn't smoke, but told me they are pretty cool. The only problem is that the nearest UPS/FedEx centers are like 10 miles away, so it's a 30m commute. I don't have a car, so I wouldn't be able to work more than 1 or 2 days a week. As it is I have to borrow my mom's car to get to work, and we can barely make that work!