Stiggy PSYCHO WARD for plant Maniacs

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Harry Budmiser

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Damn NICE colas, bro...
Lol. Thanks man, I think I done did a good job finally. All I had to do is get away from the negative energy, put the kibosh on the fake friends and burn deals, pull up my pampers and dig in like i've done throughout my life. There is always some fuck out there to pull you down rather than pick you up.

too bad dinero didn't blow his head off back then

Would that have been cool if somebody had put real bullets in the gun, and deniro got it in the temple. I hate that mother fucker!

More likely, its Uncle Buck
The movie, a member, or an admin? I'm lost as ussal.
her bush is in serious need of a trim :fire:
And I'm the lawnmower! vroooom!


One branch of the Grapefruit Badass! I'm so fucking tried. Giant Super Lemon Haze still to go...

one gfba.jpg



Well-Known Member
Earth to stiggy, come in stiggy, people want to know who's shirts you wear? I knew I needed your help? Wifey bailed on me, but she did go to the store and get some olive oil. Takes cannabis goo off your hand better than anything I've ever used. And it doesn't dry out your hands like iso.

Stiggy when you land, send up a flare! Otay!


Well-Known Member
Dammit. When I made an order on the vault, that peyote critical was going to be my free seed. I'm bummed they couldn't take my credit card. Is it femmed, or an auto? I'm disappointed, I really wanted to grow that strain. I'll have to live vicariously though you. lol

All I got on my mind is bacon, bacon, bacon and more bacon. I could do without the mess though! It's 56 outside at 4:21am. Oh fuck I missed 420. I think it is time to move the car out of the garage and start moving plants to the staging area. I better do this switcheroo before it gets light.

Ya rowdy, im not happy about them allowing porno and not weed. One guy posts about 30 a day, even some dicey murder videos and nothing happens to him. Of course he is far, far, far left! so there is that!
hey vis Too many brownies last nite and i feel asleep on the couch lol yeah it's the fem i won it on here in a comp so i'm happy any way. If there wasn't so many breeders on there i wouldn't go on there at all i don't do facebook or twitter and only got on IG a couple of months ago. I still get asked all the time if i'm on facebook i just walk away lol


Well-Known Member

Harry Budmiser

Well-Known Member
Would that have been cool if somebody had put real bullets in the gun, and deniro got it in the temple. I hate that mother fucker!
HEY...That's my cousin you're talkin' about ! (not really)
olive oil. Takes cannabis goo off your hand better than anything I've ever used.
Ever tried WD 40 ? That shit cleans ANYTHING off your hands,LOL
And I would come to your bud trimming party,anytime !


Well-Known Member
My plant was grown in organic soil with only 2 row and molasses teas once a week
Im sure if you plan on feeding start out like you would any plant (seemed very hardy to me) Not really sure on the nutes
Start less and bring it up slow, When I was growing in Coco/perlite I use to feed all my them right around 850ppms
Yes some would handle higher feeds but less is more sometimes.
Not sure if anyone pushes 1400ppms anymore, I use to but had a lot of leaf tips burn.
It's always a crap shoot for me LOL.
Thanks mate i will just start her slow i'm using organic based veggie nutes this round. i don't have a ppm meter but it's something i was looking at
getting but i think i'll go notill soon once i've researched it a bit more and got my compost and worms going. Yeah it seems im always chasing my ass in coco LOL


Well-Known Member
wow just wow mate!
Thank you, Rowdy!

HEY...That's my cousin you're talkin' about ! (not really)

Ever tried WD 40 ? That shit cleans ANYTHING off your hands,LOL
And I would come to your bud trimming party,anytime !

Hey I've heard of people spraying it on fishing lures, elbows, bug repellent! I have a friend who made canna salve and he calls it WD420! lol.

Thanks mate i will just start her slow i'm using organic based veggie nutes this round. i don't have a ppm meter but it's something i was looking at
getting but i think i'll go notill soon once i've researched it a bit more and got my compost and worms going. Yeah it seems im always chasing my ass in coco LOL
This run was in coco. It was my first time. I really liked it.

Welcome to my world, lol....You won't need no ppm meter there, not even a PH tester,either....I love it !
It is nice to not fuck with stuff.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my world, lol....You won't need no ppm meter there, not even a PH tester,either....I love it !
I hope once i get a few good pots going it will be a bit simpler and less work on my back. What would be the minimum pot size you would go indoors, 5 gallon? as i'm not expecting big yields and would like a bit of variety to make seeds with also.

Harry Budmiser

Well-Known Member
I hope once i get a few good pots going it will be a bit simpler and less work on my back
Oh ,believe me, IT IS !....The old fart's way to grow, LOL...I would never go back !
FUCK all that work...PHing everything, water runoff, PPM testing, and worst of all, FLUSHING pots without no drain table SUCKED...

And Good Morning everyone...

It is nice to not fuck with stuff.
LOL...Gotta go do my 'water-only' chore now...Just takes a few minutes...

Harry Budmiser

Well-Known Member
Well SHIT, and everything....I go water plants, and find spider mites in one tent...Start dealing with that...
Come back in the house, & found out the Cops had been here, cause someone had opened the driver's door on bro-in-law's car,parked out in the street, and it was reported by neighbors...Hell, at least they're doing their jobs,I guess...LOL

Earl Dean Smooter

Well-Known Member
Lol. Thanks man, I think I done did a good job finally. All I had to do is get away from the negative energy, put the kibosh on the fake friends and burn deals, pull up my pampers and dig in like i've done throughout my life. There is always some fuck out there to pull you down rather than pick you up.

Would that have been cool if somebody had put real bullets in the gun, and deniro got it in the temple. I hate that mother fucker!

The movie, a member, or an admin? I'm lost as ussal.

And I'm the lawnmower! vroooom!


One branch of the Grapefruit Badass! I'm so fucking tried. Giant Super Lemon Haze still to go...

View attachment 4211578

Excellent grow i'm_invisible.... makes me jealous
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