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Ask those who have done the heavy lifting to try and get on ballots in all 50 States.

You're either lying or wildly ill informed.
Sanders and the so-called Progressive(TM) movement lost by a margin of 12% in the primary in a free and fair election. The Democratic Party is just fine with you guys but you can't win elections or primaries in most of this country. That's all you need to know about the viability of the Progressive(TM) movement. It's a west and east coast movement and would be a successful third party in those regions.

Of COURSE it's not fit to be a national party right now. The country is moving in that direction but your Progressive(TM) movement isn't going to win elections in most states of the country this election or probably in 2020. However, if you started that third party now in regions where it can win, over time I think it could be very competitive in about 10 years.

That would take work so I understand why you'd rather just complain at the adults in the room who are telling you what you don't want to hear.
are you claiming you did not refer to hillary as "shillary" and to a murdering dictator as "mr. putin" then
Toxic schlock.

Can't engage on substantive issues, gotta go for the cheap smear.

Why are you constantly licking the boots of the banksters?
Sanders and the so-called Progressive(TM) movement lost by a margin of 12% in the primary in a free and fair election. The Democratic Party is just fine with you guys but you can't win elections or primaries in most of this country. That's all you need to know about the viability of the Progressive(TM) movement. It's a west and east coast movement and would be a successful third party in those regions.

Of COURSE it's not fit to be a national party right now. The country is moving in that direction but your Progressive(TM) movement isn't going to win elections in most states of the country this election or probably in 2020. However, if you started that third party now in regions where it can win, over time I think it could be very competitive in about 10 years.

That would take work so I understand why you'd rather just complain at the adults in the room who are telling you what you don't want to hear.
Wrong party. The greens have been trying to get on every ballot in the country as a third party and have found it basically impossible.

Since you don't do any homework, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of this fact.
Toxic schlock.

Can't engage on substantive issues, gotta go for the cheap smear.

Why are you constantly licking the boots of the banksters?
it's only a smear if what i said is untrue

are you claiming you did not refer to hillary as "shillary" and to a murdering dictator as "mr. putin" then
Hillary represented the Fortune 500 under color of a party that purported to represent my interests.

She did not represent my interests.

Therefore I bashed her positions relentlessly.

Yet I still voted for her in the general- and look what happened anyway!

So I'm through with that noise. You're welcome to keep being suckered in if you like.

It's telling that you want everyone else to shut up. So who's the intolerant one?
You voted for a person you bashed relentlessly but yet do not think that your bashing had an affect on others. :roll:
Similar to abusing your wife but yet want her to still prepare meals for you and make love to you. You can't have it both ways.
DID you Bash trump after the primary was over. From my look back you only were bashing Clinton. Trump shared more of your interested ?
it's only a smear if what i said is untrue

are you claiming you did not refer to hillary as "shillary" and to a murdering dictator as "mr. putin" then
Can't engage on substantive issues, so here you are screaming about errata, just like your model propagandist Rush Limbaugh.

Toxic schlock.

Endless, mind numbing toxic schlock. If people don't agree with everything you say, you MUST drive them away by any and every means necessary.

No wonder your marriage is failing.
You voted for a person you bashed relentlessly but yet do not think that your bashing had an affect on others. :roll:
Similar to abusing your wife but yet want her to still prepare meals for you and make love to you. You can't have it both ways.
DID you Bash trump after the primary was over. From my look back you only were bashing Clinton. Trump shared more of your interested ?
I think you didn't look very hard.

I was no fan of Hillary and I'm still not- because she doesn't represent my interests and never did.

The fact that you refuse to get this simple point tells me that you don't want to understand, you just have an agenda.
Can't engage on substantive issues, so here you are screaming about errata, just like your model propagandist Rush Limbaugh.

Toxic schlock.

Endless, mind numbing toxic schlock. If people don't agree with everything you say, you MUST drive them away by any and every means necessary.

No wonder your marriage is failing.
You could just admit you lied and it’s not a smear ya liar
Wrong party. The greens have been trying to get on every ballot in the country as a third party and have found it basically impossible.

Since you don't do any homework, I'm not surprised you're ignorant of this fact.
The issue with the Greens is the same one you so-called Progressives(TM) have. There simply isn't enough support for your factions in most of the country.

The Greens are doing OK in Oregon. This is a west-coast liberal state and Progressives(TM) are doing well here too. If you want to grow a Progressive(TM) third party, this is the place to do it. Colorado too.

Your faction isn't going to do well in most of the country today. Doesn't matter if you try to do it under the Democratic Party banner or a third party -- today. In about 10 years in areas like Oklahoma and Ohio, perhaps then.
The issue with the Greens is the same one you so-called Progressives(TM) have. There simply isn't enough support for your factions in most of the country.

The Greens are doing OK in Oregon. This is a west-coast liberal state and Progressives(TM) are doing well here too. If you want to grow a Progressive(TM) third party, this is the place to do it. Colorado too.

Your faction isn't going to do well in most of the country today. Doesn't matter if you try to do it under the Democratic Party banner or a third party -- today. In about 10 years in areas like Oklahoma and Ohio, perhaps then.
Your assumptions are incorrect and poorly researched. There are many places in the country with election laws that only allow for two parties on the ballot.

There are many more examples of how America deliberately interferes with Democratic processes.

The notion that we run a completely open, fair and transparent democracy is met with derision by anyone who's taken a look under the hood.

Your simple minded posts to the contrary simply mark you as ignorant.

I know you hate bring called ignorant but you really need to start doing more of your own homework. You've been in the toxic schlock chamber for too long and it has poisoned your thinking.
was Trump a better choice for you ?
I didn't vote for him.
Was he for you?

I voted for an obviously better choice in the primary, as did a record number of my precinct mates.

Instead of browbeating anyone with a slightly different opinion then you're, why don't you work harder at understanding what the candidates and parties in this country actually stand for?

It isn't hard to find out; just follow the money.
I didn't vote for him.
Was he for you?

I voted for an obviously better choice in the primary, as did a record number of my precinct mates.

Instead of browbeating anyone with a slightly different opinion then you're, why don't you work harder at understanding what the candidates and parties in this country actually stand for?

It isn't hard to find out; just follow the money.
You don't realize how much of a fucking joke you are do you ?
Did you just tell me to work harder to understand candidates ? Are you not the FOOL who could not recall who he/she voted for right after you voted. You are a fucking joke and it would be funnier if it was not so serious. Stop voting until you understand how.
and please STFU
I beat down all those who had a hand in getting Donald elected. You played your part even AFTER Bernie stated he was with her.
You don't realize how much of a fucking joke you are do you ?
Did you just tell me to work harder to understand candidates ? Are you not the FOOL who could not recall who he/she voted for right after you voted. You are a fucking joke and it would be funnier if it was not so serious. Stop voting until you understand how.
and please STFU
I beat down all those who had a hand in getting Donald elected. You played your part even AFTER Bernie stated he was with her.
Personal attacks followed by insults and more personal attacks. Yet somehow that's supposed to be persuasive of anything beyond your lack of manners, taste and intelligence?

You really need better role models for intelligent debate than toxic schlock slingers like Buckwit.

And again, telling others to shut up. How tolerant of you! Moron.
Personal attacks followed by insults and more personal attacks. Yet somehow that's supposed to be persuasive of anything beyond your lack of manners, taste and intelligence?

You really need better role models for intelligent debate than toxic schlock slingers like Buckwit.

And again, telling others to shut up. How tolerant of you! Moron.
me calling you a fool is not a personal attack.
Could you tell me a better word for a person who goes into a voting booth and can't recall who they voted for. I vote fool, but willing to listen to more names I should have used.