Stephen Hawking says mankind has 100 years left on Earth. Thanks, Steve.


Well-Known Member

Stephen Hawking is an inspiration. He can't walk, can't talk, can't eat or shit by himself- yet what he dreams up is nothing short of breathtaking. In his latest discussion, he says humans have 100 years to pack up shop and move off the Earth- or we're doomed.

This time, he's pulled back the curtain for a glimpse of the world our great grandchildren will inherit if we don't get off this rock, and soon. A true story more terrifying in its implications than anything Stephen King has ever come up with; We're in a race for the survival of our species, against the inevitability of using up the resources here on the ground and collapsing our global civilisation.

And as usual, he's right on the money with this. I've been thinking about this same 'escape window' concept for years.

We're safe- it's our grandkids who are in deep shit.

Thanks, Steve!

Stephen Hawking is an inspiration. He can't walk, can't talk, can't eat or shit by himself- yet what he dreams up is nothing short of breathtaking. In his latest discussion, he says humans have 100 years to pack up shop and move off the Earth- or we're doomed.

This time, he's pulled back the curtain for a glimpse of the world our great grandchildren will inherit if we don't get off this rock, and soon. A true story more terrifying in its implications than anything Stephen King has ever come up with; We're in a race for the survival of our species, against the inevitability of using up the resources here on the ground and collapsing our global civilisation.

And as usual, he's right on the money with this. I've been thinking about this same 'escape window' concept for years.

We're safe- it's our grandkids who are in deep shit.

Thanks, Steve!

Way off.

Way way off.

He's an excellent physicist but should probably stick to what he is specialised at.

The Earth has abundant resources for up to 12 billion people, we just need to come together as one species/planet.

We should explore space not because we have to but because we want to.

What happened to this America?

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win ..."
Unless we discover a new power source the idea of space travel is just a dream.
Interstellar or intergalactic yes but our solar system is our back yard.

The problem is adequate radiation shielding for humans to survive long journeys, spacecraft made of lead or concrete tend not to fly very well ;)

That's why ISS is in LEO, its still protected by the magnetosphere.
I'd argue truely global access to the internet can change that.
I'm unsure of this, because in developed countries where internet access is unlimited there are still all these people that debate the facts of science in favour of global conspiracies.

One of the things I read Stephen was talking about was our progress with artificial intelligence.

"Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded".
I'm unsure of this, because in developed countries where internet access is unlimited there are still all these people that debate the facts of science in favour of global conspiracies.

One of the things I read Stephen was talking about was our progress with artificial intelligence.

"Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded".

If we cannot learn to live sustainably on our own world then humanity deserves to go extinct. I mean FFS all we need to do is stop having so many kids and expanding our population. Get the world population down to 1 billion people and we could live sustainably on our world almost indefinitely. This would obviously require govt incentives for people not to have children. Something like $100,000 to get sterilized before having any children. Prices would probably be even cheaper in 3rd world countries.
If we cannot learn to live sustainably on our own world then humanity deserves to go extinct. I mean FFS all we need to do is stop having so many kids and expanding our population. Get the world population down to 1 billion people and we could live sustainably on our world almost indefinitely. This would obviously require govt incentives for people not to have children. Something like $100,000 to get sterilized before having any children. Prices would probably be even cheaper in 3rd world countries.
they are already doing that in countries that are predominantly brown and black through vaccinations and other methods, this must please you
You know that it must be serious when billionaires like Bill gates and Richard Branson are trying to figure out life in space. Ever seen the movie Elysium? I don't doubt that's far different to what life will be like in 100 years
I have not seen that movie.
First it's 1000 years, then he re-ran the equation now it's 100 years.

I'd like to hear another scientists opinion @heckler73?

If Hawkings equation was off when he figured it to be 100 from 1000, perhaps his equation is still off?
It's 1000 years if we do everything we can to preserve our planet and resources.

It's 100 years if we put Donald the Chump in charge.

He lost by 3 million votes... Nothing wrong with Stephen's math; it's OURS that's the problem!
humans need water to survive and water is a good way to stop radiation,, so the thought is to line the outer walls of the craft w/ water... sounds awfull heavy to me..

. can anyone tell me why we havnt gone back to the moon in almost 40 years now?? i know we still use the same propulsion system but computers have advanced,, a computer on board the apollo was bigger than a refridgerator.. now we have smart phones that can do more than the huge ass computer on apollo missions and less weight means we need less fuel.. i can not for the life of me figure out why we or another country hasnt gone to the moon?? it just doesnt make sence if we made it to the moon what 6 times between 69-72 then never again,, like we know all there is to know about the moon so no reason to go back?? they now say the moon is covered w hellium3 a very rare element here on earth it can be used for fuel.;. why dont we put a mine on the moon and use it as an outpost for further space travel?? pluss the moons gravity is minimul compared to earth again meaning we would need alot less fuel..once again we would need to go back to do any of these things,,now we set our target for mars,,,the moon is much closer and would be great for taking off from as a mars mission...WHY,WHY,WHY??? NOT TO MENTION HOW MANY THINK WE HOAXED THE MOON LANDING?? GO JUST TO PROVE THEM WRONG!!! better cameras today to,,w/google earth u can look at any place on earth,, why isnt there a satalite going around the moon taking pictures that we all can see,,google moon??

sorry bout the change in subject but its a subject that nobody can seem to answer,,,again WHY
I'm unsure of this, because in developed countries where internet access is unlimited there are still all these people that debate the facts of science in favour of global conspiracies.

One of the things I read Stephen was talking about was our progress with artificial intelligence.

"Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded".
I'm not half as concerned about artificial intelligence as I am about human stupidity.