Stock Markets Look Ever More Like Ponzi Schemes

Rarely do stock buybacks occur when prices are actually low. More often than not the stock buyback is done at over-valued prices and give poor return on capital invested. It's usually just a tactic to keep the CEO in his job at a time when the company is producing disappointing results.

While you'll almost never see anybody prosecuted, share buybacks to keep stock prices high to the detriment of the company could be called a violation of duty to be fiscally responsible, that's what they usually are.

Still, if you want people to stop doing it, you have to change the laws. Won't happen under Republican administrations.

This is where tty says he won't vote for a Democrat.
Democrats voted to allow stock buybacks.

and my company is falling apart which i saw coming two years ago, posted a thread about a team member quitting and get laughed at.

what is wrong with everyone?

we're in BIG trouble.
It's easier to deny the coming disaster than acknowledge and prepare for it.
It's easier to deny the coming disaster than acknowledge and prepare for it.
the coming recession will not be as bad as 2007-8 recession because obama built an economy that even an unchecked dictator like trump cannot destroy in order to help out putin. putin wants us weak and trump will do that for him, even if it means collapsing our economy

bush had way more time to build an economy doomed for massive collapse based solely on his own incompetence and republican greed

putin will celebrate when our economy collapses under trump and trump will be pretty happy too because he will be able to use the russian mob money he launders to scoop up his own supporter's homes. his own supporters will say how much it sucks but that they still support him because in the end he must be doing it for the betterment of america
It's easier to deny the coming disaster than acknowledge and prepare for it.

Pretty much impossible to guarantee economies.

I'm more concerned with SCOTUS appts. (not to mention lower courts) which were the big prize in November '16.

The Soviet Union tried all through the cold war to do what Putin accomplished in 2016. To create division, turmoil, and influence an election. When they hack the power grid and you don't have lights for a day and a half (totally enabled by Trump), tell me again how horrible Democrats are.

Obama spent 2 years pumping money into a depressed economy to upright it.

Think Trump and the republicans will?
the coming recession will not be as bad as 2007-8 recession because obama built an economy that even an unchecked dictator like trump cannot destroy in order to help out putin. putin wants us weak and trump will do that for him, even if it means collapsing our economy

bush had way more time to build an economy doomed for massive collapse based solely on his own incompetence and republican greed

putin will celebrate when our economy collapses under trump and trump will be pretty happy too because he will be able to use the russian mob money he launders to scoop up his own supporter's homes. his own supporters will say how much it sucks but that they still support him because in the end he must be doing it for the betterment of america
No. The excesses are greater today. The leverage is greater. The assets are more overvalued. The underlying causes of the last one were never adequately addressed and in any case what protections were out in place have been rolled back. Those without a safety net are in an even more precarious position now, owing to wage stagnation.

Obama didn't save anyone except the Too Big To Fail crowd, that it's, the only ones who wouldn't have missed any meals if they had gotten the pink slips they so richly deserved.

The evidence is all there and it won't be long, what with the clowns in the Oval Orifice kicking at what remains of the foundation of the economy and starting trade wars with everyone they can.

Or have you conveniently forgotten the lessons of Smoot-Hawley?

Try to keep in mind that Russia isn't anything like an omnipotent bogeyman; their GDP is on par with that of South Korea. They're a convenient scapegoat for the real criminals to blame and deflect attention to and you've swallowed the story hook, line and sinker.
Obama didn't save anyone except the Too Big To Fail crowd, that it's, the only ones who wouldn't have missed any meals if they had gotten the pink slips they so richly deserved.

Is the entire American automotive industry the 'too big to fail crowd'?

Selective memory syndrome?
Pretty much impossible to guarantee economies.

I'm more concerned with SCOTUS appts. (not to mention lower courts) which were the big prize in November '16.

The Soviet Union tried all through the cold war to do what Putin accomplished in 2016. To create division, turmoil, and influence an election. When they hack the power grid and you don't have lights for a day and a half (totally enabled by Trump), tell me again how horrible Democrats are.

Obama spent 2 years pumping money into a depressed economy to upright it.

Think Trump and the republicans will?
You give Putin far too much credit, credit where it isn't due.

SCOTUS is a disaster, not much doubt about that. They're even now helping lay the legal groundwork for fascism.

WTF does hacking the power grid have to do with blaming either party? That's a network security issue.

Obama did spend lots of money to right the economic ship after 2008 and it worked- for some Americans. Most of us got left behind.

Of course the Republicans won't do anything more than bail out their buddies at the TBTF banks- again.

That's why this upcoming crash will stretch into a Great Depression our kids will be shaking their heads at us about, because they'll know we had the chance to do something and instead chose to squabble amongst ourselves rather than work together to head off the disaster we knew was coming.
mumble mumble dam democrats all their fault

What do you think tty, wasn't that a great impression of you?
Anything to avoid reality that the Democrats were in bed with both Republicans and industry to make it happen, which impress that everything I've been saying about them is correct.

But keep trying, ya pathetic shill.
Fuck the American auto industry and all those workers? McDonalds is hiring, right?

Just buy a Mercedes then.
Do you stay up nights thinking of ways to misrepresent what others say?

I want to see assistance for the whole country, not just the Fortune 50 at the very top.

WTF is wrong with that?

WTF is wrong with you, while we're at it?
Yes, shit happens.

Just saying stock buybacks aren't normally done for good business reasons.
Stock buybacks are just the opposite to issuing new shares. They can make as many issued shares as they want, why not allow the inverse?
Stock buybacks are just the opposite to issuing new shares. They can make as many issued shares as they want, why not allow the inverse?
Most often when people buy shares it's because they think they are a worthwhile investment.

You are defending the legal principle of share buybacks which are all right and good except CEO's and the board don't often (rarely) use share buybacks to retire shares.

You must know this. I don't see how a person can defend share buybacks without at least acknowledging that there can be some fine-tuning to prevent corrupt use of them.
I guess we'll recognize the fake lefties too. Those are ones that simply concede power to fascists by not voting because Democrats rejected Bernie.
Colorado recently changed their primary election eligibility rules; now anyone who's unaffiliated may vote in their choice of either primary- but not both.

In last month's primary, hundreds of thousands of Coloradoans did exactly that.

I might switch my party affiliation to independent.