Stoner Jobs

well when my friend's bank account (and thousands of others) got ripped off, he met the police at his parent's house and not our apartment where we were growing, without a carbon filter
Who cares ? And what the hell does that have to do with anything ? Screw cops and jails.
Who cares ? And what the hell does that have to do with anything ? Screw cops and jails.
you're completely stupid. Theres times when you NEED to talk to the cops. Do it outside of your home if you're too much of a bitch to invite them into your grow house
Only if you get caught or tell on yourself.
In my experience, the people who don't think they will get caught, do. It's that sort of arrogance that leads to them not being thorough in hiding their tracks. Plus, the 'deserving victim' could probably help out the police on getting you caught (like you could have done to him), unless you kill him. But then you'd have to be thrown in jail!
Cops have hidden agenda's. To protect and serve my ass. i would never suggest taking the law into your own hands though fine sir. There is no way IMO to steal electricity and not get caught, because eventually someone will look at the meter, and see it has been tampered with. WHEN not if but WHEN that happens, you blow your whole operation regardless of how big or small, the electric company now has grounds to notify police and thats when things get hazy. Being a defense attorney i can tell you the police break the law every day to gain access to homes and bust operations. A supreme court ruled 5-4 it was unconstitional to use infrared to find marijuana grow operations stating that, using the infrared in the first place without probable cause was essentially a search in itself, an illegal search for that matter due to lack of probable cause. i dont know how many times the police have had "probable cause" to search a residence with infrared due to an electric company tipping them off. Dont give them this pleasure. Also the lines are very shady because the ruling was so close. which means if they have ANY reason to even THINK your growing, they will use the infrared. Dont do it. BUT IN THE EVENT YOU DO. and GET CAUGHT. DONT ADMIT TO ANYTHING.
A law breaker is a law breaker. I just think it is funny that a guy who breaks the law wants another lawbreaker to "ROT IN JAIL".
you're completely stupid. Theres times when you NEED to talk to the cops. Do it outside of your home if you're too much of a bitch to invite them into your grow house

I'm partially stupid thank you. I don't talk to cops period. If I'm a bitch, you're a cop calling pussy. I don't have a grow house. When you get busted I hope you "rot in jail".
A law breaker is a law breaker. I just think it is funny that a guy who breaks the law wants another lawbreaker to "ROT IN JAIL".
I tried to touch on that before, there is a difference between a victimless crime, and stealing, murder, rape, perjury (in certain cases), etc.

However, by the sounds of your posts, I'm willing to bet that you are some punk stoner kid under 20y/o who thinks that he knows how the world works. Now, I don't say any of that to be insulting, God knows I remember being that kid. If you are, trust me/us you will change your tune when you actually have to grow up. I'm 22 and certainly don't know all the ins and outs of th being an adult and the responsibilities that come with it. But you can bet I've been humbled quite a bit since I was that know it all punk 3 or 4 years ago!
I tried to touch on that before, there is a difference between a victimless crime, and stealing, murder, rape, perjury (in certain cases), etc.

However, by the sounds of your posts, I'm willing to bet that you are some punk stoner kid under 20y/o who thinks that he knows how the world works. Now, I don't say any of that to be insulting, God knows I remember being that kid. If you are, trust me/us you will change your tune when you actually have to grow up. I'm 22 and certainly don't know all the ins and outs of th being an adult and the responsibilities that come with it. But you can bet I've been humbled quite a bit since I was that know it all punk 3 or 4 years ago!

I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything but, I am 45 years old and have lived it son. I have never done time, but I don't wish it on anybody.
dude where I live cops couldn't give a shit about some kid growing a few plants for him and his friends. We have dealers all over the city and nobody cares. My province is NDP, they want to legalize pot

I knew some of the street dealers, they get popped, cops take all their weed and money and send them home a few hours later
I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything but, I am 45 years old and have lived it son. I have never done time, but I don't wish it on anybody.
Haha, no problem. There are a lot of kids like that here, I wasn't trying to talk down either, just explain things. I try to do the same thing with my 15y/o little brother, but he's the stubborn invincible frosh!
and your right man it would constitute extra attention to the op..... but i got this little brother .... jealousy is such a female trait .... all i did was comment on the thread man. and have nothing to prove. somebody showed a thread list of post ive "recently" posted about learning to grow ... yeah as recent as 2007 or four years ago ? like i said i found this site as a freshman in college. and have since moved on to bigger and better things .... take the ideas and learn from them. fema trailors around houston are being sold all day at 2500-3000 grand. i happen to own a deer lease, 2200 acres, and have family that equivilates to a support network ..... doesnt matter if you BELIEVE The shit i say. but i have no reason to lie ? im not even on this site that often ? what a few post in 4 YEARS ? ? ? give me a break. credibility on here is miniscule in the grand scheme of things to me..... my boat. my house. my truck. my girlfriends black belt in shopping .... is my credibility. and whats funny. is you can probably ask me ANYTHING about the operation and i could tell you .... all the way down to stealing electricity. EVEN ON DIGITAL METERS ...... yet you talk down ... which is ok .... cause i let my money talk for me !

mr. super everything that comes out of your mouth says "knack"...your just some clown talkin out the side of his neck, straight dork, herb,lame,weenie,liar,fag,coward,wannabe,fibber,queer.... im pretty sure that covers all the different slang terms for a guy like you in ALL the different cities you have your minions and underlings pushing your fema trailers of weed. your a bitch homie, straight up. confirmed liar, you sit here and act hard and you were put on blast 110% because someone found a thread of you FROM LAST MONTH where you ask for advice for growing weed "the first time on your own"...people like you are such followers. i cant bel;ieve you actaully said ur boat,house,truck and GFs spending habit speak for themselves...truly unbelievable...fuckin aint shit, your momma aint shit, your chubby GF aint shit. your a nobody, a liar. your beneath a first time newbie growing with an incandescent 60 watter in miracle grow with grow spike nutrients in the soil. i hate liars. be a man, bitch
I tried to touch on that before, there is a difference between a victimless crime, and stealing, murder, rape, perjury (in certain cases), etc.

However, by the sounds of your posts, I'm willing to bet that you are some punk stoner kid under 20y/o who thinks that he knows how the world works. Now, I don't say any of that to be insulting, God knows I remember being that kid. If you are, trust me/us you will change your tune when you actually have to grow up. I'm 22 and certainly don't know all the ins and outs of th being an adult and the responsibilities that come with it. But you can bet I've been humbled quite a bit since I was that know it all punk 3 or 4 years ago!

well said.
Haha, no problem. There are a lot of kids like that here, I wasn't trying to talk down either, just explain things. I try to do the same thing with my 15y/o little brother, but he's the stubborn invincible frosh!
Sorry guy. I didn't mean for your thread to get so jacked up over me. I just thought the guy was a little mean spirited when he said the other should rot in jail. I'm done.
a little mean spirited, jail is no fun for anyone, but i dont think he was being malicious when he was saying to not take the law into your own hands, just putting into words is discouragement of you stealing electricity.
hmmmmmmm tic toc tic toc...Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka where are youuuuuuuuuuuuu (in the voice of Shaggy yelling for Scooby Dooby Dooooooo)
a little mean spirited, jail is no fun for anyone, but i dont think he was being malicious when he was saying to not take the law into your own hands, just putting into words is discouragement of you stealing electricity.

Apples and oranges sir. I mean what I say or I stay mute. Taking the law into your hands is only unlawful if you get caught. I don't believe in calling the law or turning the other cheek. That's just my opinion and every man does what he needs to do I guess. He wasn't telling me to rot in jail because I don't steal. I was just curious how another guy did it with a digital meter. Doesn't mean I want to do it, just like learning new things. Still legal in these parts. Peace.